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Viet Nam anti-China demonstrations broke out in the capital, chanting “down with the Chinese invaders“

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Viet Nam anti-China demonstrations broke out in the capital, chanting “down with the Chinese invaders“(越南首都爆发反华游行,高喊“打倒中国侵略者”)

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Viet Nam's capital shouting anti-China demonstrations broke out "down with the Chinese invaders" | Viet Nam anti-Chinese demonstrations _ news
Viet Nam 14th small anti-China demonstrations in Hanoi, the capital, demonstrators more to commemorate the 1988 "Nansha sea battle" ("battle of the 3·14"), on behalf of, on China's position on the issue of the South China Sea make rash criticism. Observer network

Original title: more media hype of sadness "Nansha sea battle" to create "victim" image

"Global times, stationed in Viet Nam Yue journalist, correspondent I and azobenzene zhangwang" Viet Nam Hanoi 14th anti-China protests, demonstrators more to commemorate the 1988 "Nansha sea battle" ("battle of the 3·14"), on behalf of, on China's position on the issue of the South China Sea make rash criticism. Viet Nam some media-intensive journal article, would the Chinese Navy combat invaders self-defense into Viet Nam's tragic battle. Chinese scholar Sun Xiao Ying 14th in an interview with the globe and Times reporter said that Viet Nam media Memorial "battle of the 3·14", and got pretty sad, plus demonstrations, it is in the United States Duet.

"Why in 1988, China ' occupied ' chiguajiao" "how chiguajiao 64 soldiers ' sacrifice, '" "world Viet Nam human chiguajiao ' martyrs ' prayers turn" "on 2.5 hectares of land is reproduced on chiguajiao naval battle", 14th, Viet Nam daily bulletin fire 4 articles to commemorate the "battle of the Nansha." These reports, when China dispatched warships "occupation" in the chiguajiao and the sinking of Viet Nam vessel. Viet Nam trade unions raise funds established in Khanh Hoa show chiguajiao monument. At present, the craftsmen are hard work, the task to completed in July this year the Navy soldiers sculpture. On 14th, the Viet Nam youth daily also published the battle of the year veteran tells the story.

Campaign and media echoing the demonstrations. The associated press reported on the 14th, the same day, about 200 demonstrators gathered in Viet Nam Hanoi Center for anti-China demonstrations in the capital. They wore headscarves, carried banners, incense and flowers in front of a sculpture to commemorate the "battle of the Nansha" deaths in Viet Nam ranks. Demonstrators then marched to the landmark hoan Kiem Lake, they shouted "down with the Chinese invaders" slogans and condemned Beijing's increasing assertiveness in the South China Sea issue positions.

United Kingdom, Reuters said the March lasted about 1.5 hours, sizes are larger than previous anti-China demonstrations last year. Agence France-Presse said that the two neighbouring countries because the Nansha and Xisha Islands into a territorial dispute for a long time. Although Viet Nam limited public processions, but anti-China demonstrations have become more frequent, especially around 1988 and Vietnam in the "battle of the Nansha." Hanoi sent dozens of plain-clothed police, but did not try to stop the March. Singapore Asian news website quoted one of the protesters as saying that the demonstration was to "remember those who sacrificed soldiers to defend the Spratly and Paracel Islands".

However, Sun Xiao Ying 14th Guangxi Academy of social sciences researcher, told the reporter for global times, in fact, this naval battle is the Chinese Navy to combat Viet Nam invaded attempted a defensive counter-attack in the Nansha Islands. On March 13, 1988, the Chinese naval vessels to part of the reef in the Nansha Islands to inspect, and organized personnel boarded the chiguajiao establishment of observation points. This is in response to the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and construct a joint marine observation point requirements.

14th, Viet Nam came to the chiguajiao waters of the Navy, sent armed men boarded chiguajiao, and first of all to visit Chinese Navy officer shot on the reef. Meanwhile, the Viet Nam warships along the reef and parked in the vicinity of the Chinese Navy ships firing and firing. Faced with this situation, the Chinese Navy was forced to fight in self-defence, more army transport ship sunk 1, another 1 transports and landing craft were hit with severe injuries. China's Navy to exercise restraint has not pursued.

