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Ampang roll back Marriott, Starwood bid achieved initial victories

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Ampang roll back Marriott, Starwood bid achieved initial victories(安邦击退万豪,竞购喜达屋取得初步胜利)

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Roll back Marriott Ampang preliminary victory in bid for Starwood

People's daily New York, March 18, Starwood announced today that it received from the State insurance, J.C Flowers, Primavera capital investment consortium made up of the revised solicitation, issued a public statement said the offer constituted a "better offer". According to terms of motive to buy Starwood for $ 78 per share in cash, $ 2 higher than the March 10 per share offer. Starwood's Board said that this binding and a fully financed offer a high degree of certainty of transactions.
Restores again boosted the United States hotel and real estate confidence interest rates immediately attracted market attention. Chinese enterprises ' overseas acquisitions in the ostentatious hand style and bold acquisitions also focused media attention. If the deal is reached, will become the United States capital, China's largest acquisition in history.
  Foreign investment prospects for overseas real estate popular
Thanks to the dual benefit of policy and market, China's insurance industry recently presented "trend growth, outshines" broke out. According to the China insurance regulatory Commission announced the "2015 insurance statistics report" shows that outstanding insurance funds reached 11,179,549,000,000 yuan, up 19.8% from the beginning of 2015. As China's economy into the new normal, "along the way" national strategy and "the new ten" landing, the risk capital "going out" and demand for diversified asset allocation funds is also an important way to make overseas investment reasonably.
Overseas real estate asset allocation as an important channel of insurance firms in China's favor. Jones Lang LaSalle recently released data show, in 2015, China overseas real estate investments of about US $ 25 billion in 2014, representing a growth of 46%. In 2015, the country's capital in the United States housing market amounted to 6 billion dollars, in the Australia market investment of us $ 4.5 billion.
In recent years, a large developer and insurance funds overseas investment more quickly, become the main engine of growth in overseas investment. Some large developers have entered operations and sales phase of the project.
  Insurance enterprises "going out" fruitful and productive globalization accelerated layout
Chinese insurance companies is fruitful in the overseas property market in recent years. Ping an of China in 2013 with a price of 260 million pounds from CommerzReal management of Germany purchased closed-end funds after the Lloyd's building, bought London's Tower Place again in 2015. China life in 2014 were hammered out in London's Canary Wharf business district quality Office properties and a stake in United States investment in TPG. Taikang life in 2015 to 198 million pounds to buy Milton Gate of the city of London office building. Sunshine insurance group 2014 announced acquisition of Australia after the Sheraton Park Hotel in Sydney, again in 2015 bacara hotel in Manhattan, New York to 230 million dollars in the Pocket. Anbang insurance group in February 2015 at a cost of $ 1.95 billion acquisition of United States one of the landmark buildings in New York's Waldorf Hotel is particularly impressive. Xinhua News Agency commented: "Chinese companies to buy the Waldorf Astoria, interpretation of Central America has been transformed into you have me, I have you in the interests of the community. "Anbang insurance into Waldorf, continues to witness a sustainable win-win cooperation of a new type of relations between China and America. In May of the same year, State insurance and paid $ 414 million Merrill Lynch financial centre in Manhattan, New York.
Jones Lang LaSalle said in a report: "from 2012, the overseas investment regulations continue to loose in gateway cities around the world promoting domestic insurance companies actively sought investment in real estate assets. Insurance Fund is very optimistic about real estate investments with high returns and low risks as well as benefits of portfolio diversification. "Jones Lang LaSalle are expected in the report, in the long run, according to the present pace of development trends and, domestic insurers in direct real estate investment overseas is expected to reach 240 billion u.s. dollars.
Starwood is one of the world's largest hotel and leisure group, known for its luxury hotel. Has more than 1200 hotels and resorts around the world, the Group's brands include Raj, the luxury collection, w hotels, Le Meridien, Westin, Sheraton, and Le Xuan. October 2015, CNBC broke, United States Hotel Group Hyatt (Hyatt Hotels), and Starwood hotels and resorts (Starwood Hotels & Resorts) in talks to buy Starwood hotels. Later, Jin Jiang international, HNA group and CIC three Chinese companies have to bid. This time, from anbang insurance, J.C Flowers, consisting of Primavera capital investment Consortium bid for Starwood to raise prices again to form a "better offer" Chinese capital the United States hotel industry's confidence in the high quality capital to make acquisitions. Further proof of China's economic strength, and optimistic about the United States industry's confidence.
  Globalization strategy guide financial + real estate arrangement seeking win-win
In the context of channels of insurance funds let go, more institutional diversification is being seen as spreading risk, increase revenue opportunities. Risk of overseas investment is an important consideration in the region to achieve full coverage of core markets, as well as the financial system continues to improve.
Insurance asset management industry Association Executive Vice President Cao Deyun, China had said in an interview: "the overseas investment of insurance funds is an inevitable trend, who left early, who will become active. "" By overseas investment of insurance funds can diversify risk, long-term assets to invest abroad can better match of assets and liabilities within the company, reduce the overall interest rate risk. "Capital economic trade University Professor excels country column accept interview Shi has said," new country ten article "encourages in the funding insurance company attempts to more form, and multi-channel" out of to ", for China enterprise" out of to "provides risk guarantees; while, support in the funding insurance company through international capital markets raised funds, variety channel into overseas market, insurance enterprises can took with" area way "of Dongfeng, as soon as possible improve itself of international level.
In anbang insurance group, for example, anbang insurance for overseas acquisitions in the financial sector, major investment banks and insurance, according to the Insurance Fund's long-term strategy, part configuration of real estate assets. 2014 yilai, Ann State insurance following acquisition New York China, road husband Hotel zhihou, have in European acquisition has Belgium Centennial insurance company FIDEA and de, Tower? Dr Egypt de Bank; 2015, Ann State insurance group full funding acquisition Netherlands VIVAT insurance, acquisition Korea Toyo life insurance company and keep its listed status, also acquisition has United States letter insurance life insurance company, and in recently through United States foreign investment Committee (CFIUS) of review. Restores international mergers and acquisitions, initial set up insurance financial network covering Europe, Asia and North America, and take this for corporate clients and individual clients, provide financial and insurance services all over the world. Through financial + real estate asset allocation, anbang insurance group in Asia, America and other worldwide for accurate investment plans to drive industry, integrating regional resources in the future, to build global networks. Anbang Insurance Group CEO Wu Xiaohui said: "the process of globalization, we Chinese people's minds, not just want us to win, win-win situation is sustainable. "(Wu Tianbo) (source: people's daily online-United States channel)
(Editors: Xu Yonggang UN006)
2016-03-19 10:37:00
People's daily online
安邦击退万豪 竞购喜达屋取得初步胜利

