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The youngest Bureau-level officials in Beijing who is Deputy Municipal propaganda Minister

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/18 6:32:01 Browse times: 147 Comment times: 0

The youngest Bureau-level officials in Beijing who is Deputy Municipal propaganda Minister(北京最年轻正局级官员兼任市宣传部副部长)

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The youngest Bureau-level officials in Beijing, |, Vice Minister of the propaganda Department, who are Bureau-level cadres | _ news
Chang Yu in 77 on the anniversary of the outbreak of war led the representatives of youth and children's pledge

The youngest Bureau-level cadres in Beijing Chang Yu, recently had his new position after having been removed from the Party Secretary, he serves as Deputy Minister municipal party Committee propaganda department.

Chang Yu was elected party Secretary in 2012, at that time, some media with "Dr Qinghua is 37 years old" in such a conspicuous title to describe his new position. He Shuo Fang Bo is a student at Tsinghua University, and has also taught at the law school. After leaving school, worked as a Communist Party of the town, Pinggu district, and to hotan, Xinjiang has built, at the grass-roots work experience in hardship areas and frontier, are outstanding young cadres.

There are 10 million young people in Beijing, and accounted for half of the floating population, to service this population group takes quite some time. Chang Yu are very good at using the Internet and other new technologies, new ideas to work, and actively promoting the Communist Youth League in the field of social development to make a difference, Beijing Youth League to create the "community youth" project, and Chang Yu is inseparable from the promotion. Chang Yu said: "youth can participate in organized activities and crops, rather than education. ”

Universities gathered in Beijing, Chang Yu often went into college to do youth work. His alma mater as speeches in Tsinghua University, encourages students to actively reach out, "stay away from grass-roots nearer, nearer the truth, more close to native scholarship is more practical! "In the people's University report, he called on" each of our young people, should be in system and policies to improve the process and become a constructive member of it. ”

Worth noting is that in any capacity, Chang Yu who is also Vice Minister of the propaganda Department, there is no updated list of personnel in Beijing today. Chang an Street (app ID:Capitalnews) can tell you that his new identity and future of an extremely important work.

Apart from Chang Yu, also had an important message to mention: Zhu Yan, Deputy Secretary General of Beijing Municipal Government, Beijing, Chairman of energy group, army and Navy at the beginning of last year after the Lok Ma, a post vacant for more than a year. Zhu Yan is also second in the recent transfer to the Deputy Secretary-General of the State-owned enterprises, and before him, Xu Bo had been a member of North-controlled Group Vice President.

In addition, three of the mentougou, Fangshan, Daxing District Party Committee Secretary in place, are made by the Mayor took over. Took up the Winter Olympics Organizing Committee Secretary General Han Zirong was removed from the mentougou District Committee Secretary Chang ' an avenue, Toru (app ID:Capitalnews) learned that her Winter Olympics Organizing Committee colleagues are all strong, mostly from the municipal sector and the regional party Committee and Government. Expected shortly after their new identity will continue to meet with you. (Source: micro letter public, "Chang-Jie Zhi")

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Bureau-level cadres

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