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President of Shanghai University: giving up scientific work to avoid conflicts of interest

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President of Shanghai University: giving up scientific work to avoid conflicts of interest(上海大学校长:放弃科研工作避免利益冲突)

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President of Shanghai University: giving up scientific work to avoid a conflict of interest (photo) | | research professional principal _ news

Original title: "abandon all scientific work, becoming a professional headmaster"

National People′s Congress, President of Shanghai University, Kim Dong-Han. C FP information chart

Prevalence in Chinese colleges "public" and "private plots" problems, the school′s development is a public field, their professional or team is the private plots, if the conflict should you choose? Some people will first of all consider private plots, which conflict with their duties. ---The national people′s Congress, President of Shanghai University, Kim Dong-Han

Last July, a paper order, China shipbuilding industry Corporation 711 Kim Dong-Han, Director of the Institute, and served as President of Shanghai University.

"A life-changing experience", Shanghai Group gap, Kim Dong-Han with the same group of Shanghai party Secretary Han Zheng Zhu Zhiwen, Vice Minister, the Ministry of education about their cross-border restructuring, said: "I have no private plots, only public fields, President of career I want to do. "The speech give scientists unique relaxed and a lot more resilience.

The first half, Kim Dong-Han was so busy lab, doing only one thing---how to give powerful new ship installed "China heart". Now he began to study how to cultivate excellent students in China.

To avoid conflicts of interest

Principals to give up research work

South: from research institutions to the University last year, the span is not very big for you?

Kim Dong-Han: Yes. A more business like, providing customers with the satisfaction of the applicable products or services; one is mainly for training people, but also to engage in scientific research, social services and culture. Director and principal of is management, but the difference is very large. I promise to do a professional principals gave up my past work in schools not prepared to build his own team, is not prepared to build the engine in this major.

South: why? You have done so many years of scientific research, now entirely abandoned, and regret it?

Kim Dong-Han: mainly to avoid a conflict of interest because the Shanghai University, my primary responsibility is to get them done, rather than just let my professional development. Prevalence in Chinese colleges "public" and "private plots" problems, the school′s development is a public field, their professional or team is the private plots, if the conflict should you choose? Some people will first of all consider private plots, which conflict with their duties.

Will certainly feel pity, but can′t eat it, don′t think they may have to. Because I was a cross-border, has no background in the field of education, if half-hearted, must do good headmaster. Even go all out and could do well, but at least will not be sorry, because I worked hard.

To satisfy our customers say

Instead of ranking

South: the years upward trend soon, Shanghai University, it was expected that the next 10 years among national universities in the top 20 of the Shanghai University, Shanghai University has set itself the goal of what?

Kim Dong-Han: the target is definitely Yes, describe how is still under discussion, is trying to do it well, good student, to do good research. You say the top 20, when are we trying to do it on the right. Many principals care about college rankings, and I consider how more students, and allows customers to Shanghai University, said good, instead of the rankings say.

South: you say "customer" refers to who?

Kim Dong-Han: one employer, one is a graduate. If, after 20 years, Shanghai college graduates say "on my reading, let me out of the ordinary, just let me go now", I think this is the highest value. We don′t do it, do you have to do a certain standard, but certainly not going to do. Shanghai University I think there is too many professional, correlation to each other and not too big, subtraction should do next.

South: what to give up and which strengthen, how to choose?

Kim Dong-Han: first of all, consider the needs of Shanghai′s economic and social development, because it is run by Shanghai University, Shanghai University, the Municipal Government of great input wants you to support economic and social development of Shanghai, Shanghai University in this respect there is still a lot of room. At present, Shanghai University, Shanghai′s pillar industries such as automotive, chemical, shipbuilding and manufacturing support role is not clear enough. Followed by development status, look at the first 10 years, if a subject in many schools, development for a long time without improvement, there were irrelevant, it should give up. Featured subject and develop better, such as materials, art, movies and other subjects, we have to develop.

South: how much proportion of Admissions University of Shanghai in Shanghai?

Kim Dong-Han: local students about 35% or so, at present, only Shanghai local independent recruitment, and places are limited. Percentage undergraduate men and women about half and half.

We train people

Lack of innovation ability

South: the "Thirteen-Five" plan proposed by 2020, several universities and a number of subjects at or close to world class level. In your opinion, the current gap between domestic universities and world-class universities, mainly in where?

Kim Dong-Han: I think the people we train innovation ability, awareness is not strong, with the United States at Stanford University and other schools considerably. Stanford University′s education policy emphasizes the combination of education with industrial, cultivate talents, promote education for industrial services, a high proportion of its graduates, the ability to solve practical problems is also very strong. Some of us can′t keep up with the curriculum, with industrial demand, such as computer programs to teach c and Java company majority in the industry, resulting in employment after retraining is required to do the job.

