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Just after the two sessions, Ningbo Tiger Lok party and Government leaders are vacancies

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/17 7:06:42 Browse times: 145 Comment times: 0

Just after the two sessions, Ningbo Tiger Lok party and Government leaders are vacancies(两会刚结束,宁波两老虎落马党政一把手均空缺)

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Ningbo Tiger Lok party and Government leaders just after the two vacant Lok | | | Tiger two sessions _ news

Original title: two sessions just two "Tigers" Lok

Newly concluded March 16, 2016 and CPPCC, came in succession the Tiger news--at about 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the ccdi website reported, Deputy Secretary of the municipal party Committee and Mayor of Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, Lu Ziyue suspected serious disciplinary violations, currently under investigation. About 3:40 P.M., the ccdi website to publish news, Deputy Director of the Liaoning Provincial people's Congress, Wang Yang, suspected serious disciplinary violations, currently under investigation.

Triple jump within three years Mr Wang was promoted to Vice-ministerial level

On March 16, the ccdi website news, Deputy Director of the Liaoning Provincial people's Congress, Wang Yang, suspected serious disciplinary violations, currently under investigation.

Youth born in heyang County of Shaanxi Province, Wang Yang was born in February 1957. His glass factory worker from Anshan, step by step, climbed to Vice-ministerial-level high. Their work many times in my political career by leading side, served as the Anshan municipal Committee Secretary, Deputy Director of the Anshan municipal government, the municipal party Committee Secretary-General, served as Deputy Secretary of Liaoning Provincial Committee, the provincial party Committee policy Director. In accordance with established practice, the municipal party Committee and Municipal Government Secretary General the main service leader, while the Director of the policy research Office often played leading "think tank" role.

The coincidence is, in two sessions before the opening, both served as Jilin, Liaoning Provincial Party Secretary, now 12, Vice Chairman of the NPC education, science, culture and public health Committee Wang Min of Lok Ma, anecdotes on its part of the problem in Liaoning.

Office of Wang Yang from 2004 to 2013, before and after ten years, in 2009 after provincial party Secretary Wang Min arrival, Wang Yang, from long to Anshan, Fushun city mayor in 2010, 2012 and promoted to party Secretary of Fuxin, Deputy Director of the Liaoning Provincial people's Congress elected a year later. Triple jump in three years, was promoted to Vice-ministerial level. On the national people's Congress, Liaoning province January 2013, when he was party Secretary of Liaoning province Wang Min and Wang Yang, at the same time was elected to the provincial people's Congress leader, min is the Director of the provincial people's Congress.

The interaction between two people is well documented. Reports indicate that on April 6, 2010, when he was Mayor of Fushun city, Wang Yang, answering a reporter's question: on the North Bank of the hunhe River, we have to create 5 European style town, realizing Wang Min, Secretary's back garden in Shenyang, Fushun to become.

2011 also had the net post has reported, 24 years old girl Wang Shengqi was promoted to Vice President of the Institute of international education in Liaoning University of petroleum and chemical industry. The Office of university-level units, generally take 9 years to reach that level, the parties from their work to be promoted less than 3 years. "Rocket speed" led to speculation. Said Wang Shengqi is the daughter of Mr Wang. After media investigations have reportedly confirmed the incident. North blue

Lu Ziyue deployment said corruption "Lala sleeves reminder"

On March 16 the Prime Minister ended a press conference less than an hour, inform the Central Commission for discipline inspection said, Deputy Secretary of the municipal party Committee and Mayor of Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, Lu Ziyue suspected serious disciplinary violations, currently under investigation.

  Streets said Lok Ma rumour

Ningbo is a sub-provincial city, Party Secretary General by the Standing Committee of the provincial party Committee, and Mayor and Deputy Ministerial-level cadres.

In fact, during the CPPCC members Lu Ziyue rumors of Lok Ma, Ningbo have been official confirmation of the media, could not be confirmed. Public reports showed Lu Ziyue have not appeared in public for half a month. His most recent public appearance, on February 23, as "Thirteen-Five" thematic deliberations on the draft plan.

On February 4, he was still deployed anti-corruption work, he said, "construction of a clean and honest Government and the struggle against corruption is a loser, is the comprehensive important contents of strictly administering the party and support must be determined, and constantly deepening. "The beginning of 2014, beilun district to check when you clean, he was figuratively" Lala sleeves reminded, often look in the mirror cure treatment, further promoting the construction of punishment and prevention system against corruption. "It appears that the Mayor only reminded others, didn't notice, on the road to corruption.

