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Press Conference of the Prime Minister: Li keqiang, corruption, Premier Wen Jiabao about Wang

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Press Conference of the Prime Minister: Li keqiang, corruption, Premier Wen Jiabao about Wang(总理记者会的料:李克强批腐败,温家宝谈王立军)

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Press Conference of the Prime Minister: Li keqiang, Li Wen Jiabao talk of corruption, Wang Lijun | | press conference _ news

Original title: Press Conference of the Prime Minister "leaks": Li Zhu of corruption, Wen on Wang

Two sessions of "axis"-Prime Minister press conference, will be held on the morning of March 16.

"Politics" (app ID:gcxxjgzh) notes that since Prime Minister Li keqiang, has been held three times Prime Minister, press conference, was the fourth this year.

In his three previous Prime Minister at a press conference, he answered a total of more than more than 40 Chinese and foreign journalists ' questions, themes, people's livelihood, economic reform, environmental protection and Foreign Affairs. Meanwhile, Li keqiang will respond to an anti-corruption-related questions every year, this is one of the 18 most popular topics.

Prime Minister's press conference is to understand the domestic and foreign policy of the Chinese Government a "window", but also on the Government's "final exam". In 1991, then-Premier Li Peng invited by the spokesman for the annual session of the national people's Congress meeting, journalists will lead for the first time. Really is normalized and institutionalized in 1993, then-Prime Minister Li Peng.

"Politics" (app ID:gcxxjgzh) notes that since 1993, more than 20 times in the four Prime Prime Minister at a press conference, they answered a total of more than 300 questions.

  Li keqiang

  "Corruption is the enemy of the people's Government"

On March 15, 2013 at 9 o'clock in the morning, 12 sessions of the national people's Congress held its fifth plenary session. It was decided that Li keqiang as Premier.

Two days later, on March 17, Vice Premier Li keqiang and Zhang gaoli, and Liu yandong, Wang Yang and Ma Kai met with Chinese and foreign journalists. This is Li keqiang said at a press conference on Prime Minister's "first show".

Li keqiang, in response to "the new Government will take specific measures to make people more confident against corruption?" Said incorruptible should start with ourselves, since as a public official, for the public service, will break off rich thoughts.

In 2014, a reporter questioning "anti-corruption in China will be the wind?" Li said: "corruption and corrupt practices, we introduced a" zero tolerance ". Is the enemy of the people's Government of corruption, we have to think in the rule of law, using the system to power and the money. ”

When 2015 reporter, there are already dozens of provincial and ministerial level officials at Lok Ma, including system, former Vice Minister of public security of the State Council, Li dongsheng, and former Vice Director of national development and Reform Commission, former Director, national energy administration Liu tienan. A reporter's question: "more than" Tigers "were arrested, then how do you think starts with the system in this regard, further promote corruption?"

Mr Li said: "to push forward the reform. Decentralization is very important purpose is firmly knocked out rent space and soil to eliminate corruption, because a lot of rent-seeking corruption is a common feature. ”

"Politics" (app ID:gcxxjgzh) notes that in three years of Prime Minister at a press conference, Li will also gain some personalized expression. In 2013, the reporters said, when answering a question, Prime Minister, his hands gesturing over 30 times. Li responded that the journalist reminds me that gesture more, attract the attention of people, it will not pay attention to the content of my answer.

In 2014, in response to smog-related issues, Li said, we are talking about to declare war on smog and other pollution, not say to God of war, but to our own extensive mode of production and way of life to a declaration of war.

Last year the Prime Minister press conference, in response to a Beijing News reporter on "e-commerce" related question, Li said, all of you have online shopping experiences, I was no different, I shop and recently bought a few books, title I inconvenience said, avoid the smacks of advertising.

Finally, when the Director Fu Ying announced after the end of the press conference, Li said, as we all know, a press conference was decided by the host, especially host Lady, I must show respect to Ms.

  Premier Wen Jiabao

  "Chongqing Municipal Party Committee and the Government must reflect on ' Wang '"

Wen Jiabao was elected in 2002 for the 16 session of the Standing Committee member of the March 2003 to March 2013, Prime Minister of the State Council.

The morning of March 18, 2003 press conference, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao's "first show". Before answering the question, Premier Wen Jiabao gave an opening of about 500 words: I am a very ordinary person, I was born in a family in rural areas. My grandfather, my father and mother are teachers. My childhood was spent in the war. Flames destroyed my family, including my grandfather personally run the school. The suffering of old China left an indelible impression in my young mind. I worked here for 18 years, the country's 2,500 counties, I run 1800. This has made me understand the situation of the country and people, I know the expectations of the people, I will never live up to people's expectations.

