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Boss presented Villa, former Vice Mayor of Guangzhou, after the incident was sentenced to 5.5 years

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/18 6:29:05 Browse times: 203 Comment times: 0

Boss presented Villa, former Vice Mayor of Guangzhou, after the incident was sentenced to 5.5 years(老板赠广州原副市长别墅,事发后获刑5年半)

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Boss presented Villa, former Vice Mayor of Guangzhou | Cao Jianliao | Fan Zhihua was sentenced to 5.5 years after the incident _ news


Information times (reporter shallmean) Guangzhou Vice Mayor Cao Jianliao corruption one of the key figures, Guangzhou longdong Lung Wui industries limited Chairman Fan Zhihua, bribes to Cao Jianliao millions of Yuan worth of villas, large projects. Recently, Guangdong maintained the Shenzhen Intermediate Court of final appeal of the high court verdict, sentenced on charges of bribe Fan Zhihua sentenced to 5 years and 6 months, seized on record 9 million yuan of illicit money confiscated and turned over to the State Treasury.

  Leaders "take care of" undertaking a number of projects

The Court found that Fan Zhihua in Shahe town, Tianhe district, Guangzhou City, operating on 80 ′s last century earthworks in the course of business, has known the Shahe town Party Secretary Cao Jianliao, and the increasingly close relationship between two people. From 1996 to 1999, Fan Zhihua in order to contract a Shahe town government contracting projects and Shahe town enterprise business cooperation projects under the Government, repeatedly to successive, Tianhe district, Guangzhou City Committee Standing Committee and District Government, Deputy head, Tianhe district Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Government of xiangcheng area, Tianhe district Party Committee Secretary Cao Jianliao requests for help. Cao Jianliao after receiving a merit and the Shahe town Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Mayor of town government He Jixiong help Fan Zhihua.

In Cao Jianliao and He Jixiong of help Xia, Fan Zhihua to its affiliated of Guangzhou, Tianhe district, Shahe building company of name, has contract and completed has Shahe town government employer of Grand Industrial Park (that small new Tang industrial park) earthwork engineering, and spring gang Shan earthwork engineering, and Shan Sambo Hui Shahe teachers village residential engineering, and, Tianhe district, Changxing Road Municipal Road Engineering, also to personal name and Shahe town government subordinates Enterprise Guangzhou City Shahe economic development Corporation signed has cooperation development CEN Cun stove mountain about 195 acres land of agreement.

  As a "thank you" leadership bribe sent Villa car

Thanks for He Jixiong and want to help further, Fan Zhihua in July 1997, financed the purchase of a Toyota Camry cars worth more than 390,000 yuan to He Jixiong, He Jixiong after the car is registered in its sister Chiu′s name from their actual use.

And in order to thank the Cao Jianliao, Fan Zhihua in May 1998 with a mortgage to buy the Howard Johnson is located in Clifford Panyu District Court West of a more than 9.83 million Yuan worth of Villa, and the Villa to the Cao Jianliao. Renovation work was completed, and once the loan is paid off, Fan Zhihua in 2003, this villa to the Cao Jianliao before and after the actual use. According to Cao Jianliao said, he would go to the House and stay the weekend. In particular, in 2005, he often takes a lover-far to the living.

In September 2005, requested by the Cao Jianliao Fan Zhihua, and Cao Jianliao brother-in-law am educated formalities with the Villa transfer to Cao Cao Jianliao mother-in-law beams in and charged to pay 500,000 yuan. In December 2009, Cao Jianliao Cao the villas sold 17.7 million Yuan. August 2013, was informed that the discipline inspection and supervision authorities are investigating their Cao Jianliao, returned by others Fan Zhihua 8.5 million Yuan. In October of the same year, and was informed that the discipline inspection and supervision authorities are investigating Cao Jianliao, afraid of involving its He Jixiong, through his brother-in-law Yuan a return Fan Zhihua 400,000 yuan.

  Appeal seeking probation be dismissed upheld

On January 26, 2014, Villa Fan Zhihua at the provincial discipline inspection and control to the Cao Jianliao mother-in-law used beams of a holding and transfer cases, voluntarily confessed to Cao Jianliao bribe sent Villa and the facts He Jixiong bribes to send cars. On March 7 of that year, the Guangdong provincial procuratorate investigation Fan Zhihua alleged bribery case. During Fan Zhihua paid back stolen money of 9 million Yuan.

View Fan Zhihua has surrendered, tuizang plot, Shenzhen Intermediate Court of first instance sentenced him to 5 years of imprisonment for 6 months. Fan Zhihua appealed, requesting leniency and probation, the Guangdong High Court dismissed the appeal and upheld the. It was reported that Cao Jianliao is accused of taking bribes of more than 76 million Yuan, in Shenzhen intermediate court to stand trial in January this year. He Jixiong, for taking bribes and jailed for 15 years.

Responsible editor: Ni Zi Jiang

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Cao Jianliao Fan Zhihua
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老板赠广州原副市长别墅 事发后获刑5年半|曹鉴燎|樊志华_新闻资讯


  信息时报讯 (记者 何小敏) 广州市原副市长曹鉴燎腐败案关键人物之一、广州市龙洞龙汇实业有限公司原董事长樊志华,向曹鉴燎行贿价值千万元的别墅,获得大量工程项目。近日,广东高院终审维持深圳中院一审判决,以行贿罪判处樊志华有期徒刑5年6个月,扣押在案的900万元赃款予以没收,上缴国库。


  据法院查明,樊志华于上世纪80年代在广州市天河区沙河镇经营土石方工程生意的过程中,认识了时任沙河镇党委书记的曹鉴燎,两人互有来往且关系日渐密切。 1996年至1999年间,樊志华为了承揽沙河镇政府发包的工程项目以及和沙河镇政府下属企业开展商业合作项目,多次向历任广州市天河区委常委兼区政府副 区长、天河区委副书记兼区政府区长、天河区委书记的曹鉴燎请求提供帮助。曹鉴燎接受请托后,又要求时任沙河镇党委副书记、镇政府镇长的何继雄为樊志华提供 帮助。

  在曹鉴燎和何继雄的帮助下,樊志华以其挂靠的广州市天河区沙河建筑公司的名义,先后承揽并完成了沙河镇政府发包的宏图工业园(即 小新塘工业园)土石方工程、春岗山土石方工程、广汕路三宝墟沙河教师新村住宅工程、天河区长兴路市政道路工程,还以个人名义与沙河镇政府下属企业广州市沙 河经济发展总公司签订了合作开发岑村火炉山约195亩土地的协议。



  而 为了感谢曹鉴燎,樊志华于1998年5月以按揭方式购买了位于番禺区祈福新村豪庭西路的一幢价值983万余元的别墅,并将该别墅送给曹鉴燎。在装修完毕并 还清贷款后,樊志华于2003年前后将该别墅交给曹鉴燎实际使用。据曹鉴燎称,他一般周末会到该别墅小住。尤其在2005年,他经常带情人卢某到此居住。

  2005 年9月,樊志华按照曹鉴燎的要求,与曹鉴燎妻弟曹某一起办理手续将该幢别墅过户至曹鉴燎岳母梁某名下并收取曹某支付的50万元。2009年12月,曹鉴燎 指使曹某将该别墅出售得款1770万元。2013年8月,获悉纪检机关正在调查自己的曹鉴燎,通过他人退还樊志华850万元。同年10月,因获悉纪检机关 正在调查曹鉴燎,担心牵涉到自己的何继雄通过其连襟袁某退还樊志华40万元。





曹鉴燎 樊志华

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