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Network supervision system will be online, access the online shop will receive credit information

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/17 7:07:37 Browse times: 159 Comment times: 0

Network supervision system will be online, access the online shop will receive credit information(网络交易监管系统将上线,访问网店可获信用信息)

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Network supervision system on line access to the credit information for shop shop | | supervision _ news

Original title: national online trading platform monitoring services system launched in June

Legal evening news (reporters Zhang Xin) in late June, consumers pay attention when opening the online store below the navigation bar if there is "the shop has been blacklisted by the Beijing municipal industrial and commercial Bureau". This morning, the Beijing Municipal industry and Commerce Bureau announced "national regulatory services system for online trading platform" phase has been completed, will be up and running later in June this year. The system will be gradually improved, is expected to be three-or micro-micro-circle of friends also will be included in the system monitor.

By late journalist (app ID:fzwb_52165216) learned that the system is relying on the credit information network data back. Beijing Municipal industry and Commerce Bureau said that in 2015, the city's industrial and commercial system for general cases: 12,705. Seen from the types of cases, cases of unlicensed, electronic commerce is growing rapidly, operating without a cases rose 25%. All information collection network and the publicity of the case.

City Administration to actively explore the rich information in cases of unlawful disclosure of, such as online commodity trading platforms involved in illegal goods and services providers (usually say third-party merchants), the credit line increase programs, information related to cases public. New test program publicity has been in the credit online, disclosure of the transfer of a number of penalty records online shopping platform.

By late journalist (app ID:fzwb_52165216) learned that relying on "online commodity trading platform monitoring services subsystem", when shopping online, consumers do not have to visit the Government website to find business credit information, but can automatically in the browser when accessing the shop gets the credit information related to the shop. Including whether administrative penalties, are included in the exceptions list, and so on.

Meanwhile, the State administration for industry and commerce has also commissioned research on Beijing industry and Commerce Bureau, drafting the "interim measures for the Internet trading illegal punishment", which had been included in the State regulation of the State administration for industry and commerce in 2016 plan. In addition, in December 2015, the State administration for industry and Commerce commissioned research on Beijing industry and Commerce Bureau in parallel "national e-commerce Web site monitoring service system". The first phase of the system is expected to be up and running by the end of this year. (Reporters Zhang Xin)

Responsible editor: Li Tianyi

Article keywords:
Shop supervision

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Legal evening news
网络交易监管系统将上线 访问网店可获信用信息|网店|监管_新闻资讯


  法制晚报讯(记者 张鑫)今年6月底,在点开网店时消费者要留心导航栏下面是否有“该网店已经被北京市工商局列入黑名单”。今天上午,北京市工商局宣布,“全国网络交易平台监管服务系统”一期已经初步建成,将于今年6月末上线运行。该系统将逐步完善,有望在三期或将微信的朋友圈微店也将被纳入该系统监管。




  与此同时,国家工商总局还委托北京市工商局研究、起草了“网络交易违法失信惩戒暂行办法”,该规章已经列入国家工商总局2016年的立规计划。此外,2015年12月,国家工商总局委托北京市工商局并行研究“全国电子商务网站监管服务系统”。该系统的一期工程有望于今年年底前上线运行。(记者 张鑫)


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