  His handwriting in the circle of famous

Lu Ziyue local post official in Zhejiang, from his hometown of Yongkang (under the county-level city, Jinhua City) started his official career, serve year-round in all county-level city, Jinhua city. Yongkang municipal Committee, Guli town Party Secretary in the past; Yongkang municipal party Committee propaganda department. Subsequently she served as Dongyang (under the county-level city, Jinhua City), Deputy Mayor and Mayor; Yiwu (under the county-level city, Jinhua City) Mayor; lanxi (under the county-level city, Jinhua City) Party Secretary; the Sea (under the county-level city, Taizhou) Party Secretary; Mayor of Lishui, Secretary; positions such as Vice Governor of Zhejiang province.

Has been said, Lu Ziyue love appeared in the media, when he does talk about love to find media, said to solve the problem through the media. Because of the frequent appearances, he left a profound impression on the ground. Lu Ziyue also has a special status: Member of the Chinese calligraphers ' Association, when he was serving in Ningbo, Lishui and, on many occasions to calligraphy training base for research, and participate in activities such as painting and painting and inaugurated the opening ceremony, also famous in the circle of his calligraphy.

  Ningbo's Party and Government leaders are vacancies

Lu Ziyue is part of 18 since the Lok Ma, Zhejiang Province, the second provincial and ministerial level cadres. February 2015, the Zhejiang Province "Tiger"--party, Deputy Chairman, Deputy Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial CPPCC original Si Xinliang fell.

It was also noted that Ningbo's Party and Government leaders are currently vacant – the beginning of March, at the beginning of CPPCC, Ningbo, Zhejiang Provincial Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Jiangxi provincial Communist Party Secretary Liu Qi was transferred.

18 after the Ningbo Municipal Committee adjusted quite frequently, the end of 2014, municipal Standing Committee, Minister Hong Jiaxiang Lok Ma in 2015, have not yet reached retirement age of municipal Committee, Vice Mayor Shou Yongnian was removed. Now party "leaders" both changes, the next step, how to activate the economy through effective leadership, seems to be a lot of brains. According to the Beijing News, the word

≫> analysis

  Anti-corruption no window period the Tiger coverage

Central Commission for discipline inspection two years in a row during the two sessions the Tiger

Two recently concluded, directed bursts of Central Commission for discipline inspection two bullet, Zhejiang lay only "South-Eastern Tiger", Liaoning poured a "Tiger".

Two Tigers had just ended when the two agencies in the country have been the Lok Ma, cannot help but remind people two sessions on March 15 last year, the closing day, Yunnan Provincial Party Committee Deputy Secretary Qiu he has not left Beijing at noon, was announced by the Central Commission for discipline inspection "for a serious violation, recipient organizations." Later on the same day, President of China FAW Group Corporation, Party Secretary Xu Jianyi Lok Ma.

In 2015, the CPPCC National Committee hours after the opening of the General Assembly, the ccdi Secretary informed the Standing Committee of the Hebei provincial Committee, Jing Chunhua intercepted messages. On the opening day of the legislative session this year, 12 min, Vice Chairman of the NPC education, science, culture and public health Committee suspected serious disciplinary violations were found, he has served as Jilin, Liaoning Provincial Party Secretary.

Central Party School Professor Zhang Xixian pointed out that effective action to demonstrate that the Central Commission for discipline inspection, China-corruption does not exist the "window period", not because the two sessions or other things break. Three officials in the next two sessions at Lok Ma shows corruption to routine, institutionalized, standardization, "no matter what time, uncovering problems, try to find on this treatment."

It is reported that in November last year, along with Vice Mayor of Shanghai City AI baojun and Secretary of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, former Deputy Lu Xiwen Lok Ma, since the party's 18, China's 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions have achieved the Tiger full coverage.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Tiger Lok Ma two sessions

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两会刚结束 宁波两老虎落马党政一把手均空缺|老虎|落马|两会_新闻资讯

  原标题:两会刚结束 两“老虎”落马


王阳 三年内三连跳 升任副部级






  2011年还曾有网帖爆出,24岁女生王圣淇被提拔为辽宁石油化工大学国际教育学院副院长。该大学是厅级单位,一般人需工作9年才能达到该级别,当事人从工作到被提升不足3年。“火箭速度”引发了各种猜测。有网友称王圣淇正是王阳的女儿。后据称有媒体调查证实了此事。 北青













  十八大后,宁波市委调整颇为频繁,2014年底,市委常委、宣传部长洪嘉祥落马;2015年,还未到退休年龄的市委常委、常务副市长寿永年被免职。如今党政“一把手”双双出现变动,下一步,如何通过有效的干部配备来激活这个经济大市,看来要费一番脑筋。 据《新京报》、澎湃


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责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

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