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United Nations: China will be completely cut HIV transmission State

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United Nations: China will be completely cut HIV transmission State(联合国:中国将成为完全切断艾滋母婴传播国家)

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United Nations: China will be completely cut HIV transmission national AIDS | | interventions among drug users _ news

Original title: United Nations officials said that China cut off will be the next country mother to child transmission of AIDS

Xinhua News Agency,, March 18 (reporters Nie Xiaoyang and Shi Jianguo)-UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibe said 18th, China is now the world's HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment have not done one of the best, and cut off in the near future is expected to be the next country mother to child transmission of AIDS.

Day Sidibe in Geneva together with Xinhua President CAI mingzhao signed a new memorandum, the two sides pledged to strengthen cooperation in areas such as social media, jointly contribute to the fight against AIDS.

Sidibe said that the leader's commitment to AIDS prevention and control in China, and China achieved the results for all to see, especially in terms of innovative prevention and treatment, China plays a very important role, he believed that in the coming 15 years China will be the most important cooperation partners of UNAIDS, will eventually make more contribution in ending the spread of AIDS around the world.

He said China is now running the world's largest methadone drug intervention program. In the past few years, HIV infection rates among intravenous drug users in China by 90%.

CAI mingzhao, said UNAIDS was one of the first United Nations agency to strategic cooperation with the Xinhua News Agency. In 2011, the two sides signed a memorandum of strategic cooperation, the first since the two sides have carried out fruitful cooperation, which also adds new content, believe that the two sides will sign a new memorandum of cooperation as an opportunity together to achieve the 2030 goal of ending AIDS made its own contribution.

CAI mingzhao said, as China's State News Agency, Xinhua News Agency is willing to play to their full advantage media, enrich the content of cooperation, innovation and cooperation, together with UNAIDS, for human health and dignity and make greater contributions.

According to the United Nations UNAIDS headquarters in Geneva's latest report, since 2000 in the Millennium development goals of the United Nations relating to AIDS prevention and control goals, avoided a total count of 30 million HIV-infected people in the world, with nearly 8 million AIDS-related deaths. If that trend continued, human beings are expected to achieve by 2030 goal of ending AIDS. (End)

Responsible editor: Ni Zi Jiang

Article keywords:
AIDS drug intervention

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Xinhua News Agency


  新华社日内瓦3月18日电 (记者聂晓阳 施建国)联合国艾滋病规划署执行主任西迪贝18日说,中国是目前世界上在艾滋病预防和治疗方面做得最好的国家之一,并在不远的将来有望成为下一个完全切断艾滋病母婴传播的国家。




  蔡名照表示,艾滋病规划署是最早与新华社开展战略合作的联合国机构之一。自2011年双方签署首个战略合作备忘录以来,双方进行了卓有成效的合 作,这次又增添了新的合作内容,相信双方一定会以签署新的合作备忘录为契机,共同为实现2030年终止艾滋病的目标做出自己的贡献。


  根据总部位于日内瓦的联合国艾滋病规划署发布的最新报告,自2000年联合国千年发展目标中提出有关防控艾滋病的目标以来,全球共避免新增 3000万艾滋病病毒感染者,与艾滋病相关的死亡人数减少近800万。如果这一趋势得到延续,人类将有望实现到2030年终止艾滋病的目标。(完)


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