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AISC streaming sample attrition survey: down 160,000 to 100,000 people

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/20 6:41:11 Browse times: 143 Comment times: 0

AISC streaming sample attrition survey: down 160,000 to 100,000 people(鞍钢分流减员样本调查:16万人减至10万人)

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AISC streaming sample attrition survey: reduced from 100,000 to 160,000 | stream | angang downsizing _ news

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According to the issued at the end of last year on the implementation of angang group to advance views of human resources optimization, advanced productivity iron and steel enterprises in the world by 2018, angang group contain the total labor, less than 100,000 people, including iron and steel industry at 20,000 people. By controlling the total employment, effective control of labor costs, increased labor costs and output efficiency.

Reporter Xiao Ming intern reporter Yi Jian Shan, Beijing

Chill of the North March. Through Wu after the overpass near the train station in Anshan, a fork is quiet, dark green glass columns Golden "AISC" two characters, walked in, is the world's top 500 enterprises with Republic-angang group.

More than 100,000 workers in Anshan iron once again faced with a choice.

Tens of thousands of people streaming to start with WISCO, located in Anshan, Liaoning angang group laid off has quietly begun more than a month.

"Our unit a total of more than 30 people to meet the requirements, we calculated in accordance with policy home their own wages. "Recently, the angang group factory, a trade union of the 21st century business Herald said.

According to his statement, 2015 angang group released "3005" policy, thousands of people have so far signed up. Mean, has been working for 30 years, 5 years or retired personnel, internal tuiyang implementation on a voluntary basis, that is, leave home to rest.

According to the latest requirements of SASAC, 2016 angang group salary budget is expected to decline over the previous year 8%-10%. Through overall wage adjustment, angang total lower labor costs in such a way.

21st century business Herald reporter was informed that the above-mentioned "3005" policy just before the start of diversion, angang group has developed a series of human resources optimization scheme.

According to the issued at the end of last year on the implementation of angang group to advance views of human resources optimization, advanced productivity iron and steel enterprises in the world by 2018, angang group contain the total labor, less than 100,000 people, including iron and steel industry at 20,000 people. By controlling the total employment, effective control of labor costs, increased labor costs and output efficiency.

Streamlining of the above-mentioned persons is in fact a decade ago cuts again, difference is, this time, angang faced internal and external environment have been very different.

Original Ma Zhongpu Anshan economy full-time staff 10 years ago formally retired from the AISC. He points out that 90 of the last century, angang has more than 500,000 people, retired there are 100,000 of them. At present all the angang group may have about 160,000 employees, reservations to 100,000, means 40% you want to transfer.

Now the situation has changed, with the declining demand for steel, iron and steel enterprises, more difficult living conditions, if steel demand continued to decline, job cuts themselves is just the first step, angang will need to find new industries to life again, "take the road joint venture can also develop new industries to AISC to diverse development path. "He said.

Anshan steel group, panzhihua iron and steel group, outgoing employees streaming news.

Within the first post back

AISC is with the Republic's enterprises, new China's first to resume construction of large iron and steel complex and the earliest iron and steel production base, is called "eldest son of iron and steel industry of the Republic."

Create brilliant, interpretation of an era. According to 1949-1952, the Anshan iron and steel, steel production accounted for, respectively, and 46% and 47%.

Angang group billions of revenue each year, as the world's top 500 enterprises, Liaoning only shortlisted companies.

But now, angang a larger proportion in the country. In 2015, for example national 800 million tonnes of crude steel production, total crude steel production of angang group, accounts for the specific gravity is less than 5%.

Bigger problem is, due to the slowdown in the Chinese economy as a whole, steel production in 2015, for decades declined for the first time, in 2015 the fourth quarter steel prices fell sharply, steel prices fell to a level of less than 1600 Yuan/ton, fell to 2/3 during rush hour. Affected by this, and steel companies into the red.

Angang group ansteel shares on January 30 this year, bulletin news is expected in 2015 1-December net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies-4.376 billion yuan, down by 571.55%. If you count the subordinates of the panzhihua iron and steel shares lost more than 2 billion of the loss even greater.

Laid off some workers become the steel industry one of the Save methods.

Presently, angang's "3005" policy that worked 30 years, 5 years or retired workers ' wages at home.

2015 on adjusting the angang Group Corporation, Anshan publishing rest leave home informed about the treatment of workers, the angang Group Corporation on a personnel placement guidelines put forward, away from the mandatory retirement age for 5 years and served for more than 30 consecutive years or trade unions, available to leave home to rest.

Male technicians reached 55 years of age, female age of 50 workers, male production, service reach 55 years of age, women 45 years old workers can apply. Workers leave home during the break on personal income payment of old-age insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance and housing accumulation Fund.

Group's annual production of angang management tasks and efficiency increase, decides whether to leave home to rest for all staff to increase revenue.

21st century business Herald reporter was informed that the last one, with implementation in 2005 AISC rest home employee's job are different. Leave rest home employee benefit allowance or even upward, the adjustment for employee wages have dropped, so retirement salaries received by home also declined.

A length of 38 years of angang group employees told the 21st century business Herald reporter that if signed "3005" agreement, now compared to wages in the past good times down near 30%, when benefits are good, can make 3200-3500 Yuan per month, the new policy was home each month after about 3000 Yuan before tax, get rid of social security and about 1800 Yuan after tax.

Another pointed out that workers age 35 years, home of their choice, then, is 2800 Yuan monthly salary before tax, get rid of social security and tax 1100 Yuan, have 1700 Yuan, there is someone working for more than 20 years, after the home less.

"Now one needs to 200 Yuan, so we talk to, talk to, not many people willing to sign. "This person said.

