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Li decided camp to increase: increased tax reduction does not only ensure that all industries

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/20 6:43:53 Browse times: 206 Comment times: 0

Li decided camp to increase: increased tax reduction does not only ensure that all industries(李克强拍板营改增:确保所有行业税负只减不增)

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Li decided camp to increase: tax reduction does not only ensure that all industries increased | | camp changed Li keqiang increased _ news

Original title: Li keqiang clappers "camp changed by": it is necessary to ensure that all tax reduction does not only increase!

In the Government work report, full implementation of the proposed camp to increase commitment to "ensuring that all industry tax reduction does not increase", the Prime Minister Li keqiang chaired a State Council Executive meeting on March 18, deployment in full swing camp increased pilot work, further reducing the tax burden.

Li said full implementation of the camp to increase, is to deepen the fiscal and taxation system and promoting the transformation of economic structure adjustment and industry "plays". He had multiple occasions that camp to increase not just a simple transformation of the taxation system, which will help to eliminate double taxation, reduce the burden on enterprises, promote industrial restructuring, development and innovation of business model, is a "far-reaching" reforms.

Authorities estimate said implementation of camp to increase this year is expected to be to reduce the tax burden of more than 500 billion yuan. Li said this year′s central government deficit increased to 3%, increase of 560 billion yuan deficit, the money is mainly used for business tax cuts.

"The money really to the point, the real ′ value ′! "Li keqiang stressed that" camp to increase after its implementation, to ensure that the tax reduction does not increase! ”

For national unification of the tax system also helps to reduce the tax burden

On March 5 at the opening of the national people′s Congress, Premier Li keqiang said in the Government work report, full implementation of the camp changed from May 1 increase, and stressed the need to "increase tax reduction does not only ensure that all industries". Li keqiang, read this tone is not high, but to win delegates greeted with applause.

"Delegates applauded not just for you, we speak to count, commitments must be honoured! "Li keqiang said the Executive meeting of the State Council on March 18.

Concerned departments are described in the report, since the pilot projects to camp increased from 2012, at the end of 2015, pilot projects to national camp increased taxpayer amounted to 5.92 million, total tax cuts of 641.2 billion yuan. Camp changed after the increase in full swing, 2016 tax for the year is expected to exceed 500 billion yuan.

In cases where the economic downward pressure continues to increase significantly to business tax cuts, means that public finance deficit pressures facing and for enterprises, is a real policy of reducing the burden of red envelopes.

"Pilot projects to fully opened the camps increased, not only for national tax harmonization, will also help relieve the tax burden of enterprises, against the economic downward pressure. "Li keqiang said. He stressed that the tax cut is equivalent to "recuperate" for most enterprises, and finally achieve the "explosive" growth.

Over the years, Li highly concerned and strongly promoting the reform camp to increase. 2012 Shanghai transportation and parts of modern service industry when the first pilot projects to business increased, while Executive Vice Premier of the State Council Li keqiang traveled to Shanghai "duzhen". In parallel with the deployment of this major fiscal reforms to ensure that this reform had the desired effect, Li keqiang, has always been highly concerned about the issue.

Some areas found in the pilot, construction industry partly because lack of input VAT deduction, instead of a tax increase after the reform. Li keqiang, who held a number of coordination meetings and requested the departments concerned to seriously address, is fully prepared to open its "system design".

The introduction of business change programmes increase, according to the pilot and has an additional special provisions. For example: to purchase machinery and equipment into the scope of deduction of the VAT on the basis enables new real estate deduction range; new pilot sectors the existing preferential tax policies on the principle of continuity, of specific industries to adopt transitional measures, subject to a zero rate or service tax, and so on.

"At all levels of Government to determination and efforts to promote business change increased reforms, Central and local governments have to take measures so that this reform in place. To make enterprises experienced significantly lower tax costs. "Li keqiang said.

Camp to increase not only to reduce burden on business, more conducive to China′s economic restructuring and upgrading

Launched pilot projects to business increased in some areas, have felt the huge reform dividend. At a symposium in January this year, head of Shanghai that "after over 4 years of reform, we deeply feel the camp changed huge leveraging effect of the increase on the adjustment of the economic structure. ”

Under the original system, scope of business mainly in the service sector and, therefore, full swing camp changed, and will alleviate the tax burden of service first, promoting the rapid development of the service industry. In fact, the pilot projects to push camp from 2012 Rick strong increase since this reform shoulders heavy responsibility to promote transformation and upgrading of China′s economic structure.

On March 18, the Executive meeting of the State Council Premier Li keqiang said that camp changed after increasing policy orientation, must be to develop the service sector and contribute to scientific and technological research and development. "Camp to increase not only to reduce burden on business, more conducive to China′s economic transformation and upgrading. "The Prime Minister said.

Officials revealed that in 2015, in the context of pilot projects to camp increase does not change, pilot 40% household growth in the number of taxpayers ′ money, much higher than the increase in national tax registration number 13%. "Because many industrial enterprises independent original research and development business, into the service of statistics. ”

Most importantly, camp increased more widespread since the pilot, proportion of added value of the tertiary industry to GDP increase year by year, 50.5% of the 45.5% up to 2015 from 2012, for the first time China′s economic "half".

Deploying pilot projects to promote camp increased the Executive meeting, LI asked the State Council departments must pay great attention, form a joint force, a good "camp changed by" this "game".

"By the middle of the last century, introduction of the value-added tax in many countries, promoting the process of industrialization and development of service industry, led to a large number of jobs. "He said," ′ camp to increase ′ is our step this year ′ offensive move ′, this move is the ′ live ′, and that we can smoothly push forward structural adjustment. Only enterprises ′ live ′, the economy didn′t really ′ living ′. "(Fucong)

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

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