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India military strategy toward China is to blame is too timid, saying China’s rapid militarization of border

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/16 6:01:35 Browse times: 155 Comment times: 0

India military strategy toward China is to blame is too timid, saying China’s rapid militarization of border(印度军官怨对华战略太胆小,称中国边境军事化迅猛)

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Indian officers blame China strategy is too timid, said China's rapid militarization of border | India | border _ news

[Global times stationed in India special correspondent Chen long] "strategy toward China timid, neighbours at the border of rapid military modernization. "India Muslim newspaper said 14th India officers complained about the strength of the armed forces in the border area gap. It was reported that India is promoting a series of initiatives. But in India the officers, which not only is not enough, difficult to implement.

India, the Deccan Herald reported on 14th said on Saturday, India air force reopened "Arunachal Pradesh" (that is, Southern Tibet, China) the two frontier airport in September of this year there will be 4 this airport, which will greatly speed up the delivery of the force to the India border in Northeastern's ability to strategically. India Christian newspaper said India's air force was prepared for printing in the renovation of 6 during the second world war in the border areas of the old runways. Project launched in 2009 as a whole, are now slowly advancing.

Meanwhile, the India times, India the Government of an "integrated border road construction plan" has begun. In the planning and construction of the 73 road, 27 in the territory of the State.

However, one of the India-China border areas of India officer, 14th on the India Muslim newspaper said, "restore the airport, signs of progress are good, but these are far from enough." Due to lack of resources, India's military infrastructure in border only a little push. Interview India officers will be India's strategy toward China is described as "timid", on the border with China on military infrastructure overhaul and modernization of military "immeasurably".

India pilgrims daily, said, according to India's military, said Indian army to challenge China's "most ambitious plans"--to build a mountain of reliable combat troops--has given the Government concern of reduced funding and financial issues retreated.

Recently, the India media rendering of "China threat" fairly intensive rhythm. Indian media said Chinese troops twice last week over "control line" into India on one side, causing the face-off. In this regard, land generous at the 14th, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said China understand that Chinese border guards in the control line normal patrol activities on the Chinese side, there is no so-called "cross the line" problem. He said that also have not heard about Indian media call the "in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir, found that China's military activities".

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
India border

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印军官怨对华战略太胆小 称中国边境军事化迅猛|印度|边境_新闻资讯

  [环球时报驻印度特约记者 陈晨 任重]“对华战略胆小,对面邻居在边境的军事现代化迅猛。”《印度教徒报》14日称,印度军官们这样抱怨两军在边境地区的实力差距。据报道,印度正在推进一系列计划。然而在印度军官们看来,这些不但远远不够,实施起来也困难重重。



  然而,一名印中边境地区的印度军官14日对《印度教徒报》说,“修复机场等进展都是好迹象,但 光这些还远远不够”。由于资源不足,印度在边境的军事基础设施只在一点点推进。接受采访的印度军官们将印度的对华战略描述为“胆小”,称和中国在边境上对 军事基础设施的大修以及军事现代化“没法比”。


  近日,印度媒体渲染“中国威胁”的节奏相当密集。有印媒称,上周中国军队两次越过 “实控线”进入印度一侧,引发双方对峙。对此,中国外交部发言人陆慷14日回应说,经中方了解,中国边防部队在实控线中方一侧进行正常巡逻活动,不存在所 谓“越线”的问题。他说,也没有听说印媒所称的“在巴控克什米尔地区发现中国军队活动”的情况。

责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

印度 边境


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