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Foreigners how to understand the “Thirteen-Five“ plan

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Foreigners how to understand the “Thirteen-Five“ plan(老外怎样理解“十三五”规划)

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Foreigners how to understand the "Thirteen-Five" plan

South reporter Cheng Siwei intern bin Peng "Thirteen-Five" program in 12 of the just-concluded session of the national people's Congress meeting, its consideration and adoption. Meanwhile, a document entitled "the China of the new five-year plan period, China" series network video recently in a network, the Wall Street Journal in English and other foreign websites online, launched only two days, video hits as a whole has more than 5.5 million times inside and outside. Video, 27 overseas scholars, international dignitaries, officials of international organizations, overseas writers, who praised China's "Thirteen-Five" program, and talk about their respective views on the next five years, China's development path and philosophy. With the short film the hit, the producers of this series of short films "Chinese Studio" mystical background is also affected by Internet.

International cattle lively "Thirteen-Five"

South reporter noted, the new five-year plan period China's series of short films in this year's two sessions focusing on major news, video, launched on the social networking site. Consideration of "Thirteen-Five" program is the 12 session of the national people's Congress on the draft, one of the important agenda items of the meeting.

3-7-minute shorts per episode, a total of 10 sets, are the interviews. Five large development philosophy, economics the new normal governance, global governance, General Secretary of the new concept is the subject of video content.

Worth noting is that this short film set invited a group of international activists, reviews in the eyes of their "Thirteen-Five". Both King's College London, President of Chinese Academy of kairui·bulang and the United States, such as former President of the Lincoln Institute geligaoli·yinggelamu international well-known think tank, University scholars, and Peru former President Alejandro Luo·tuolaiduo, faheerding·aihamaide, former Prime Minister of Bangladesh and other international dignitaries and important international organizations including the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank official, as well as writers like piaier·pikaer.

Most of these international has many years of concern and profound understanding of China, they affirmed the achievements of China over the years. "I remember when it was in rural areas of Beijing in 2000, saw some people living in poverty, is tough, but now I see that China has achieved great progress. "France writer, China expert piaier·pikaer said.

Respondents talked about observation of China's next five-year plan. Chinese Dean of King's College London kairui·bulang noted that the "Thirteen-Five" plan will be more effective in implementing measures related to development of ecological civilization, because China's industrialization has increased the burden on the environment, which affects people's quality of life.

Asian Institute of the University of British Columbia xiaoyifu noted that China's new five-year plan period, greater emphasis on green growth and the development of new technologies and new sources of energy, which are having a positive effect. He thinks success thanks to the climate conference in Paris last year by China in this regard the efforts made and the United States to participate.

China-focused economic issues

This series is most concerned about economic issues, China, set of 10 short films devoted to China at least 3 sets in g d p growth, economic new normal topic. How China's economy slowing? Chinese economy where next step? Short film on these hot topics one by one of the most concern by the international community to respond.

A number of respondents believe that China's economic growth is slowing, will pay more attention to the quality of economic development. "I think all countries are in the process of development, will first focus on quantity, increase yield and let more people into the city, then you need to pay more attention to quality issues. "Turkey economic policy Research Foundation (t e PA v) Executive President, Turkey t-20 guwen·sake President said China is now focusing on quality issues was correct.

United States Lincoln, former Director of the Institute geligaoli·yinggelamu said that China is coming to the forefront of technology, and the more close to the cutting edge of technology and the economy began to slow, because adapting existing technology easily and develop new technologies. He said should now realize that growth rate is reasonable.

He also pointed out that 7% growth targets are higher than in many other economies, even more than in most industrialized economies have a much higher growth rate of less than 3%. "7% economic growth rate is not low, on the contrary, it reflects the extraordinary performance of the Chinese economy. ”

King's College London, President of Chinese Academy of kairui·bulang were of the view that by more than in the past, China 10% economic growth rate dropped to expect-7%, means that China is in a more complex stage of development. Therefore, not only refer to g-d p, you need to use a full range of holistic measure mode.

