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South Korea to severely punish illegal Chinese fishing boats, not paying the deposit will be withheld

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/15 16:42:43 Browse times: 118 Comment times: 0

South Korea to severely punish illegal Chinese fishing boats, not paying the deposit will be withheld(韩要严惩中国非法捕捞渔船,不缴保证金将被扣留)

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South Korea to severely punish illegal fishing does not pay the deposit will be withheld from China _ | | | margin illegal fishing vessels fishing news

[Global times stationed in Korea correspondent Wang Wei] to crack down on "malicious does not pay the deposit" of illegal Chinese fishing boats, Korea National Security policing safety this part of the Sea (hereinafter referred to as marine safety headquarters) 14th unveiled the plan of treatment did not pay a security deposit of Chinese fishing boats. In accordance with the plan for "illegal fishing" Chinese fishing vessels were detained by the South Korean, who fails to pay a security deposit and will be detained until Korea Court made a verdict on its. Detained during these trawlers were fishing.

Yonhap said 14th Korea before the Court made a verdict on illegal fishing, maritime security to the owner of this part "paid back" was fishing, to offset a fine, this is the "margin". Prior to the implementation of the scheme, because Korea maritime police jurisdiction of quay space, budget, as long as it doesn't involve "obstructing" and "violations of territorial waters" and other corrupt crimes, head of Maritime Security Department arrested fishing vessels only, and for Chinese fishing boats and their crews involved to take "forced evictions" measures, and shall not be held responsible. Reports said such a move by the Chinese ship owners to malicious use, Korea maritime police after discovering illegal fishing, preferring to "rap", nor does it pay a security deposit, returned to China's fishing vessels and crews concerned to conduct fishing operations as usual, do not delay the matter at all.

14th New York Sith news agency said as of late last year, the Korea Coast Guard detained a Chinese fishing boat amounts to 378. Of which, 332 to Korea after the Government paid a total of 18.56 billion South Korean won deposits to "release". Rest of 46 boats has yet to pay a security deposit, amounting to 5.3 billion won. 2013 and 2014 respectively of outstanding margin to 59 boats, 6.3 billion won and 31 fishing vessels, and in default of payment of 2.95 billion won. Under the new plan, those failing to pay a security deposit of Chinese fishing boats will be entrusted to special management custody. Reported that the Court made a final judgment, sometimes have to wait for as long as 18 months. This shows that during this period, detained a Chinese fishing boat will not be able to engage in fishing operations. If the Court ultimately makes "confiscation" punishment or not paid in management fees when returning fishing boats, fishing vessels concerned will be scrap.

Korea maritime police forecast, compared to other sanctions, China shipowners fear most is the "confiscation, scrapped fishing vessel" has the effect of economic sanctions, such as punishment. Therefore, after the plan was implemented, malicious acts of outstanding bonds promise to significantly reduce. Korea Maritime intelligence section chief Huang Junxian said "detention, forfeiture and abandonment" and other punishments can and "stop, banning business entitled" effects of sanctions, believes economic levers to punish those who try to continue illegal Chinese fishing boats and the ship's "completely give up."

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

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Margin fishing vessels illegally fishing

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韩要严惩中国非法捕捞渔船 不缴保证金将被扣留|渔船|保证金|非法捕捞_新闻资讯

  [环球时报驻韩国特约记者 王伟]为严厉打击“恶意不缴纳保证金”的中国非 法捕捞渔船,韩国国民安全处海洋警备安全本部(以下简称为海洋安全本部)于14日对外公开了《加强处理未缴纳保证金的中国渔船计划》。按照该计划,因“非 法捕捞”被韩方扣留的中国渔船,如不缴纳保证金,将一直被扣留、直至韩国法院对其作出判决。被扣期间,这些渔船不能进行捕捞作业。

  韩联社14日称,韩国法院对非法渔船作出判决之前,海洋安全本部向船主“有偿归还”被扣渔 船、用以抵充罚款,这就是“保证金”的用途。该计划实施之前,由于韩国海警管辖的埠头空间不足、预算有限,只要不涉及到“妨碍执行公务”、“侵犯领海”等 性质恶劣的犯罪,海洋安全本部仅逮捕渔船负责人,而对于涉事中国渔船和船员则采取“强制驱逐”的措施,不予追究责任。报道称,这样的举措常被中国船主恶意 利用,被韩国海警发现非法捕捞后,宁可“以身顶罪”,也不缴纳保证金,而回到中国的涉事渔船和船员则照常进行捕捞作业,一点都不耽误事。

  纽西斯通讯社14日称,截至去年底,被韩国海警扣留的中国渔船共计378艘。其中,332 艘向韩国政府缴纳合计185.6亿韩元保证金后予以“释放”。剩下的46艘渔船则至今未缴纳保证金,金额达53亿韩元。而2013年和2014年度欠缴保 证金的情况分别为59艘渔船、63亿韩元和31艘渔船、欠缴29.5亿韩元。按照新出台的计划,这些未缴纳保证金的中国渔船将委托至专门管理机构保管。报 道称,法院做出最终判决,有时要等上18个月之久。这说明在此期间,被扣中国渔船将无法从事捕捞作业。如果法院最终做出“没收”处罚或者返还渔船时未足额 缴纳委托管理费,涉事渔船将被予以报废处理。

  韩国海警预测,比起其他制裁手段,中国船主最怕的就是“没收、报废渔船”等具有经济制裁效力的处罚。因此,该计划实施后,恶意欠缴保证金的行为有望显著 减少。韩国海上调查情报科长黄俊贤表示,“扣留、没收、报废”等处罚能起到与“停止、取缔营业资格”一样的制裁效果,相信经济杠杆惩罚能让那些试图继续进 行非法捕捞的中国渔船和船主“彻底死心”。

责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

渔船 保证金 非法捕捞


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