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Li press conference expansion this year, up 200 seats than usual

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/16 6:02:16 Browse times: 184 Comment times: 0

Li press conference expansion this year, up 200 seats than usual(今年李克强记者会现场扩容,席位比往年增200个)

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Li press conference scene expansion seats this year than in previous years, increased 200 | | Li press conference _ news

Original title: 2016 press conference the Prime Minister "expansion" seats than usual about 200 additional

Press Conference live. The group photo: Chen Jie, Beijing News reporter

Beijing News News (reporters Wang Shu) of the 12 session of the national people's Congress meeting Prime Minister press conference will be held in the Golden Hall of 10:30 A.M. today. This morning at 6:30, East Gate of the great Hall of the door have been lining up in long queues, turn into Golden Hall of reporters, eyes bright, site layout is different with previous press conference, Prime Minister, background board left and right two new LED display, even if the seat is far away from the podium, can clearly see the movements and expressions to communicate with journalists, Prime Minister and other details.

Surprises and more. At 9 o'clock, NPC news staff reporter issued a circular micro-group channel: Prime Minister Press Conference invitations, requires journalists holding documents in front of Golden Hall received.

The news media (app ID:bjnews_xjb) up and after a few minutes, Golden Hall in front of the team lined up to receive invitations, some reporters wondered, "invitation to press conference, Prime Minister to historically less is expensive, a lot of media there can be only one invitation, how will line up for invitations to the lucky this year?"

NPC Standing Committee official explained to Beijing News reporter, select adjust the placement of the meeting venue, this year, "and toss it a little bit, selected measurement, how can I set up some media seats? bit down, seats will increase to about 950, about 200 sites than in previous years."

He said venue Wifi upgrade speed, "journalists experience will feel".

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Li press conference

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The Beijing News
今年李克强记者会现场扩容 席位比往年增200个|李克强|记者会_新闻资讯

  原标题:2016总理记者会现场“扩容” 席位比往年约增200个


  新京报快讯 (记者王姝) 十二届全国人大四次会议的总理记者会将于今天上午10点半在人民大会堂金色大厅举行。今早6时30分许,人民大会堂东门门口就已排起长队,依序走入金色大厅的记者们,觉得眼前一亮,总理记者会的现场布置与往年明显不同,背景板左右两侧新增两个LED显示屏,即便座位离主席台很远,也能清晰看到总理与记者沟通的动作、表情等细节。





责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

李克强 记者会


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