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Virgin Atlantic statement: zero tolerance for any form of racial discrimination

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/19 12:25:40 Browse times: 176 Comment times: 0

Virgin Atlantic statement: zero tolerance for any form of racial discrimination(维珍航空声明:绝不容忍任何形式的种族歧视)

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Virgin Atlantic statement: zero tolerance of any form of racial discrimination | Virgin | racial discrimination _ news

Virgin micro-blog

Statement on March 1, 16 VS250 event: Virgin Atlantic on March 1 in VS250 expressed regret at the events that occurred on the flight. We expand has thoroughly investigate, contact has and this thing related of passengers are and the empty took Gets information Hou, understand to in day of flights Shang, has two bit passengers occurred has speech disputed, and makes both are was tension and disturbed; we of empty took personnel do maximum of efforts for all involved thing passengers mediation problem, including the complaints of female passengers and the she of peer male friends. We once again reiterated that Virgin Atlantic will not tolerate any form of racial discrimination.

Source: Virgin

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Chinese woman Levi (not his real name) on a recent Virgin Atlantic flight suffered racial discrimination and injustices caused national media attention, the global times, a reporter tracked the release of 17th.

Levi recently published articles in social networking sites, about her March 1 aboard the Virgin Airlines flight VS250 from London to Shanghai during this encounter. Livy says that day when just boarding was bending over in his seat for a headset, a white man suddenly inexplicably walked towards her, with her nose with his finger angrily called her a "Chinese pig" and told her to "get out". Meanwhile, Virgin Atlantic cabin crew failed to stop a man named Nathan Smith after a little after the white man talking, instead shouted Levi "don′t quarrel", "respect other passengers", or take her out "aircraft".

Miss of the day on the same flight confirmed to the reporter for global times she saw white men Levi acrimony, did hear the flight attendant Levi calm, or you may let her off the plane. Miss Wu said she and a friend were sitting behind Levi′s position on the right, when the "scary".

Levi said the white man claiming to be suffering from mental illness, she was at the time of entry to the Pudong frontier inspection station at the airport reported that the man had mental problems, violent and threatening others, suspected of carrying illegal drugs, require border helps to check. But border gives response is "as long as the foreigners with passports and visas, and they can′t." Pudong airport checkpoint 17th reporter for global times said in a telephone interview, Shanghai frontier inspection station has reply to the parties on the matter, did not accept telephone interviews.

Reeves believes that immigration′s response was "sounding to shirk its responsibility." Said men claiming to be mentally ill white man on the plane, witnesses said Miss "appears to be a very fierce people" and "not as mental illness, feels like an excuse."

Virgin Atlantic is informed on this matter? Whether appropriate measures have been taken? Virgin′s Shanghai Office, 17th in the message, told reporters: "the Virgin attached great importance to the recent events that occurred in our flights, and are conducting a thorough investigation of the matter. Passenger safety is always our highest priority and health considerations, we will continue to communicate with the smooth flow of passengers and to ensure that it is properly settled. "The content and Virgin United Kingdom headquarters on 17th reply to reporter for global times interviews messages are exactly the same.

Levi, said Nathan Smith name was less concerned her before the plane to the other United Kingdom flight attendants, they said they did not know the empty little names, at the insistence of her after having consulted several people reluctantly tells her the name. Reporter for global times through the LinkedIn website named Nathan Smith′s personal home page, information he worked at Virgin Australia. Levi said after seeing pictures, less is not the person on the plane, flight attendants are given names may be false. To this end, the global times reporters contacted Virgin Australia Newsroom, said that he did not know it, is to understand the situation.

After the Chinese passengers in such cases the rights? China University of aviation and space law Research Center researcher Zhang Qi Huai 17th on the global times reporters, all foreign airlines operating in China had signed with the Chinese side to comply with the International Civil Aviation Organization regulations and undertaking of Chinese law, passengers on Virgin in this event to provide services and initiate proceedings less involved, or to complain to the National Aviation Authority Department. ▲

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

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  关于16年3月1日VS250航班事件的声明:维珍航空对3月1日在VS250航班上所发生的事件表示十分遗憾。我们展开了彻查,联系了与此事相关的乘客们及空乘获取信息后,了解到在当天的航班上,有两位乘客发生了言语争执,并使得双方都感到紧张与不安;我们的空乘人员尽最大的努力为所有涉事乘客调解问题,包括这位投诉的女乘客及她的同行男性友人。我 们再次重申,维珍航空绝不容忍任何形式的种族歧视。



  维珍女乘客曾举报骂人外籍男子 被上海边检回绝

  本报记者 邢晓婧


  李维日前在社交网站上发表文章,讲述了她3月1日搭乘维珍航空VS250次由伦敦飞往上海航班时的这段遭遇。李维称,当日刚刚登机正弯腰在座位上找耳机时,一名白人男子突然莫名其妙地走向她,用手指着她鼻子恶狠狠地骂她是“中国猪”,让她“滚出去”。其间,维珍航空的空服人员没有加以制止,一名叫Nathan Smith的空少之后过来与这名白人男子小声交谈后,反而大声呵斥李维“不要吵架”,要“尊重其他乘客”,否则就把她赶下“飞机”。





  李维称,涉事空少Nathan Smith的名字是她临下飞机前向其他英国空乘要的,对方先是表示不知该空少姓名,后在她的坚持下经几人商量后勉强告诉她名字。《环球时报》记者通过LinkedIn网站查询到名为Nathan Smith的个人主页,资料显示他供职于维珍航空澳洲地区。李维看过资料照片后表示,飞机上的空少不是此人,空乘给出的名字可能是假的。为此,《环球时报》记者又联系了维珍航空澳洲地区新闻编辑室,对方表示不知道此事,正在了解情况。


责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

维珍航空 种族歧视

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