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Argentina Captain deferred the trial: no qualified Chinese translation

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/19 12:22:19 Browse times: 162 Comment times: 0

Argentina Captain deferred the trial: no qualified Chinese translation(阿根廷审讯中国渔船船长延期:没合格中文翻译)

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Argentina Captain deferred the trial: no qualified Chinese translation | Argentina | Lu sinking of a Chinese fishing vessels fisheries 10th _ smoke far news

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Original title: Argentina sank a Chinese fishing boat had to be delayed because of first instance: no Chinese translation

"Web report" Argentina sank a Chinese fishing boat and a new development. According to the United Kingdom Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported on March 18, Argentina Rosen States Federal Court announced that due to lack of state certified Chinese translators, the Tribunal accused of invading Argentina′s exclusive economic zone is illegal fishing, sinking of a Chinese "robust smoke far fishing 10th" Captain′s preliminary hearing was postponed.

Chinese fishing boat is Argentina sunk after the incident, Beijing′s Foreign Ministry and the Chinese Embassy in Argentina Embassy urgently made representations, expressed serious concern, asked Argentina to protect Chinese crew members of the Government security and the legitimate rights and interests, and take effective measures to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

Federal Judge Hugo Sastre, Rosen (Hugo Sastre) 18th this afternoon local time, "Telam news agency" said, via an interpreter of the Court on "robust smoke far fishing 10th" Captain′s preliminary understanding, to be designated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese translation to launch a formal investigation, date currently undecided. BBC reported that since Argentina government inefficiency, delay may be several weeks or longer.

It is understood that the "robust fisheries No. 010 smoke away" is sunk in the sea beyond the exclusive economic zone. At present, about fishing vessel out of range operations, the presence of excessive law enforcement issues remained controversial.

Earlier, Argentina media reports, the Albanian coast guard patrol ship "Argentina′s exclusive economic zone found the Chinese fishing boat and started fishing the bow shot after repeated warnings", chasing fishing boats sank in the process, the crew abandoned ship after the rescue, no casualties. 4 crew members, including Captain seized by the coast guard, they were accused of "illegal fishing" and "against the law".

Responsible editor: Ni Zi Jiang

Article keywords:
Argentina Lu smoke away, sinking of a Chinese fishing boat fishing, 10th
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  原标题:阿根廷击沉中国渔船事件初审被迫延期 原因:没中文翻译



  罗森省联邦法庭法官雨果·萨斯特雷(Hugo Sastre)当地时间18日下午向“Telam通讯社”表示,法庭透过一般译员对“鲁烟远渔10号”船长初步了解后,将待外交部指定的中文翻译协助展开 正式立案调查,目前日期未定。BBC报道称,由于阿根廷政府行政效率不彰,延期可能数周或更长时间。


  此前,据阿根廷媒体报道,阿海岸警卫队巡逻舰“在阿根廷专属经济区发现了这艘中国渔船,多次警告无效后开始朝渔船船头开枪射击”,追赶过程中渔船下 沉,船员弃船逃生后全部获救,无人员伤亡。包括船长在内的4名船员被阿海岸警卫队扣押,他们被控“涉嫌非法捕鱼”和“对抗执法”。


阿根廷击沉中国渔船 鲁烟远渔10号

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