In the view of Martin Jacques, a professor at the University of Cambridge, new normal economy will promote high-tech industry and consumer-oriented industries, in General is related to the domestic market demand in China, the purpose of which is to increase investment efficiency and labour productivity.

"Outside the mouth" about five large development philosophy

Last year, 18 adopted by the plenary session of the "Thirteen-Five" plan recommendations, the proposed "green, open innovation, coordination, and sharing" five large development philosophy.

The new five-year plan period, China in a series of short films, economy, green development, "along the way" and other words of respondents frequency. These foreigners talk about actually coincides with the connotation of five large development philosophy, shown with "outside the mouth" talking to foreign media.

Experts say, for example, "Thirteen-Five" during the optimization of economic structure should be more innovative. Canada dannier·deleiqi, a Professor of political science at the University of York believe that export-oriented rapid economic growth is coming to an end, China from export-oriented towards domestic consumption and services, which is a huge challenge.

In the development of China's focus on basic public services and infrastructure, the World Bank andongni·peilaigelini, Director of transportation, water resources and urban development is impressive. He said that China is the only starting from the low income, and did not appear in the development of a large country of slums.

Brookings Institute of global economy and development project amaer·batachaya, a senior researcher noted that great efforts on pollution control in China. He explained that China plans to spend a year of g d p 3% to control water pollution and air pollution. China's pollution in terms of infrastructure spending, than Brazil throughout all life spend more money on infrastructure.

"China's development of the bad side is that damage to the environment, and the good news is that China's leaders seem to be very determined to change this situation. "Says Martin Jacques, a professor at the University of Cambridge.

As for the development of China's open philosophy, many visiting international dignitaries, officials of international organizations were very impressed. South Africa gujilai·ouneisite·enkundi Department of agricultural development and agrarian reform Minister, said, China's policy strategy is very pragmatic, "China calls for ' working together ', which is an inclusive approach. ”

Peru former President Alejandro Luo·tuolaiduo were of the view that China and Latin American countries to stay out of poverty, the most effective way is to build a shared society, the most important is an investment in people's knowledge and improve the quality of education.


Well-known media critic, Professor at Cambridge University Martin Jacques

Turkey economic policy Research Foundation (TEPAV) Executive President, Turkey T20 President guwen·sake

Canada, York University Professor of political science at dannier·deleiqi

King's College London, President of China Institute of kairui·bulang

India, Director of the National Institute of public finance and policy in Cherating ? Roy

Peru former President Alejandro Luo·tuolaiduo

World Bank Director of transportation, water resources and urban development andongni·peilaigelini

The Worldwatch Institute AI·geluoke

United States University of California, Berkeley, Professor of sociology, Thomas Gold

Denmark Aalborg University Professor henglike·Longde

Canada law and society, Department of political science, University of York Professor Jacobs

British Colombia University Dean of xiaoyifu

Brookings Institute senior fellow of the global economy and development program amaer·batachaya

South Africa Minister of agricultural development and agrarian reform gujilai·ouneisite·enkundi

Asian studies, Professor in the school of Arts and science at New York University Global Center Director Shen Dansen

Kenniyaendalu Business Park, Executive Director wangjia·miqiuji

United States Lincoln, former President of the Academy of geligaoli·yinggelamu

United States emerging market Forum founding Director and Chief Executive Officer, haruierda·kaoli

Former Executive Vice President of Asian Development Bank lagute·nage

France famous scholar and writer piaier·pikaer

Former Bangladesh Prime Minister faheerding·aihamaide

Australia researcher at the Lowy Institute for international policy cuisiteruimu·saiensi Sainsbury

Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD) Development Centre for Global Development Research Director Carl j. Dahlman

Canada President of the Centre for international governance innovation luoxindun·maidela

