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Red Cross officials were accused of living in a mansion, Changzhou, Jiangsu bully neighborhood, official response

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/17 7:07:56 Browse times: 158 Comment times: 0

Red Cross officials were accused of living in a mansion, Changzhou, Jiangsu bully neighborhood, official response(江苏常州红会官员被指住豪宅欺压邻里,官方回应)

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Red Cross officials were accused of living in a mansion, Changzhou, Jiangsu oppressing the neighborhood′s official response | Red | Mansion _ news

Original title: Changzhou red will respond to "leader sitting on a requirement of 3 million mansion neighborhood": exaggeration

CNS, Nanjing, March 17 (reporter Zhong Sheng)-16th, wujin district, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Red Cross network of heat transfer in the near future ", Changzhou, a leading Red Cross ′ requirement of sit ′300 million mansion neighborhood" response. Red Cross says party Alex have had friction with neighbors, but most of the content of false claims are exaggerated.

On March 15, Changzhou, exposure of media to the network a leading Red Cross "sitting" requirement of 3 million mansion neighborhood, under the title party denied reports Changzhou aunt′s Garden 5 West County property owners at the ceiling water seepage, then find the upstairs owner Alex consultations on this matter. Alex refused to negotiate, and claimed to be the Red Cross leadership, wujin district, worth more than 3 million homes. Because of the articles involved in the "lead", "Mansion", "bully neighborhood," and so on, quickly sparked a public debate, and to shift the focus from the neighbourhood disputes to public officials on style issues.

Wujin district Red Cross stated in response that says, mentioned in the report taking a solid red an ordinary clerk. Housing leaking, leaking from after the fact the two sides have conducted numerous consultations, because in the way of compensation, the amount of compensation did not reach a consensus on matters such as, resulting in not being able to properly handle the dispute. There is no "oppression" is, there is no "3 million Mansion".

On March 13, the Netizen "Xue Mu cock" to put pressure on gu with a view to an early resolution of disputes without authorization on the Forum to "wujin district a leader" and "a leading Red Cross, wujin district" for the title of the content posted. Subsequently, some media reported without rigorous proof, reprinted, sparking public debate.

Event of another party applying aunt says in contact with Gu a, Gu is not claimed to be leaders, nor did he mention 3 million homes. Now, Alex is looking for decorators visiting aunt applied for repair, and has promised to foot the Bill. The approach to this, and aunt is happy with, or do not wish to online reports to Mr Gu′s work. (End)

Editor: Sue cure SN226

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Red mansions
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China News Network
江苏常州红会官员被指住豪宅欺压邻里 官方回应|红会|豪宅_新闻资讯


  中新网南京3月17日电 (钟升) 16日,江苏常州市武进区红十字会就近期网络热传的“常州红十字会某领导‘坐拥’300万豪宅欺压邻里”一事做出回应。红会表示,事件当事人顾先生确与邻里有过摩擦,但大部分内容均为夸大其词的虚假说法。





责任编辑:苏未然 SN226

红会 豪宅

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