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Shanghai resident population growth for the first time, why these 150,000 people to flee

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Shanghai resident population growth for the first time, why these 150,000 people to flee(上海外来常住人口首次负增长,这15万人为何逃离)

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Shanghai resident population growth for the first time why these 150,000 people fleeing | an aging population growth | _ news

"Macro policies ?" Shanghai foreign resident population growth

Why these 150,000 people fled to Shanghai?

The China economic weekly reporter Lao Jiadi | Shanghai

Many people still on the temple, the Bund, and even the most recent real estate trading center with packed when Marvel, Shanghai's population has been quietly undergoing a major change.

On February 29, 2015, Shanghai national economic and social development statistics Bulletin of a data set is amazing. The end of 2015, reduce the number of foreign residents in Shanghai by 147,700, down 1.5%, which the city's permanent population declined 0.5% per cent, to 40.6%. This is the first time in 15 years Shanghai appeared foreign resident population growth.

Hosted by population loss is much more than just a digital concept, followed, of course, is not simply a "no longer crowding" of happiness. In contrast, other cities, although Beijing was asked to adjust the functions of cities, to rein in population last year added nearly 200,000 foreign resident population, and stuck in the mountain terrain of the Shenzhen migrant populations are growing rapidly.

In the eyes of some critics, the demographics of the signal may become busy Shanghai property market can not bear the weight. It was even suggested that housing prices in Shanghai in the future because of population thinning and losing support. But the real kernel perhaps more complex than this suspicion, has always had a population of priming effect of Shanghai, will is losing population competitiveness? Whether it is industrial restructuring brought about structural changes and population turning point has arrived?

In recent 5 years the population growth decreased

Although many people are still surprised to this big city, but the population of Shanghai is already emerging. From the morphological point of view, in Shanghai over population growth was flat after a steep curve. 2010 Shanghai's population of more than 22 million, the growth began to slow, and showed a trend of slowing; by the end of 2015, for 5 years, Shanghai's population grew by more than 2 million people, but than 2014 2015 population only increased by 43,600 people.

In fact, in 2014, Shanghai's population growth has been in cities in the last place. That year show that added 368,000 population topped Beijing, Shenzhen and Guangzhou respectively 160,000 and 150,000 people after the increase, while Shanghai rose just 100,000 people.

Alien permanent residents took the lead in "net outflow of" status quo combined with household registration on demographic trends, population growth can barely take this year, has become the unknowns. Reporters check out statistics noted that the 2013 Shanghai foreign resident population had increased by 300,000 people, total more than 9.9 million people but only about 60,000 people next year increase last year was down to 9.8165 million people, halted thousands of orders of magnitude mark.

And in well-known financial commentator Liu Xiaobo, the Census because the effects of cycles, complex factors such as performance, sometimes inaccurate, so Shanghai real demographic situation should also refer to "the number of students." But if he looked into the figures, Shanghai was a very rare scene in recent 10 years: in addition to the high school and college I have slightly increased, but last year all schools of "students" have been reduced, including primary, middle and secondary school, technical school, and so on. Where is Liu Xiaobo believed best able to reflect changes in the population status of the primary school population decreased from 2014 to 803,000 798,700.

Data, in 2008, the number of pupils in 2009 Shanghai growth hit a stunning 10.7% and 13.6%, 4 consecutive years 2010 to 2013 by more than 4% until 2014, compared with declines of 1.3%, signs of a turning point. Reporters noted that the growth this year Shenzhen is 8.6%, Guangzhou 4.7%, enrollment in Beijing reached 3.9% in the first drop, it seems to be foreshadowing for Shanghai in 2015 to negative growth.

According to Liu Xiaobo analysis, statistics of the number of pupils in each was "counting heads", so more real, "decline in population in 2015, is a confirmation of the fact."

Was also trying to find the mystery of the Shanghai population decline from other data. Large number of advisory bodies of data Ming Chen Qin, Chief Economist, found that nearly 5 years the annual growth rate of Shanghai's public transportation passenger volume each year is between 3.6% and 2.1%, 2015 years suddenly dropped to 0.9% annual growth, which means that Shanghai's commuter population growth has stagnated. This busy appearance with super large cities of Shanghai's image does not seem to have matched.

Who went? Why go?

In a world where the two years described by the data, why the total GDP of the first Shanghai suddenly "turn off"? While talking, but in the eyes of policy makers in Shanghai, "the current changes in line with expectations." The national people's Congress, Mayor Yang Xiong, Shanghai on March 6 in response to a question, said part of the resident population were reduced due to adjustment of the industrial structure labor migration along with the readjustment of the industrial structure.

"Our continuous sampling of the population, employment of floating population in Shanghai mainly manufacturing, wholesale and retail and real estate, the three industries have absorbed outsiders make up to 70% per cent of total employment, 2014 industrial immigrant population has reached 60%, the ratio may be even higher than many people imagine. "Involved in the Census of professionals in Shanghai, told the China economic weekly the reporter explained.

"Why do I say that trajectory of the migrant population is close to Shanghai's entire industrial structure has changed significantly? Because even remains higher than the population growth, especially in the core area in the center of Shanghai's population is also declining, began manufacturing relocation from Center City, the focus of population growth is mainly concentrated in the suburbs and exurbs. In recent years, Shanghai has been pursuing the ' tenglonghuanniao ', labour-intensive industries to migrate inland along the coast, a reasonable population back away from Shanghai. "Analysis of the above-mentioned persons.

