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Inventory of “best actor“ corrupt officials: oil money to take a bus, known as province buy tofu

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/20 6:43:37 Browse times: 288 Comment times: 0

Inventory of “best actor“ corrupt officials: oil money to take a bus, known as province buy tofu(盘点“影帝”贪官:有人称为省油钱坐公交买豆腐)

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Inventory of "best actor" corrupt officials: oil money to take a bus, known as province buy tofu

China Tibet online "two sessions" just lay down two "Tigers". Among them, Deputy Secretary of the municipal party Committee and Mayor of Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, Lu Ziyue suspected serious disciplinary violations, currently under investigation. It is interesting, honest, said Lu Ziyue "Lala sleeves reminded, often look in the mirror cure disease. "As a result," pull sleeve mirror "thing has chosen to forget myself.

Lu Ziyue
The saying goes, life is like a play, all by acting. "Never eat meat, cotton vests 30 years"; "in order to save money, buy tofu sit for two hours for a bus to go to the country" ... ... Cao Peiwu, Zhu Dongsheng these corrupt officials of Lok Ma, year-round play "Pretender", and once over, apart from the eye-popping, required a warning.

Cao Peiwu

Government of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Chairman Cheng Kejie once said, "think Guangxi has no more than 1 million people out of poverty, my President I sleep well." Turns out, the "soulful" behind, but it is blatant abuse of power, taking bribes.

Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, former Deputy Director of the NPC Standing Committee Li Zhi, has clean view of their "unique" rationale: "my family is at the request of, I am not at home, people give you money, you don't have to pay, you give people back ... ... Let you be the cadres of the Communist Party, you take the Communist Party money, not clean, and you can do better? "However, such a reputation by the media as" alternative "" good official "because of corruption fell. When he had evaluated to make their own decisions, "walking on thin ice", or even "timid", in fact, informed the Central Commission for discipline inspection, senior leaders of his party, serious violations of the party's political discipline and rules, a serious violation, and the party's 18 still no convergence, don't hand, harsh and serious nature.

Mao Shaolie, hezhou, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the former Deputy Mayor, people dress is simple, people accumulate wealth do; on "pay close attention to the" independent Commission against corruption, under the huge red envelope; end end of the 17-year sentence for the confiscation of property confiscated.

White snow-capped mountains, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, party Vice Chairman and a member of the Government. His architectural style is quite exquisite, absolutely, "Feng Shui cannot be rushed." Wuzhong Government news quoted by the independent Commission against corruption watch, led by Bai Xueshan when the building construction of the Yellow River of China Foundation, accompanied by Bai Xueshan has a large lead jinchan buried a huge basement, "place the golden toad is won. ”

On May 18 last year, Yu Yuanhui, Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Party Committee Standing Committee of the former, former Secretary of municipal party Committee, for all on the broad masses of party members and cadres in Nanning city "three Suns" when a State education in party lecture, Unscripted suddenly said: "some party cadres violating is examined, anything for two days, no guts and determination. ”

Liao Shaohua

Most has black humor means of also is Liao Shaohua, Guizhou Provincial original Standing Committee, and Zunyi municipal original Secretary, glory of "anti-corruption pioneer", and "independent Commission against corruption pacesetter", most like with cadres visit prison, "as one members leaders, to more see those is prison in the served of positions criminals of situation, wants to wants to free of valuable; wants to a wants to any since thought secret of trick at any time are may exposed in in broad daylight zhixia. Consider if on the road to delinquency, the future lie? "Now their freedom in prison thinking valuable, slim in the future ... ...

Professor at the Central Party school said Zhang Xixian, officials at the "two sessions" before and after the Lok Ma shows corruption to routine, institutionalized, standardization, "no matter what time, uncovering problems, try to find on this treatment." (Wen/Li fang, China Tibet online photo network)

Reprint of the work, shall specify the source Department of China Tibet online and book sellers, will be investigated for legal responsibility.

(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-03-20 16:56:49

  中国西藏网讯 “两会”刚结束就打下俩“老虎”。其中,浙江省宁波市委副书记、市长卢子跃涉嫌严重违纪,目前正接受组织调查。有趣的是,关于党风廉政建设,卢子跃曾表示要“时时拉拉袖子提提醒,常常照照镜子治治病。”结果,“拉袖照镜”的事情却偏偏忘了自个儿。




  广西壮族自治区政府原主席成克杰曾说过,“想到广西还有100多万人没有脱贫,我这个主席的觉也睡不好呀”。 事实证明,“深情款款”的背后,却是肆无忌惮地滥用职权、收受贿赂。



  白雪山,宁夏回族自治区政府原党组成员、副主席。他对建筑风格颇为讲究,绝对“不能冲了风水”。 《廉政瞭望》援引吴忠官场消息,由白雪山主导修建的中华黄河楼奠基时,白雪山曾陪同一名大领导将一个巨大的金蟾埋于基底,“放置金蟾是为了折桂。”




  中央党校教授张希贤日前表示,官员在“两会”前后落马,说明反腐走向日常化、制度化、规范化,“不管什么时候,揭出来问题,该查就查,该处理就处理”。(中国西藏网 文/李芳 图片来自网络)


(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-03-20 16:56:49

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