  人民网纽约3月18日电 喜达屋集团今天宣布收到来自安邦保险,J.C Flowers,春华资本组成的投资联合体修订后的邀约,发表公开声明表示,该要约构成了“更优越的要约”。根据条款,安邦将以每股78美元现金收购喜达屋,比3月10日要约每股高了2美元。喜达屋董事会表示,这一有约束性且有充分资金支持的要约具有高度的交易确定性。


  对外投资前景可期 海外地产受青睐




  险企“走出去”步伐加快 全球化布局硕果累累

  中国险企在海外房地产市场近年来可谓收获颇丰。中国平安在2013年以2.6亿英镑的价格从CommerzReal管理的德国封闭型基金手中购得劳合社大楼后,于2015年再次收购了伦敦的Tower Place。中国人寿在2014年也先后敲定伦敦金丝雀码头商务区优质办公物业及入股美国TPG投资。泰康人寿在2015年以1.98亿英镑收购伦敦金融城办公楼Milton Gate。阳光保险集团2014年宣告收购澳大利亚悉尼喜来登公园酒店后,2015年再次以2.3亿美元将纽约曼哈顿的巴卡拉酒店收入囊中。而安邦保险集团于2015年2月耗资19.5亿美元收购美国纽约地标性建筑之一的华尔道夫酒店尤为引人瞩目。新华社对此评论道:“中国企业收购华尔道夫,诠释了中美已经变成你中有我、我中有你的利益共同体。”安邦保险入主后的华尔道夫,继续见证着中美两国持续合作共赢的新型大国关系。同年5月,安邦保险又以4.14亿美元购得纽约曼哈顿的美林金融中心。


  喜达屋集团是全球最大的饭店及娱乐休闲集团之一,以其饭店的高档豪华著称。在全球拥有1200多家酒店和度假村,集团的品牌包括瑞吉、豪华精选、W酒店、艾美、威斯汀、喜来登、雅乐轩等。2015年10月,CNBC爆料,美国老牌酒店集团凯悦(Hyatt Hotels)与喜达屋酒店及度假村(Starwood Hotels & Resorts)就收购喜达屋酒店的事进行商谈。后来,锦江国际、海航集团和中投公司这三家中国企业也曾力争参与竞购。此次,来自安邦保险,J.C Flowers,春华资本组成的投资联合体对喜达屋集团的竞购再次提升价格,形成“更优越的要约”,可见中国资本对美国地产酒店业的优质资本进行收购的信心。也进一步证明了中国的经济实力,与看好美国地产业的信心。

  全球化战略引导 金融+地产布局求共赢


  中国保险资产管理业协会执行副会长曹德云在接受媒体采访时曾表示:“保险资金海外投资是必然趋势,谁走得早,谁就会越主动。”“保险资金通过海外投资可以分散风险,投资海外的长期资产可以更好地对公司内部的资产负债进行匹配,降低整体的利率风险。” 首都经济贸易大学教授庹国柱接受采访时也曾表示,“新国十条”鼓励中资保险公司尝试多形式、多渠道“走出去”,为我国企业“走出去”提供风险保障;同时,支持中资保险公司通过国际资本市场筹集资金,多种渠道进入海外市场,险企可乘着“一带一路”的东风,尽快提高自身的国际化水平。

  以安邦保险集团为例,安邦保险的海外并购目标以金融业为主,主要投资保险和银行,同时根据保险资金的长期配置策略,配置一部分房地产资产。2014年以来,安邦保险继收购纽约华尔道夫酒店之后,相继在欧洲收购了比利时百年保险公司FIDEA和德尔塔?劳埃德银行;2015年,安邦保险集团全资收购荷兰VIVAT保险,收购韩国东洋人寿保险公司并保持其上市地位,还收购了美国信保人寿保险公司,并在近期通过美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)的审查。安邦通过国际并购,初步搭建了覆盖欧洲、亚洲及北美的保险金融网络,并借此为企业客户及个人客户在全球范围内提供相应的金融保险服务。通过金融+地产的资产配置方式,安邦保险集团在亚洲、美洲等全球各地进行精准的投资布局,带动产业联动,在未来整合各地区资源,搭建全球网络。安邦保险集团CEO吴小晖表示:“全球化的发展过程中我们中国人要有更大的胸怀,不能只想我们赢,只有共赢是可持续的。”(吴天波) (来源:人民网-美国频道)
(责任编辑:徐永刚 UN006)
2016-03-19 10:37:00

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