According to Chen Qin cited data, Shanghai 2015 6 key industry's gross output value of industry price lower than in 2012, and that almost all workers the industry gathered. Such as oil and chemical industry for nearly three decades by 15%, iron and steel dropped by 26%, only 2014-2015 a year, petroleum and steel industry output declined by 11% and 20%, respectively. In addition, last year Shanghai completed construction area 4.3%, it meant shrinking demand for construction workers, agricultural output fell by 12.7%, "career change" farming is not realistic.

"In 2012, conducted a monitoring survey of the floating population in Shanghai, we found that the floating population in Shanghai in the manufacturing sector, only 6.9% the last switch to the wholesale and retail, accommodation, restaurants and residential services, and other people engaged in the manufacturing sector; and that 6.9% was for many years the transfer of memory, not manufacturing layoffs this year 6.9%, 6.9% of this former industrial workers soon will be able to transfer to other industries. In the cases when there is not enough jobs to absorb this population, they can only choose to leave for Shanghai. "Analysis of Chen Qin.

Shanghai University of finance population floating and labor market research director Chen Yuanyuan said in Shanghai the growth and changes of the industrial structure in recent years caused part of the migration are inextricably linked.

However, difficulties compared to Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai controlling population still has some rather unexpected, and not simply transfer the overall interpretation. One unwilling to named of Shanghai statistics people told China economic weekly reporter, another important reasons is around city group of closure effect, "Beijing around is ' ring capital poverty with ', Shenzhen location relative detached, Shanghai around is around with long triangle most rich of urban agglomeration, Nanjing, and Hangzhou, and Suzhou, and Ningbo these second-tier City this years of fast development makes Shanghai lost absolute of Center status, also from must degree Shang closure has influx Shanghai of foreign population number. ”

Meanwhile, although there is no disaggregated data show that Shanghai for high-end talents are less attractive, but the high cost of living in Shanghai is an indisputable fact. Human resources consultancy ECA International's cost of living survey shows that Shanghai has become expatriates in Asia Pacific cities with the highest cost of living.

"Keep daylight population line"

Population decline for Shanghai means what? Is traffic congestion no longer? House prices return to reason? Ideas can be of any full reality hit. In more understanding in the population changes may make Shanghai the danger is greater than negative signals.

The most direct influence on the labour market. In accordance with the age structure of the population and census proportion of practitioners, resident 24.15 million, 13.41 million working population, and accounted for 55.5% of the total population. Among them, local household registration in China with 6.35 million, foreign household workers with 7.06 million. That is, the local registered population 44% at work, population 72% in the work in the field.

"The natural change of population growth, migration and the strict control so that population growth was ' closed ' characteristic of population dynamics, this will inevitably result in Shanghai's future labor shortages, rapid development of the aging of the population and social burden of growing urban development gradually weakened. ", Director of the population Research Institute of Fudan University Wang Guixin expressed his concerns.

In fact, in the first-tier cities, population change such negative signals occurs in Shanghai and their own dynamism lacking feature is difficult to cut. "Shanghai is a paradise for State-owned enterprises, foreign companies, small and micro businesses, entrepreneurial enterprises far less than Beijing, Shenzhen, and high prices are rigid in Shanghai, compared with 420 million square meters of illegal buildings in Shenzhen as a buffer, so the population less attractive. "Liu Xiaobo is analyzed.

Undeniable is that due to the long period of lowest-low fertility status, if migrants are missing, Shanghai household register negative growth of the working-age population and ageing phenomena, and a significant reduction of the youth population in addition to causing labor contraction, will increase the city's lack of vitality and innovation ability. Model, after 2020, Shanghai's ageing population will reach 30%, ageing will become an important factor restricting the development of Shanghai's future.

Wang Guixin recommendations, Tokyo, Shanghai should learn from practice, solution to the population problem. In he seems, Tokyo area only for Shanghai of 34%, is accommodate has Shanghai 90% above of population, population density up Shanghai of 2.65 times times, but still in into 21st century Hou launched Tokyo idea 2000, vigorously promote Tokyo "are heart" regeneration, further spread increased population scale, Shanghai should follow many developed discussion or implementation "added immigration", moderate release has long on outsiders mouth into moved strictly control of points.

However, population is a complex problem, you must also consider the carrying capacity of the city itself. At the end of last year, Shanghai "Thirteen-Five" Planning Committee plenary session, "keep daylight population line" was listed as first in line, and clearly written into the plan, goal setting is that by 2020, Shanghai's permanent population must be controlled at less than 25 million people. Figure of 24.26 million last year may mean that the next 5 years, Shanghai will continue to control the population growth.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
An aging population growth

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上海外来常住人口首次负增长 这15万人为何逃离|人口负增长|老龄化_新闻资讯



  《中国经济周刊》记者 劳佳迪 | 上海报道


















  “2012年上海进行了一次流动人口动态监测调查,我们发现,上海从事制造业的外来人口只有6.9%最后转行到批发零售、住宿餐饮和居民服务业,其他人始终从事制造业;而且这6.9%还是多年来的转移存量,不是说今年制造业裁员6.9%,这6.9%的原产业工人马上就能转移到其他行业去。所以在当年没有足够岗位吸纳这些人口的情况下,他们只能选择离开上海。” 陈沁这样分析。












责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

人口负增长 老龄化


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