When asked by reporters about Zhu Rongji, Wen said, Premier Zhu Rongji is a leader I admire, he deserves my learning has many advantages. As for myself, it was widely felt that I am a gentle person. But at the same time, I am a man of faith, assertive, dare to be responsible for.

In 2004, when it comes to corruption, Wen said, the anti-corruption is a life or death of our party and State events, we are fighting against corruption as an important task for the Government. I solemnly assured the Congress that, we must resolutely investigate and deal with illegal cases, dealt with corruption, resolutely correct all kinds of abuses.

In 2005, Wen Jiabao, heard a reporter's question, "stock market", said, you may be the highest click-through rate on the Internet for this problem, but also the country is more concerned about a question from the audience. Even though I rarely comment on the stock, but I am concerned about the stock market every day.

2006, has reporter asked: "you is how view China in Internet aspects for of review?", Wen response Shi said, I wants to first reference two sentence words, a sentence is Shaw said of, "free means with responsibility", a sentence is you United States of old journalists saimeng·sitelangsiji said of, "to told Democratic words, don't shut in house in only read Aristotle, to more sat Metro and bus". China's approach to the management of the Internet is an international common practice, website to disseminate correct information, not that of misleading people, much less adverse impact on the social order.

In 2007, journalist Chen Liangyu and Zheng Xiaoyu, and ask "how to effectively curb the phenomenon of trading power for money in some administrative areas?" Wen said that it should be recognized that with the development of a market economy, one occurrence of the phenomenon of corruption, and more and more serious, even many senior leaders. To solve this problem, first had to start from the system.

2009, Premier Wen Jiabao responded to Taiwan issues, said that Taiwan is the homeland of Taiwan, is the place where I have been longing for. I really hope to have the opportunity to Taiwan to take a walk, take a look at, to contact the Taiwan compatriots. Although I am 67 years old, but if that was possible, walk is to climb, and I would like to go.

"Can you say how do you keep work energy?" In 2010 the Prime Minister at a press conference to a question. Wen responded by saying, although I have no holiday person is a basic, but I like the exercise, either walking or swimming, make your mind and body to relax, to maintain the energy to deal with heavy work.

2012 is the last press conference, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao. During a three-hour period, he answered the 14 reporters ' questions.

During the first mandate is to make Wen Jiabao evaluated on work, he answered and said, I served as the Prime Minister has been 9 years since, getting along these years is not easy, is extraordinary. But I think there is a lot of work not done, many things not done good, have a lot of regrets. I sincerely hope that I, along with all of my life, for people to do good things, people will forget, and along with my dead and buried in oblivion. Because of limited capacity, coupled with other factors, there are many deficiencies in my work.

At a press conference at the end, Premier Wen Jiabao to say: "If you are not tired, we'll ask two questions. ”

Subsequently, in the news service reporter's question about the wealth gap problem, Reuters referred to in February 2012, "Wang". Premier Wen Jiabao responded, said Wang after the incident aroused great concern, the international community is also concerned. I can tell you that central attention, immediately instructed the relevant authorities for investigation. For years, successive Governments of Chongqing and the vast majority of the people, in order to promote reform and development put a lot of effort, and achieved remarkable success. However, currently the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee and the Government must reflect on and carefully to learn from Wang.

"Politics" (app ID:gcxxjgzh) notes that while Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai, a member of adjunct.

  Premier Zhu Rongji

  "I've never not to frighten the people, frighten only those corrupt officials"

In September 1997, Zhu Rongji's election to the XV session of the Politburo. In March 1998 to March 2003, Premier of the State Council.

Former staff of the NPC has revealed that in 1998, in the process of preparing for Zhu Rongji's press conference, Premier Zhu Rongji has set two rules: first, the foreign journalists the opportunity to put their questions as much as possible, as the Mainland press opportunity very much and, second, not make arrangements in advance, reporters all issues can be.

In 1998 the Prime Minister press conference "first show" when a reporter asked: "people refer to you as" economic czar ", what you think?" Zhu Rongji said, outsiders referred to me as "China's Gorbachev", "economic czar" and so on, are not happy with me. The ninth national people's Congress session to expose me, I was a difficult task, fear to live up to people's expectations of me. But whatever land mines or an abyss in the front, I will move forward, without a dedicated die.

