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Salaries or change: institutional salary, room and drew red lines

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/19 12:24:29 Browse times: 151 Comment times: 0

Salaries or change: institutional salary, room and drew red lines(公务员待遇或变:制度化涨工资,吃住行划下红线)

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Treatment or change of civil servants: institutionalized raise meals, lodging by Redline | salaries _ news

Original title: of civil service will be a tremendous change! Did you test?


Crush test of just how each year: want to be a student of the civil service there!

So here is the thing, in fact, last time, civil service pay has, and will also be undergoing some changes. Interested students to look over here!

  1, pay what?

In the past two sessions on, people He Xian, former Deputy Minister, the Department said, 2016 institutions proportion of base pay in wages of staff, is expected to further increase, increased from 40% to 45%. According to him, about 50 million public officers in the civil service for more than 7 million people.

He Xian said, because for a long time haven′t established the mechanism of regular wages, in a considerable number of years, wage growth is based on subsidies and allowances. This is very unreasonable. Basic salary should be accounted for to 60% to 70% is appropriate.

In addition, the wage gap is still relatively large, one is the developed area and the Midwest there is a big gap, the second is the relatively high level of authority and low level of County and township organs and units such as there is a big gap.

Therefore, starting in 2006, norm the State subsidies and allowances, the next step in the specification on the basis of established scientific area of supplementary allowance.

Recently released "Thirteen-Five" program also brought perfect adapted to the characteristics of the institution wage system. For the moment, improving wage system achieve the desired objective. Main achievements include:

Is a proper wage system reform of old-age insurance system, SOEs and Enterprise endowment insurance system have been completed; the second is improving the wage structure of the institutions, increased from about 30% to about 40% per cent of base salary; the third is grass-roots tilt, establish subsidies and the County following job ranking parallel system in villages and towns.

  2, wage increases are expected to institutionalize

On March 5, entrusted by the State Council, the Ministry drew the 12 session of the national people′s Congress meetings to review, about 2015, Central and local budgets for the implementation of the report with the 2016 draft Central and local budgets. Report, establishment of basic wage adjustment mechanism, and promote balanced growth among treatment levels for active and retired staff.

Media Analysis: this statement revealed that civil service pay rise is expected to gradually institutionalize the direction of development in the future. Earlier, the civil service salary structure is not rational (that is, base salary is low, subsidized high), raise the lack of institutionalized, is the focus of two big problems.

Lack of institutionalization led to many problems. For example, treatment for many years does not adjust in some areas, for instance, adjust because of the lack of transparency, and controversial. Thus, China′s relevant departments as soon as possible, government organizations and institutions staff salary adjustment mechanisms, relatively more disorder and reorganization of subsidies and allowances of the civil service issues. To achieve transparency in the treatment of civil servants, be subject to supervision.

  3. what to do?

Elsewhere, He Xian said additional allowance system in specific areas and the corresponding standard was being studied, mainly according to the level of local economic development, prices and so on, using scientific methods to calculate. Further research is currently the Organization of expert group, is expected to be introduced this system in the 1-2.

2015 years in January, the formal introduction of the State Council concerning the adjustment of the programme for the implementation of basic wages for public workers. Since then, the provinces also established basic wage adjustment mechanism. From now on, in principle, the basic wage adjustment every two years or once a year, and there will be adjusted once every two years.

Recently in several provinces to articulate civil servants salary will be adjusted in 2016.

Jilin: on December 31, 2015, the human resources and social security work in Jilin province video conference revealed that in 2016, to improve the public distribution system, adjusting the basic wage in public institutions.

Sichuan: on January 19, 2016, the Sichuan provincial society meeting, this year′s basic wage adjustments in institutions.

Inner Mongolia: on January 19, district human resources and social security work Conference clearly, in accordance with national requirements, basic wages to adjust institutions this year, which was the establishment of basic wage adjustment mechanism after the first adjustment.

Shandong: January 24, 2016, Shandong province in the Government work report, depending on the countries, basic wage adjustments in institutions.

Henan: end of January, Henan province is also proposed in the Government work report this year to improve institutions ′ basic pay, implemented under County Government civil service position parallel with the ranking system and rural subsidies.

Liaoning: Liaoning, according to local media reports, the society Department of Liaoning province said Liaoning this year will lead to institution according to the countries ′ basic salary adjustments, and will form a certain regularity in recent years is adjusted once every two years.

  4. "eat to live" red line?

In addition to pay, this year, the salaries there are new changes: a base salary increase on the one hand, on the other hand is "eat to live" red line clearly demarcated. According to the Ministry′s Web site, starting from January 1, the Central and State organs travel accommodation costs have been implementing new standards.

1, according to new standards of accommodation, provincial and ministerial level officials in Beijing and Shanghai the highest standard hotel rooms at 1100, 800 or 900 Yuan in other provinces, at the Director level and levels and officers also have different ranges of accommodation standards promotion. In this adjustment, in Lhasa, Xining, Harbin, Haikou, Dalian, Qingdao, the 6 cities introduced the concept of seasons, standard float 20%-50%.

2, line: under the management of travel of Central and State organs, if traveling by plane, provincial and ministerial level cadres to sit in first class, Director level and other cadres only economy class; train cadres of the county or division level and below must sit hard seat, hard sleeper, Gao Tieer, "excessive" pay yourself to the post; the city traffic was standards of 80 Yuan a day.

3, eat: local financial departments according to the local economic and social development level, factors such as market prices, consumption and independent food standards provided. According to media, and apart from Tibet, Qinghai and Xinjiang as 120 Yuan every day, other standards are all over 100 Yuan.

Consolidated from the people′s daily, China economic NET, today′s headlines, the Jinghua times, Xinhua point

Responsible editor: Ni Zi Jiang

Article keywords:
Salaries change
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公务员待遇或变:制度化涨工资 吃住行划下红线|公务员待遇变化_新闻资讯




























  1、住:根据新调整的住宿标准,省部级官员在北京、上海两地最高可以入住1100元标准酒店,其他省份是800或900元,司局级和处级及以 下干部的住宿标准也有不同幅度的提升。本次调整中,在拉萨、西宁、哈尔滨、海口、大连、青岛这6座城市引入了淡旺季的概念,标准可上浮20%-50%。






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