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Dry development forum! See what talk to political and business leaders

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Dry development forum! See what talk to political and business leaders(发展高层论坛干货!看政商大佬们聊了啥)

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Dry development forum! Political and business leaders talked about what China Development Forum | _ news

From March 19 to 21st, China Development Forum held on the Chinese economy and Sino-US relations, the future of science and technology ... ... Meeting of political and business leaders is how to elaborate? We are here to do a count to readers.

  Zhang gaoli: strictly guard against possible stock market property risks

The Politburo and Vice Premier of the State Council, Mr Zhang gaoli,

Zhang gaoli said China Development Forum, and strive to do local government debt stock replacement work, promote local-government financing platforms market restructuring, solve the debt risk of local government. Disposed of breach in the financial markets, active release credit default risk. Speed up reform and improve modern financial supervision system and strengthen supervision, and strictly guard against possible stock and currency markets, bond markets, market risk, and prevent cross infection, firmly hold risk is a systemic culture of the bottom line.

  Lou Jiwei: Moody′s downgrade rating of China? We do not care

Minister of finance Lou Jiwei

Minister of finance Lou Jiwei said today "in 2016, the China Development Forum", said current rating adjustments has been noted, however, is not on the market and changes in China′s sovereign debt-related indicators, such as offshore renminbi exchange rate in the economy have risen, and there is no money to Sky country in the world. "We don′t care it rating. ”

  Xu shaoshi: steel capacity within 5 years to remove the 1-1.500 million tons

Director of the national development and Reform Commission, Mr Xu

National development and Reform Committee Director Xu shaoshi in "2016 China Development senior Forum" Shang published theme speech, current from steel coal starts with resolve excess capacity, 5 years within, steel removed 1 to 150 million tons, coal exit 500 million tons, reduction volume restructuring 500 million tons, and will started implementation a new of major investment engineering, encourages civil investment, and foreign investment common to participation these major of investment engineering.

  Chen Deming: China in the adjustment of the value chain needs to be more competitive

ARATS President, former Minister of Commerce Chen Deming

In the midst of adjustments of the value chain in China, you need to make themselves more competitive. Take no advantage on the one hand, or the costs speak out of existence, transfer to other places. The other hand, through research and innovation, market development and international acquisitions mergers and acquisitions, put the value of some of the higher-end, international cooperation, gain access to the market.

  Ni Hong: to solve the problems of the welfare of migrant workers in cities and towns

Deputy Minister of housing and urban-rural construction Ni Hong

Acceleration of new towns, points in the city, the key points in the city, the city′s work is done, agriculture population transfers may be willing to stay. Solve the welfare of migrant workers in cities and towns in order to really enjoy the dividends of urbanization.

  Li Wei: the "Thirteen-Five" period, China will face many challenges

Director of the development research center of the State Council Li Wei

Li believed that "Thirteen-Five" period, China′s development will face many interwoven contradictions superposition, risks a growing number of challenges and maintain stable economic, health, sustainable development and comprehensive well-off society in the completion of the task is daunting, and space is still great potential for the development of China, will still be in a full period of strategic opportunities.

  National talking about capital flight: how to run out of what comes back

Bank of China Chairman Tian Guo State

Tian Guoli, Chairman of the Bank of China pointed out that society is more stable now, yields in China than the United States, and Japan, Europe is high. "If it was from a currency perspective, how it went out or how to come back, so this aspect also needs to be a little bit more relaxed state of mind. ”

  Prescriptions with LaGarde for China in transition: "open a contraction and expansion"

International Monetary Fund Chief Christine-Lagarde

In LaGarde′s view, there are three policies help to achieve the balance, called it "open, shrink, expand," (ONE). She further explained that the "on" (O) open – China′s economy more market-oriented, and to deepen integration with the global economy, "we have in the past 1.5 years, with the Chinese side to deepen cooperation to promote into the basket of the Renminbi, while China will host the G20 Summit this year, I think China′s commitment to deeper integration is very firm."

"Cut" (n) are reduced, including narrowing the wealth gap, the gap between urban and rural areas, with more emphasis on green development, "this will ensure that we can have more achievements and more widely shared prosperity." "Expansion" (e) refers to expand innovation and entrepreneurship, expansion of investment in research and development, industrial upgrading, "this will create new momentum."

  Marc fields: the global economy has come out of the darkest days of the

Ford Motor Company President and Chief Executive, mark fields

Mark fields said the global economy may have already crossed its darkest period, out of the shadows of the financial crisis. But we still see the economy slow and uneven development.

In his view, "we have seen so far in terms of managing the economy of focused and determined, this party we are going to speak of in China, China will continue to grow, we are also very pleased to learn about GDP growth forecasts to 2016 is also the 6.5%-7% range. Of course in China′s economic development and global economic development, there will be a continuing drag, in an interconnected world, we need to have more responsibility and a more important role. The good news is that we have a good plan to solve the challenges we face. ”

  MA dialog Zuckerberg

Alibaba′s Jack Ma, Chairman of the Board of Directors (right) with Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg

MA: AlphaGo after defeating Li Shishi, don′t worry too much, the machine will be stronger, smarter than the humans, but not wiser than humans. The next thirty or forty years, the human body will have greater scientific breakthroughs.

Zuckerberg: allow 4 billion within the next ten years is by no means people who use the Internet, using the Internet. Virtual reality aided by computer, is 5-10 the most important computing platform of the future. In the near time, artificial intelligence will transform human health.

He and Zuckerberg presented unanimous recommendations for entrepreneurs: don′t do it for money, to dream.

Responsible editor: Zhao Jiaming SN146

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China Development Forum
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责任编辑:赵家明 SN146


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