2000 year press conference, Prime Minister, Zhu Rongji, has faced problems related to corruption. Journalists "have the confidence to solve the problem of corruption in China?", Zhu said, I never thought that the Chinese Government is the most corrupt government. As some magazine ranked order, this has never been. More corruption cases in China of course, because the Chinese people.

In 2000, a reporter asked: "Mr Prime Minister, your term has been more than half you want after you leave most of the Chinese people to remember what on earth are you?" Zhu responded by saying, I only hope that after I left office, people across the country can say a Word, he is an official, not a corrupt official, I will be satisfied. If they are more generous, said Premier Zhu Rongji or do something, I would be lucky.

Recently, the stock market has been a hot topic in China. "Politics" (app ID:gcxxjgzh) notes that in 2001, Premier Zhu Rongji at a press conference of the Prime Minister will have to face questions about China's stock market. France a reporter's question, said: "some people think that China's stock market like a casino, some people think that China's stock market is at risk of collapse. "Zhu Rongji replied that on China's stock markets have a variety of views, this note China freedom, right? so, I will not comment on the situation of China's stock market. Our established policy is to strengthen the securities market law, regulation, supervision, self-discipline.

In 2001, the Korea reporter's question: "to what age do you think you no longer fit to hold public office?" Zhu said that said when I retired after their retirement, so I can say that when I was in 1998, but he has now is the way, as long as we live, there is relief, if people spared no efforts and failed.

In 2002, was the last press conference, Prime Minister Zhu Rongji.

United States journalists to ask questions like this: "compared to 1998 when the first time you held a press conference, it seems you also handsome, but somewhat tired. Here's my question, and move events of a country of 1.3 billion people, I can't imagine what kind of story is it? " Zhu said that my fatigue than did in 1998, I don't know how you comment. But I think time has been over the past four years, older people. However, these four years, I have no demon in my responsibility for the Government's work. Of course, I still have a lot of unfinished business. My main headache is to increase farmers ' incomes.

"No matter who the next Prime Minister, what advantages do you think he should?"

Zhu said that about myself, except if I do outside of work, I don't have any advantages, I don't want people to learn and I, in particular, a Hong Kong newspaper says I can do is pound the table, pounding bench, staring eyes, which certainly do not learn me. But the newspaper said was wrong, the table is done, eyes staring, not staring eyes is not a vegetable, bench no hammer, Hammer is very painful. As far as I am doing this in order to scare people, I think no one believed his remarks. I have never not to frighten people, frighten only those corrupt officials.

  Peng Li

  Eve of the handover, in response to "the ministries concerned will not interfere in Hong Kong Affairs?"

Li Peng was elected in November 1987 for the 13 session of the Politburo and served as acting premier. From April 1988 to March 1998 to serve as Premier.

"Politics" (app ID:gcxxjgzh) notes that the 1993 Prime Minister press conference after normalization, he experienced a total of 5 press. Li Peng in response to problems is mainly concentrated on the economic level, in addition, he also talked about Sino-US relations, Taiwan issue, as well as issues related to the return of Hong Kong.

In 1993, Li said response to the Taiwan question, said, we are not only not "ban" the Taiwan people's rights to subsistence, and did not intend to do so. All Chinese compatriots, we hope Taiwan economically more prosperous. People's Republic of China established diplomatic relations with the country, we told them that, with Taiwan in addition to not have diplomatic relations and official contacts, but you can develop economic and trade relations. How can you say that "ban"? should say way to very wide.

In March 1997, less than four months before Hong Kong's reversion.

When the Prime Minister at a press conference, a reporter's question: "on July 1, 1997, after Hong Kong's return to the Central Government would take measures to prevent a number of ministries to intervene in Hong Kong Affairs?"

Li Peng responded that the Hong Kong S.A.R. is a high degree of autonomy of the region and relevant ministries of the Central Government not to interfere with the transaction. Recently the British side said that after July 1, he has to supervise the implementation of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, I think this is unrealistic. Because China has resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong after July 1, the Hong Kong issue is purely China's internal affairs.

  "Politics" (app ID:gcxxjgzh) written by Beijing News reporter Ma Junmao intern June Wang

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Li press conference

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总理记者会的料:李克强批腐败 温家宝谈王立军|李克强|记者会_新闻资讯
























































  “政事儿”(微信ID:gcxxjgzh)撰稿:新京报记者 马俊茂 实习生 王俊

责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

李克强 记者会


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