South: some areas, such as IT industry, developed very quickly, how to keep up with the fast pace of teaching?

Kim Dong-Han: it requires teachers to undertake scientific research or social service task itself to continuously learn new knowledge, new technologies, materials need to be constantly updated, should also establish close linkages with enterprises, in particular, to establish strategic cooperative relations with big business, not only allows teachers to have long-term research, and students can have a place to practice. In this way, teachers and students know what was a business concern, students in the school are given the opportunity to participate in scientific research and development work, will be able to more quickly meet the needs of working after graduation.

South: but some felt that undergraduate students to good teaching, not "no", how to balance study and practice?

Kim Dong-Han: classroom education and extracurricular education is very important. For engineering students, internships link students ′ comprehensive application knowledge to solve practical problems is a unique training opportunity, also help students improve study initiative. For enterprises, is a platform for corporate social responsibility, is the opportunity to promote themselves in order to attract the best students to come to work. How long internship arrangements appropriate to concrete analysis of concrete conditions, there is an optimization problem. The difficulty now is that many companies are not willing to receive students come to practice, companies should change their ideas, in order to enhance the sense of social responsibility.

Management Center of gravity moves down

University College of decentralization

South: in the area of University Administration, Shanghai University has what?

Kim Dong-Han: we are now considering will manage the center of gravity moves down, make college a school principal, College now, schools do well, so we will give school decentralization. Principal strategies, resources and professionalism of Director Professor and a friendly, professional managers and other key personnel. I agree with professors, to be decided to the Professor Academic Affairs. However, in order to design mechanisms, and in any case will keep top talents come, let incompetent people can go to, to avoid the "Donald Lee open shop."

South: now the competition is fierce, how universities can attract and retain talent?

Kim Dong-Han: currently I do not know work very well by the Professor, I find a lot of professors mainly depends on personal one-on-one, especially some science professors. In this case, try to give it to them to create a relaxed environment. We would also like to encourage the establishment of several academic teams, academic leaders important to choose well, this man not only has a high level of academic ability, but also ambitious, broader, leadership, so as to take on big projects, big.

I have to say, our top universities compete in the disadvantageous position. We can not use high salaries to attract people, some treatment is necessary, and more important to have their own idea, to create a good environment, speak the same language can be done. I studied him, is very focused on both ability and political integrity, Professor degaocai thick, to complete the mission LiDE Shuren.

South: you propose to longer review period, large projects encourage professors to take difficult, difficult but also means high risk, if there is no work, then what?

Kim Dong-Han: basic research to discover new knowledge, such as why Apple falling from a tree, also has a certain degree of chance, not heroes, assessment difficult. I think teachers have academic ability? Very hard? With professionalism? If you have done it, even if the results are not, and can only be accepted, if necessary, to create conditions so that he continues to do. For a large project team take to control risk is indeed very important and important work of project management, risk control as much as possible. My personal experience is that team decides the success or failure of the project.

When breaking into a common phenomenon

It must set out the problem

South: you won the Grand Prize and first prize of national technological progress, it is very difficult. The view was expressed that, current Chinese researchers on the whole more impetuous, instant success, what do you think about it?

Kim Dong-Han: I weighed only do one thing, is to put a new engine from concept into reality, chose this path, are not promising, some authority in the field of view of the engine will not succeed, but I didn′t think a lot, is to do this thing. Meanwhile, with the help of many people, this is the result of our teams working together.

My personal experience is that doing anything don′t want fame and fortune, to look for direction and maintain power, master scientific methods, perseverance, and strive to do their best work, and eventually you will be rewarded.

South: the current annual investment in science and technology more than 1 trillion yuan, while scientific research funds misappropriated, wasted before exposure, you presided over funding of research projects over the years up to hundreds of millions of Yuan, and how to make use of funds in "on a knife edge" and regulation is there to share the experience?

Kim Dong-Han: on the one hand, some of the rule itself is unreasonable, if violations become a common phenomenon, it must be provided out of the problem. One of the biggest problems is that research costs cannot be charged against staff costs. In the United States and other Western countries, scientific research budget is the one with the highest percentage of labor costs, you might want to 40% per cent or even higher, the Government provided for the regular assessment of, you want to listen to the views of grass-roots, so as to ensure the system is reasonable. The other hand, scientists have to do system, according to the rules, to be honest, scientific research management departments should strengthen audit, once detected will be subject to heavy penalties, and blacklisting, if the cost of compliance is high and costs are low, you will luck, system is not strictly enforced.

Interview: the South reporter Zhu Xiuyu Shangxi interns from Beijing

Responsible editor: Zhao Jiaming SN146

Article keywords:
President of research career
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全国人大代表、上海大学校长金东寒。C FP资料图














































  采写:南都记者 商西 实习生 朱修玉 发自北京

责任编辑:赵家明 SN146

科研 职业校长

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