According to the understanding, as of early March this year, angang group to handle "3005" agreement already has thousands of people. The AISC journal news that angang steel plant end of 2015 outsourcing operation, and earlier this year the plant number 894; the first two months of this year a total of 418 employees handle the rest home, optimization of fully employed staff at 7.49%.

Angang Group Corporation human resources Minister by Jacky Sun pointed out in an interview in February this year, internal tuiyang (leave home to rest) related policies according to the relevant provisions of the enterprise. Provided that they meet the conditions of workers, I agreed with the request, and will be able to handle the internal tuiyang (leave home). Current system of Anshan steel has established perfect relevant policies, the process for vetting workers leave home to rest, other units planned for the first half of this year have been implemented.

Reduced productivity

However, the enforcement of "3005" refund policy, angang Digest redundant workers in the first step, the next step is designed to increase efficiency by downsizing staff.

According to angang group human resources optimization, advanced productivity iron and steel enterprises in the world by 2018, angang group total employment need to be controlled in less than 100,000 people, including steel industry needed at 20,000 people, miners system control on 16,000 people.

According to the plan, angang group 370 tonnes in 2018, productivity per person, angang industry labor productivity to 2000 tons/person, panzhihua iron and steel industry labor productivity up to 1300 tons/person, saddle mine up to 1800 tons per person. Other sections strive to 2015 on the basis of labour productivity doubled.

Angang group personnel in addition to the internal tuiyang of the next, but also include replacement labor employment, implementing internal consultation transfer and termination of labor contracts.

These companies have pointed out that about 160,000 all angang group, dispatched workers for most of them, which some are also facing split.

Group human resources optimization scheme mentioned above also pointed out that we will promptly formulate cleanup labor and employment programmes, work vigorously to clean up labor and employment, labor dispatch must be strictly controlled to within 10%. For enterprises using labor and employment firm return.

However, so many people directly to market does not work. Original Anshan economic researcher Ma Zhongpu view, angang Group next step if reduced to 100,000 men, in fact, a lot of pressure.

Angang group tons of steel per capita level, only half the level of the steel industry as a whole, nearly half of attrition is the last resort for them. There are recommendations that, diversion of trade unions can use existing factory similar to the Suzhou Industrial Park, attracting foreign investment or private capital investment, or development of new ones.

90 of the last century, has been advice Anshan factory development development in auto mechanics, turned into something like 31 heavy industry or enterprise of xugong, but because the steel good, this transformation was shelved.

In addition, angang's real estate development group is also not out of Anshan, developed into a national real estate company. "It isn't too late to develop new industries, but the surplus is not an option, like a car already, need to develop some new and high-tech industries. "Ma Zhongpu said.

21st century business Herald reporter learned that, compared to per capita steel output of private enterprises, Anshan actually need to shunt the workers much more than 40%. Sha steel, such as private and State-owned Anshan iron and steel production with more than 30 million tons a year, but Sha steel group total to more than 30,000 people, Anshan is about 160,000, angang 2015 angang group listed companies lost $ 4.2 billion and shagang Group profit of 1.9 billion.

Northeast University of finance and industrial Yu Zuo, Deputy Director of organization and organizational research center pointed out that angang group to divert tens of thousands of people, you can not directly out of the market.

In his view, the "Thirteen-Five" period there are plenty of underground pipe network and other projects through food-for-work approach, the Government can create a lot of job opportunities, so many when she got the part of compensation of employees, there are other revenue, which solve the employment problems of many people.

"The Northeast can pilot, in fact, the Dole is not just an underground pipe network, more public works can take this pattern. "On the left said.

According to 2016 the Government work report this year to start a "Thirteen-Five" planned major projects. This includes the completion of the railway investment more than 800 billion yuan, highway invested 1.65 trillion yuan, to start 20 major water conservancy projects, the construction of hydropower, nuclear power and other major projects. Construction of underground comprehensive pipe Gallery more than 2000 km.

On March 16, Premier Li keqiang when answering a reporter's question, excess capacity to the areas of iron and steel, coal, but much of the rice bowls of workers cannot leave, and let them take on new jobs.

For these workers in the future, Central and local governments already have a rehousing programme. Central has set up 100 billion yuan is mainly used to transfer resettlement funds, if necessary, can also increase.

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
AISC shunt attrition

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  本报记者 肖明 实习记者 易坚 鞍山、北京报道


























  一 位工龄38年的鞍钢集团职工告诉21世纪经济报道记者,自己如果签订“3005”协议的话,现在的工资相比过去好的时候下降了近三成,原来单位效益好的时 候,每月能赚3200-3500元,新的政策是,居家后每月税前3000元左右,去掉社保和个税后1800元左右。




  鞍 钢集团公司人力资源部部长孙光辉在今年2月接受采访时指出,内部退养(离岗居家休息)相关政策按子企业的有关规定执行。职工只要符合条件,经本人申请、单 位同意,便可办理内部退养(离岗居家休息)。目前鞍山钢铁已建立完善相关政策制度,按流程开展了职工离岗居家休息审批工作,其他单位计划在今年上半年陆续 推进实施。











  此外,鞍钢的房地产开发集团也没走出鞍山,发展成全国性的房地产企业。“现在发展新的产业也不晚,但是不能选择过剩的,像汽车已经过剩了,需要发展一些高技术的新行业。” 马忠普说。

  21 世纪经济报道记者了解到,相比民企的人均钢铁产量,鞍钢实际上需要分流的职工远远不止40%。比如民企沙钢和国企鞍钢每年钢铁产量同为3000多万吨,但 是沙钢集团全员才3万多人,鞍钢集团是16万左右,鞍钢集团上市公司鞍钢股份2015年亏损42亿,而沙钢集团盈利19亿。







责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

鞍钢 分流减员


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