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Zhuhai real estate purchase restrictions, the housing price per square metre of 10,005 ranks ninth

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/18 6:32:26 Browse times: 156 Comment times: 0

Zhuhai real estate purchase restrictions, the housing price per square metre of 10,005 ranks ninth(珠海房地产限购松绑,房均价每平方米1万5位列全国第九)

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Zhuhai real estate purchases managed ASP 10,051 parallel the Nineth | Zhuhai | restriction | prices _ news

  As a third-tier cities, Zhuhai last month property price 14668 ranked ninth

Yesterday, the supply side structural reform work Conference held in Zhuhai city. At the meeting, the planning and construction of Zhuhai city Secretary Chris said, as the continued release of active demand, within the city, residents (including non-residents) purchase of 144 square meters of commodity housing no longer need to provide a social security or tax certificate. This also means that Zhuhai has implemented real estate restrictions over the 5 years since the official opening.

New Express Reporter Chen Jie

Chris on the supply side in Zhuhai yesterday to inventory action plan for structural reform (2016-2018) made a statement. He said Zhuhai city, in order to maintain a stable and healthy development of real estate market, will strictly control the scale of commercial housing inventory in the city. By 2018, the city′s housing inventory cycle control in less than 16 months, significantly shorter non-commercial housing inventory cycle.

Chris boot placed on buying commodity housing purchase combination of rental housing system, and the establishment of 10 key tasks and policy measures, one of the most interesting is to cancel the purchase. Chris in will Shang said, combined Zhuhai real estate market supply side actual, further reasonable deployment city land resources, classification guide housing development construction, urged City real estate market balanced development, optimization Center City (xiangzhou, and jida, and Arch North, and xinxiangzhou, and Qian mountain) and Metro district (cross piano, and South Bay, and tangjiawan, and West area) of land resources development strength and type design, stop on commodity housing project implementation "90 square meters following sets type housing accounted for all sets type 70% above" of requirements, To optimize the allocation of units to lead the city′s housing development plan for continued release of effective demand, within the city, residents (including non-residents) purchase of 144 square meters of commodity housing no longer need to provide a social security or tax certificate.

Zhuhai in January 2011, launched the "double restrictions", provides local residents and pay for more than one year social outsiders, can only be added in the main urban area of a room reporting project housing prices should not exceed 11285 (units per square meter, the same below). The introduction of this policy, many developers say, belongs to the export of Zhuhai city, the "double restrictions" a great effect on real estate in Zhuhai.

In fact, on September 26, 2014, Zhuhai city have relaxed local residents and outsiders in the purchase of 144 square meters in the center of large scale restrictions. After 5 years, in response to a country′s supply side reform call for Zhuhai official unleash real estate purchases overall.

The reporter

Inventory almost digested a lot of REF no House to sell

Hand property prices in the city of Zhuhai last month reached 14668, ranked Nineth. As a third-tier cities, Zhuhai′s prices ranked in the national top ten.

Left bank real estate consultants limited, said Li Bingliang, Director of Zhuhai, Zhuhai now has a number of good, such as hengqin within the free trade zone in Zhuhai, Zhuhai near Macau, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, bridge makes transportation more convenient in the deep, Zhuhai has a good natural environment, urban construction investment great. He said, now three or four lines of urban development is not balanced, a lot of money to find the exit, and depth of fund flows to North Canton, including Zhuhai. Therefore, he believed that Zhuhai′s rising property prices is not surprising.

Although the abolition of the purchase, but Li Bingliang believes that many developers have already increased prices earlier this year, and if the price again, future markets sharply magnified, so developers will be very careful to consider the issue.

New express reporter visited Zhuhai yesterday sold real estate developers, which are not so price plans. In addition, the reporter interviews found that many ref say, inventory is digested enough, wants to sell the House for sale.

  Industry analysis

Has little effect on Zhuhai

More affecting people′s psychology

Yesterday, the Zhuhai cancelled the purchase of the news published on the Internet concern. Many netizens expressed their "rhythm of Zhuhai prices soaring again", also worries that the price will be very high. Yesterday, the reporter visited the downtown property for sale, found inside sales department from time to time to look at the public. According to the sales staff told reporters that the day a lot of Zhuhai people called and asked if after the purchase of a purchase home, are Shenzhen customers ask if after unlocking you can buy more than one set.

Left bank real estate consultants of Zhuhai Li Bingliang express reporters, Managing Director, said in an interview, and canceled the purchase of psychological impact on the public than practical impact. Li Bingliang, Zhuhai 2011 to implement the purchase through almost 5 years to digest, people psychologically by the restriction of such measures has been almost digested. At present, the little downtown apartment supply side in Zhuhai, apartments in the downtown in the short-term rose slightly, but as the quantity is small, so the effect is negligible.

Li Bingliang, Zhuhai is a city with a population of more than 1.6 million, house prices rose quickly, the market downturn, only by the needs of local power to promote the healthy development of the real estate of Zhuhai, Zhuhai nill to strengthen dependence on export-oriented economy, changes in export-oriented economy of Zhuhai, to cancel the purchase of this obsolete measures and, therefore, cancel the purchase is the imperative.

He hoped that the media and members of the public not to read too much to cancel the purchase of this thing, this policy has had little impact in Zhuhai, more people′s psychology. Hengqin, tangjia Bay, Western would have implemented restrictions, came early to invest, the small apartment in the city even if outsiders don′t come, locals can be digested, cancel the purchase in the downtown, even foreigners wanted to buy, actually has no room for people to buy.

Li Bingliang believes that canceled the purchase of releases become export-oriented economic power of the city of Zhuhai, Zhuhai economic and communication and interaction of the national economy plays a role.

  Expert view

Sun Yat-Sen Lin Jiang, a Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Research Center of Pearl River Delta –

Guangzhou is not

The urgency to cancel the purchase

Zhuhai after canceling the restrictions, only within Guangdong Province, Guangzhou and Shenzhen cities are still implementing purchase restrictions. Guangzhou and Shenzhen have the chance to cancel the purchase? Express reporters interviewed Lin Jiang, a Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao-Pearl River Delta Research Center of Zhongshan University.

Lin Jiang said Zhuhai, canceled the purchase is in line with the inventory supply side reform measures, the State encouraged to inventory we need to encourage people to buy a House, apparently with the previously mentioned restriction is contrary to, so let go of is the general trend.

He said Shenzhen and Guangzhou is a special case, if so open, is likely to fuel speculation. Guangzhou and Shenzhen, the two cities will release the restriction mainly to pressure on the stock, inventory, there is not necessarily through the purchase of stock. For example, Lin Jiang said Guangzhou regional price disparities, school districts housing prices are high, white clouds, conghua and house prices are relatively low, generally speaking not very far, so there is no immediate urgency to cancel the purchase. But in his view, from the national trend, restriction of only a temporary means of restriction of cannot always limit down, to let the real estate market should not restrict, trend is to let go.

Lin Jiang said, buy a house or own use or investment, if only more than 1.6 million people in Zhuhai, ref is home to a local, but the price is ranked in the national top ten, this phenomenon is somewhat outrageous, Governments need to be vigilant. Otherwise, if investment, investors scrambled over Zhuhai, Shenzhen may FRY. Government needs to focus more on buyer structure to prevent speculation prevalent problem.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Zhuhai limited purchase price
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