Agence France-Presse said that Viet Nam, State media reported the observances such as flowers, but no mention of the demonstration. Viet Nam officials also did not comment. United Kingdom, Reuters commented that despite the opposition, China occupies the Paracel Islands, Viet Nam for Beijing in the South China Sea disputed waters usually cautious, often comment on the published responses in other countries until a few days after. China is Viet Nam's largest trading partner. Even though Viet Nam leaders have expressed more confidence on both sides in the near future is affected, but the ruling Communist Party in the history of the two countries are still closely linked.

Reporters witnessed last year in the global times "battle of the Nansha" Memorial Day Parade. Size of only dozens of people, several young women wearing white cloth and carrying banners, led several young and old marched. Instead of anti-China demonstrations, is actually more to the Viet Nam authorities pressured Warrior survivor's pension problem can hopefully be resolved.

14th, once again provoked the South China Sea issue with Malaysia Defense Minister Hishamuddin. According to the Malaysia Star newspaper, Hishamuddin said the same day he will join Australia Defense Minister as well as Viet Nam and the Philippines met officials to investigate whether Chinese military equipment deployed in the disputed Spratly Islands. "If this is the case, you need to counter China," Hishamuddin said Malaysia may take measures, which need the support of Philip.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Viet Nam anti-Chinese demonstrations

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Global times
越南首都爆发反华游行 高喊“打倒中国侵略者”|越南反华游行_新闻资讯

  原标题:越媒悲情炒作“南沙海战” 打造”受害者“形象

  【环球时报驻越南特约记者 黄和悦 记者 张旺】越南首都河内14日爆发反华游行,示威者以纪念1988年中越“南沙海战”(即“3·14海战”)的名义,对中国在南海问题上的立场妄加指责。越南一些媒体也密集刊文,将这场中国海军打击侵略者的自卫反击包装成越南的悲情战役。中国学者孙小迎14日在接受《环球时报》记者采访时说,越南媒体高调纪念“3·14海战”,还搞得很悲情,再加上示威游行,这是在跟美国唱双簧。

  “为什么中国在1988年‘占领’赤瓜礁”“在赤瓜礁的64名战士是如何‘牺牲’的”“全 世界越南人为赤瓜礁‘烈士’祈祷超度”“在2.5公顷的土地上再现赤瓜礁海战”,14日,越南每日快讯连发4篇文章,纪念越中“南沙海战”。这些报道称, 当年,中国派出军舰“侵占”了赤瓜礁,并击沉越南船只。越南工会筹集资金,在庆和省建立赤瓜礁展示纪念区。目前,工匠们正紧张施工,以在今年7月完成海军 士兵的雕塑任务。14日,《越南青年报》也登载当年老兵讲述的海战故事。

  与媒体造势相互呼应的还有示威游行。美联社14日报道称,当天,约200名示威者聚集在越 南首都河内市中心进行反华游行。他们戴着头巾,举着横幅,先在一座雕塑前焚香、献花,纪念在“南沙海战”中死亡的越南官兵。随后示威者行进至地标还剑湖, 他们高喊“打倒中国侵略者”的口号,并谴责北京在南海问题上日益强硬的立场。



  14日,越南海军来到赤瓜礁海域,派出武装人员强行登上赤瓜礁,并首先向礁上考察 的中国海军人员开枪。与此同时,越南军舰也一齐向礁上和停泊在附近海面的中国海军舰船射击和开炮。面对此种情况,中国海军被迫进行自卫还击,击沉越军运输 船1艘,另1艘运输船和登陆舰被击成重伤。中国海军采取克制态度未再追击。

  法新社称,越南官方媒体报道了献花等纪念活动,但没有提到游行。越南官方也未发表 评论。英国路透社评论说,尽管反对中国占有西沙群岛,但越南方面对于北京在南海争议海域的行为通常持慎重态度,常在别国发表回应后几天才作出评论。中国是 越南最大的贸易伙伴。即使越南领导人曾表示越中双方的信任近期受到影响,但两国的执政党共产党在历史上仍有着紧密联系。



责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184



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