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Deputy Director of the Weather Bureau: poor weather conditions this year, floods in dry

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/20 6:41:57 Browse times: 200 Comment times: 0

Deputy Director of the Weather Bureau: poor weather conditions this year, floods in dry(气象局副局长:今年气候状况差,涝重于旱)

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Deputy Director of the Weather Bureau: poor climate conditions and drought this year is more important than dry | Mei Yan | correction | flood is more important than El Ni?o drought _ news

19th, Deputy Director of the China Meteorological Administration Jiao Mei Yan in the event an interview

Original title: Deputy Director of the China Meteorological Administration: expected poor weather and flood this year is more important than dry

Source: China weather network

Weather in China Network World Meteorological Day is coming, the theme of this year's World Meteorological Day is "face the future of hotter, more droughts and more floods." Deputy Director of the China Meteorological Administration said Jiao Mei Yan, under the influence of strong El Nino event this year, our overall poor climate conditions, flood and drought in dry.

3·23 World Meteorological Day is approaching, to disseminate knowledge about climate, raise public awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation, meteorological departments in Beijing today (19th), holding the open activities attract many people. China Meteorological Administration Jiao Mei Yan, Deputy Director of China Meteorological Administration open site visits.

The theme of this year's World Meteorological Day is "face the future of hotter, more droughts and more floods." "Coincidence" is expected this year's flood, probably, more rainfall, flood and drought in dry. Jiao Mei Yan said in an interview with reporters, this year is the year of strong El Nino effect may have obvious impact on China in the summer. El Ni?o effect is one of the characteristics of the local area produces more serious floods, also may cause drought in other areas.

Straightening said Mei Yan, 1982/83, 1997/98 El Ni?o, bring severe floods to the Yangtze River Valley, and memorable. This year, we must be highly concerned about the serious effects of El Nino on the summer flood season in China.

On March 17 and 18th, representatives from the China Meteorological Administration, the Ministry of water resources, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and other government departments and research institutes, colleges and universities brought together hundreds of experts and scholars, and effects of El Ni?o and the following year, analysis and forecast of flood season in 2016 climate trends.

Conclusions on climate forecast in flood season, weather network reporters to China Jiao Mei Yan, as a rule, China's overall poor climate conditions, flood and drought in dry.

Director of the national climate Center, said song lianchun, China is a country of monsoon climate, frequent drought and flood disasters each year, confronted with more severe forms of this year. According to the National Center for climate monitoring, the El Nino has become the most powerful El Nino event in history, very significant influence on our climate. March 17 and 18th, organized to discuss more than more than 100 scientists, a preliminary forecast for this year's flood season on the weather situation, that is, to be dominated by rain and flood in some river basin floods more likely.

Said song lianchun, reminded the Government departments and the public awareness. As a business unit, the Bureau will do a super El Ni?o real-time monitoring and this year rolling forecast of drought and flood in, and provide scientific and technological support.

According to national climate Center monitoring, this times El event since September 2014 began development, as February 2016 has continued has 18 months, each months sea temperature than perennial earlier average partial high of cumulative value (that cumulative strength) for 26.9 ℃, and sea temperature has continuous 7 months (August 2015 to February 2016) than perennial average partial high over 2 ℃, in November 2015 reached peak, sea temperature partial up to 2.9 ℃. This super strong El Nino events are gradually decaying. National Climate Center expects this El Nino will continue to decline in the future, and likely to end in May this year. But the El Ni?o event of atmospheric circulation with hysteresis, end of the climate impacts will continue, and may increase.

Responsible editor: Ni Zi Jiang

Article keywords:
Jiao Mei Yan El Ni?o drought in dry farming

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气象局副局长:今年气候状况差 涝重于旱|矫梅燕|厄尔尼诺|涝重于旱_新闻资讯


  原标题:中国气象局副局长:预计今年气候状况差 涝重于旱


  中国天气网讯 世界气象日即将到来,今年世界气象日的主题是“直面更热、更旱、更涝的未来”。中国气象局副局长矫梅燕表示,受超强厄尔尼诺事件的影响,我国今年气候状况总体差,涝重于旱。


  今年世界气象日的主题是“直面更热、更旱、更涝的未来”。“巧合”的是,预计今年汛期,我国可能降雨偏多,涝重于旱。矫梅燕接受记者采访时表 示,今年是强厄尔尼诺影响年份,可能在夏季对我国产生比较明显的影响。厄尔尼诺影响的特征之一就是在局部地区产生比较严重的洪涝,也可能在其他地区造成干 旱。




  国家气候中心主任宋连春称,我国是一个季风气候的国家,每年旱、涝灾害都频繁发生,今年面临的形式更加严峻。根据国家气候中心的监测,此次厄尔 尼诺时间已经成为历史上最强的一次厄尔尼诺事件,对我国气候的影响非常显著。3月17、18日,组织了100多位科学家进行会商,对今年汛期天气形势作出 了初步预测,即汛期将以多雨为主,一些河流发生流域性洪涝的可能性比较大。


  根据国家气候中心监测,本次厄尔尼诺事件自2014年9月开始发展,截至2016年2月已经持续了18个月,每个月海温比常年同期平均值偏高的 累计值(即累计强度)为26.9℃,且海温已连续7个月(2015年8月至2016年2月)比常年平均值偏高超过2℃,在2015年11月达到峰值,海温 偏高达2.9℃。目前这次超强厄尔尼诺事件正在逐步衰减。国家气候中心预计,未来本次厄尔尼诺事件将继续衰减,并可能于今年5月结束。但是厄尔尼诺事件大 气环流的影响具有迟滞性,结束后对气候的影响仍将持续,并且可能增大。


矫梅燕 厄尔尼诺 涝重于旱


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