Germany Institute for the development of the world economy and Development Director of the Finance Department bide·woerfu

India think tank GatewayHouse geo-economic research director, research fellow, akexie·Mase

South Africa ex-Minister yisuopu·Pahade

(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-03-18 17:17:28

  南都讯 记者程思炜 实习生 彭彬 “十三五”规划纲要在刚刚闭幕的十二届全国人大四次会议上审议通过。与此同时,一档名为“《解读中国》之《新五年规划时期的中国》”的系列网络短片近日在奥一网、华尔街日报英文网等境内外各大网站悄然上线,仅仅上线两天,短片境内外的点击量合计已经超550万次。短片里,27名海外学者、国际政要、国际组织官员、海外作家等人士点赞中国的“十三五”规划,并各自谈论对未来五年中国发展路径和理念的看法。而随着短片的热播,这一系列短片的制作方“解读中国工作室”的神秘背景也受到网友关注。









  这套系列短片最关注的是中国经济议题,10集短片中至少有3集专门讨论中国G D P增速、经济新常态等话题。如何看待中国经济增速放缓?中国经济下一步走向何方?短片对这些国际社会最关心的热点话题一一回应。

  多位受访人士认为,目前中国经济增速放缓,经济发展将更注重质量。“我认为所有的国家在发展的过程中,首先会重点关注数量,增加产量,让更多的人进城等,接着就需要更多地关注质量问题。”土耳其经济政策研究基金会(T E PA V )执行总裁、土耳其T 20主席古温·萨克说,中国现在把重点放在质量问题上是正确的。



  伦敦国王学院中国研究院院长凯瑞·布朗则认为,中国由过去超过10%的经济增长率下降至预期6.5%-7%,意味着中国处于一个更为复杂的发展阶段。因此,不能仅参考G D P,需要使用全方位的整体衡量模式。







  布鲁金斯学会全球经济和发展项目高级研究员阿马尔·巴塔查雅注意到中国在污染治理上付出的巨大努力。他介绍,中国计划每年要花费G D P的3%来治理水污染和空气污染。中国在治理污染基础设施方面的花费,要比巴西全年在所有生活基础设施上花的钱还多。









  ●印度国家公共财政与政策研究所所长 拉汀·罗伊

  ●秘鲁前总统 亚历杭德罗·托莱多

  ●世界银行交通、水资源和城市发展部主任 安东尼·佩莱格里尼

  ●世界观察研究所所长 埃·格罗克

  ●美国伯克利加州大学社会学系教授 高棣民

  ●丹麦奥尔堡大学教授 亨里克·隆德

  ●加拿大约克大学法学与社会、政治学系教授 雅各布斯

  ●不列颠哥伦比亚大学亚洲研究院院长 肖逸夫

  ●布鲁金斯学会全球经济和发展项目高级研究员 阿马尔·巴塔查雅

  ●南非农业开发与土地改革部部长 古吉莱·欧内斯特·恩昆蒂

  ●纽约大学文理学部教授 环球亚洲研究中心主任 沈丹森

  ●肯尼亚恩达鲁工商业园区执行董事 汪嘉·米丘基

  ●美国林肯研究院前院长 格里高利·英格拉姆

  ●美国新兴市场论坛创始董事和首席执行官 哈瑞尔达·考利


  ●法国知名学者、作家 皮埃尔·皮卡尔

  ●孟加拉国前总理 法赫尔丁·艾哈迈德

  ●澳大利亚罗伊国际政策研究所研究员 崔斯特瑞姆·塞恩斯伯里

  ●经济合作与发展组织(OECD)发展中心全球发展研究部主任 卡尔·达尔曼


  ●德国发展研究所世界经济与发展融资部主任 彼得·沃尔夫

  ●印度智库GatewayHouse地缘经济研究部主任、研究员 阿克谢·马瑟

  ●南非前总统府部长 伊索普·帕哈德

(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-03-18 17:17:28

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