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Li keqiang: financial priority is to support the real economy

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/16 6:01:56 Browse times: 247 Comment times: 0

Li keqiang: financial priority is to support the real economy(李克强:金融首要任务是支持实体经济)

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Li keqiang: Li keqiang, financial priority is to support the real economy | | press conference _ news

12 this morning after the closing session of the national people's Congress, Premier Li at the great Hall of the Golden Hall on the third floor with an interview with Chinese and foreign journalists for the 12 session of the national people's Congress meeting and responded to questions from reporters.

[Reuters]: recent volatility in stock and currency market attracted the attention of international investors. Will the Prime Minister, do you think the main issues and challenges currently facing China's financial markets? The Chinese Government have any plans for future development and monitoring of financial markets? Stock market and the bond market will be key reform measures? Recent market fluctuations will not affect the progress of the reform? Shenzhen Tong will be launched during the year? Thank you.

[Li]: Please ask your first question, you when the stock market and other financial markets, "head shot", but can also be understood. Because many financial problems tend to occur earlier than the economic problems. But financial priority is to support the development of the real economy, the real economy is not developed, is the greatest financial risk. Last year, we took a series of rate cuts, reduction, targeted measures such as the reduction, it's not quantitative easing, we always pay attention to the money supply tightness of the moderate, mainly in order to reduce the cost of financing the real economy. Financial institutions must be to support the real economy, in particular the healthy development of small and micro enterprises, can never take off real to the imaginary.

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Li press conference

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  [路透社记者]:近期中国股市和汇市的波动引起了国际投资者 的高度关注。请问总理,您认为中国的金融市场目前面临哪些主要问题和挑战?中国政府对金融市场未来的发展和加强监管有什么计划?股市汇市和债券市场将会有 哪些重点改革措施?近期的市场波动会不会影响改革的进度?深港通会不会年内推出?谢谢。

  [李克强]:请你问第一个问题,你就把股市汇市等金融市场问题当“当头 炮”,不过也可以理解。因为许多金融问题的表现往往早于经济问题的发生。但是金融首要任务还是要支持实体经济的发展,实体经济不发展,是金融最大的风险。 去年我们采取了一系列像降息、降准、定向降准等措施,这不是量化宽松,我们始终注意把握货币供应量的松紧适度,主要还是为了降低实体经济融资的成本。所以 金融机构还是要着力去支持实体经济,特别是小微企业的健康发展,绝不能脱实向虚。

责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

李克强 记者会


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