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Beijing Wei JI Wei: the city into immunization vaccine safety

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/20 6:41:28 Browse times: 181 Comment times: 0

Beijing Wei JI Wei: the city into immunization vaccine safety(北京卫计委:本市纳入免疫规划疫苗安全可靠)

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Beijing Wei JI Wei: Wei JI Wei, into immunization vaccine safety | | Beijing _ news

Original title: Wei JI Wei, Beijing: Beijing included immunization vaccine safety

China Youth online Beijing, March 19 (reporter for the China Youth Daily ? Green online Li Xinling) recently in Jinan, Shandong province, the public security authorities of the vaccine cold into the case of 18 provinces, Beijing vaccine safety issues of social concern. Health Planning Commission said today in Beijing: Beijing included immunization vaccine safety, and the procurement process.

Vaccine procurement management, Beijing, in strict accordance with the State Council issued the vaccine circulation and inoculation regulations implementation. Immunization with a vaccine in Beijing by the Beijing Municipal Government departments bidding, qualification and successful production companies approved by the State directly. Immunization with two vaccines by Beijing, Beijing Municipal Center for disease control and prevention, national procurement approved and vaccine manufacturer or vaccine. Vaccine enterprises have passed the qualification review of Beijing Center for disease control and prevention, including drug supply certificate issued by the FDA, and GSP (medicine quality control specifications) certification, and vaccine manufacturers, such as business authorization. Beijing immunization with a vaccine and vaccine storage and distribution is done by the GSP certified enterprises, transport and storage to meet cold chain requirements and distance monitor and record the temperature of the cold chain.

Beijing Wei JI Wei said, the next step will continue its law and regulations on the procurement of vaccines in current use and other sectors to strengthen supervision to ensure implementation of the national immunization program. Meanwhile, hope II vaccine is public if you want to, you should select qualified regular vaccination providers to immunization.

Responsible editor: Li Tianyi

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Wei JI Wei, Beijing
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China Youth daily


  中青在线北京3月19日电(中国青年报·中青在线记者 李新玲)最近, 山东省济南市公安机关通报的疫苗未冷藏流入18省份一案,引发社会关注北京市疫苗的安全问题。北京卫计委今天表示:北京市纳入免疫规划的疫苗安全可靠,并介绍了采购流程。




卫计委 北京

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