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Dong mingzhu: Lei does not completely represent the advanced industries

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/16 6:00:54 Browse times: 149 Comment times: 0

Dong mingzhu: Lei does not completely represent the advanced industries(董明珠:雷军并不能完全代表先进产业)

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Dong mingzhu: Lei does not completely represent the advanced industry | Dong mingzhu | | Ma Lei _ news

Dong mingzhu. Information chart

Original title: Dong: mayunleijun does not completely represent advanced industries

Reporter Jin Ying girls in Beijing

Dong mingzhu, the "two sessions" is a chance to shine.

During the two sessions, at a forum, Dong mingzhu, Chairman of NPC deputies, gree and CPPCC Member, Ministry of finance Jia Kang, Director of the basic section, Senior Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer of Lang Yongchun steel depth dialogue on how the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industry.

Dressed in a long black boho dress, Dong mingzhu, hurried from the "two sessions" venue to the North. As always, Dong pointed. In her view, the traditional manufacturing industry is essential for economic development, the Internet is only a tool, MA and Lei does not completely represent the advanced industry. She also built for manufacturing: "manufacturing companies can't scream for government tax breaks, for money, must rely on technological innovation of core competence. ”

CPPCC National Committee member, Jia Kang, Director of the Research Institute for fiscal science of the Ministry officials stressed that, on the supply side reforms, supply is a prerequisite for all reform, system supplies can open space of technological innovation and management innovation, so it should be the keywords from the supply side reform. Supply and system innovation of the reform is to solve the system, breaking the barriers of interest curing, dares to crack a hard nut.

Dong: mayunleijun are not fully representative of advanced industrial

Media hailed as the best in the history of "gree salesman" Miss Dong gas field strong, nearly 2 hours of interviews with dialogue, pointed out that the traditional manufacturing industries now in sharp and blunt language problems and economies in transition.

"I don't think it is a manufacturing markets there is no demand, toilet just such a product, consumers demand hundreds of billions, but because we do not have state of the art technology, not more intelligent to meet consumer demand for high-end products, finally people are overseas buying toilet seats. If this is hundreds of millions of consumers in China? Manufacturing will slump? ”

On transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry, Dong mingzhu, who should have the final word. She uses several sets of figures to show gree years of development and transformation. "In 2011 we gree only tens of billions of market value. Nearly 100,000 employees at that time. But now we have to 120 billion in three years, staff numbers had decreased to 70,000 people. This is an efficiency improvement of the company. ”

But Dong also recognize, gree air conditioning product line alone it is difficult to make long-term development. Shareholders last year, Dong mingzhu, gree announced in a high profile official foray into the cell phone world, phone competing head-on with Lei.

When Lang Yongchun asked gree phone sales, Dong did not answer specific numbers: "mobile phone market competition is very fierce, but not every consumer is now no longer used cell phone? Since there is a market, I can do it. "During the two sessions, Dong also disclosed to the media that, gree has determined to publish the second generation mobile phone products, configuration is higher than first generation cell phones.

Dong mingzhu ambition more than air conditioners and mobile phones. She also map out a more ambitious smart manufacturing Empire. Dong said: "I do my cell phone not only make it to the phone, along with its functionality, I added many features to it, getting ready for our whole home automation system in the future. ”

"A lot of people think, MA Lei millet, they are the Internet industry spokesmen, the Internet represents the State of the art industry, and we're (behind) the traditional industries. I do not agree with the sentence, "Dong said," If there was air conditioning manufacturers now, car companies are not, the aircraft did not, these are the traditional manufacturing industries, none, what more can be done in the national economy of the Internet? ”

Jia Kang,:

Reform of supply system keywords

Jia Kang, fiscal and tax policy experts noted that years of research, the current domestic supply side reforms are entering a overcome difficult stages, "holding body, must dare to crack a hard nut. ”

Dong stressed that, since it is a structural reform of supply side, there must be pain. "Markets don't you thing, consumers are not buying your toilet, you're not dead which die? Enterprise tax exemption alone, is still alive, was a dead end. We are changing their way of thinking, must be their hematopoietic, capable of forming their own core competencies, rather than rely on blood transfusions to poverty alleviation, enterprise's blood is too important. ”

Lang Yongchun made to some employees in the production process the throes of unemployment. In this regard, Jia Kang, in response, reform labor pains are inevitable, but the Government wants to use the social security framework, necessary to guide, nor does it preclude some local emergency.

In response to the 21st century business Herald reporters questions about the layout of new energy vehicles, Dong was still confident: "as long as it is a market, and will follow the law of survival of the fittest. Gree advantage must treat consumers as God, pay special attention to quality control. Some consumers choose Tesla, but there will be candidates for other brands, such as gree. ”

Responsible editor: Li Tianyi

Article keywords:
Dongmingzhumayunleijun Internet traditional industries

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