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Foreign Media: gang ties marks in cross-strait “diplomatic truce“ ends

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/18 6:29:48 Browse times: 142 Comment times: 0

Foreign Media: gang ties marks in cross-strait “diplomatic truce“ ends(外媒:中冈复交标志着两岸“外交休兵”结束)

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Foreign Media: gang ties marks in cross-strait "diplomatic truce" end | | ties _ the Gambia news

"Global times reported," "China and Gambia diplomatic relations marks the end of an informal diplomatic truce between the two sides", Reuters reported on the 17th, the Gambia is one of the few recognized Taiwan authorities of African countries, "it is reported that ' diplomatic ties ' Sao Tome and Principe also courting China." Report stressed that gang ties appeared in Taiwan in January elected "independent" of the new leader. Article said that when China-friendly President Ma 90% to Taiwan "President", after the signing of a series of important economic and trade agreements between the two sides, the Mainland and Taiwan began informal "diplomatic truce." Beijing hopes the other side feel friendly. So in 2013, when the Gambia and Taiwan "severing diplomatic ties", the County has no gang ties at once. For this, a West Africa expert on condition of anonymity told the newspaper reporters, in 2008, the Mainland and Taiwan reached informal "diplomatic truce" after a consensus some countries want to take "diplomatic relations" as bargaining chips will be very difficult.

In the Gambia to develop "from 1996 to 2020 national socio-economic development strategy", "as a financial centre, a tourist haven and advanced trading, manufacturing country" is the goal of the Gambia. There are signs, gang ties will bring new development in bilateral economic and trade cooperation. According to reports the views of the Gambia, China hydroelectric company and Gambia petroleum and Energy Minister conducted a 3-day talks, and talks to resume April 18 to 20th. Oil and Energy Ministers of the Gambia, Gambia national water and electricity company with hydroelectric companies build 50 MW power station projects in talks. Momodu·enji, Permanent Secretary of energy told the media that the Gambia, which will greatly enhance the capacity of the electricity production in the country.

See what effect the resumption of cross-strait relations will bring in? Shanghai Taiwan Ni Yongjie, Deputy Director of the Institute said in an interview with the newspaper, news of China and Gambia diplomatic relations, in fact, is to be expected, "the Gambia from 2013 with Taiwan authorities ' diplomatic ties ', because of China's growing influence in the world, Gambia diplomatic relations with China will be stronger. ”

17th, Taiwan media comments said, two of the Gambia and Taiwan "severing diplomatic ties" switched to the city arms, the country's President, has visited Taiwan 9. He was allegedly in 2013, unilaterally declared "severing diplomatic ties", he said "Taiwan did not need us anymore."

17th, China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang in response to the "China is why at this time with gang ties? If this is the Taiwan leader-designate of the warning? "Said gang ties are determined by mutual consultation. Gang ties are not aimed at any of them. We adhere to the one-China principle and policy of promoting peaceful development of cross-strait relations has not changed.

Taiwan 17th night of the United Daily News reported that the Ma Ying-jeou visited the "Foreign Minister" Lin 17th Lo Wing-Lok asked by the media whether it "Presidents" elected Tsai? Lin Yongle said, "there is no information in this regard." For anyone reading this is "city, beating the DPP," said Ni Yongjie believes that Democratic Progressive Party came to power, it did not explicitly agree the "92 consensus", but also does not make clear the nature of cross-strait relations, therefore, city, and the ties are bound to the Gambia with some "ripple effect", which certainly would be under a lot of pressure from the DPP.

"The choice of ties with the Mainland is the Gambia as a sovereign State", Shanghai Yu Xintian, Director of the Institute on the global times said ties may not be necessarily associated with cross-strait relations, but Taiwan will contact and will combine with this sensitive point in time at the moment: Ma Ying-jeou to step down, Tsai is going to assume office. Yu Xintian told the global Times newspaper said, "XI said, General Secretary, from the point of view of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation cross-strait common destiny, which need people on both sides to participate and work together to create great prospects, have participated in the mission, has a history of participation will have a new definition, which requires interaction and meet each other halfway, and not drift away. ”

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Gambia diplomatic relations

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