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Mainland colleges and universities into bureaucratic mire, meeting professors spend too much time

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Mainland colleges and universities into bureaucratic mire, meeting professors spend too much time(内地高校陷官僚泥潭,教授花太多时间开会)

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Hong Kong media: Mainland colleges and universities into bureaucratic mire met professors spend too much time _ | | education news

  Reference news, March 15 published in Hong Kong's South China Morning Post, March 14, entitled the dead officer level Chinese colleges and universities can first release? Article said, some Chinese officials liked to be referred to as "public servants", but they will not hesitate to put in front of people or lower-level officials pose. So as the saying goes "dead at the officer level", the mainland culture, only a superior position in the eyes of some officials.

Article said that over the past more than 30 years of reform and opening up in the Mainland, the process of transition to a market economy and had abandoned much of the Soviet-style central planning tools. But complex and rigid Stalinist bureaucratic hierarchy still exists, and is one of the great obstacles to reform in the long term.

The article, such a system not only creates a heavy lazy Government officials, also penetrated into almost all aspects of social and cultural institutions. From primary school to University, from State-owned enterprises to hospitals, from sports bodies to dance, even in the supposedly ascetic Temple, are based on size, influence and relations with the Government, given corresponds to the administrative level. Executive level funding, remuneration, health and retirement benefits, housing and permission to use the car, even on the meeting and banquet seating.

Article says, the result is a non-government body like administrative agencies operating, its management focus to meet the instructions issued by the higher authorities. And in some ways, official level become eye-catching symbol of bureaucratic inertia and ignorance. An interesting example is the Mainland University.

Is crying out, China needs more innovation to improve productivity, and the best students in the country have chosen to study abroad fret. China's top universities are still mired in a huge bureaucracy, rather than concentrate on recruiting the best talent to enhance the quality of teaching and research.

Indeed, the Chinese universities can now, together with foreign universities, participate in the annual academic degree of distinguished rank award. But for officials in charge of education, positions seem to be more important, because depends on funding, resources and status. Chinese universities are ranked according to the bureaucracy, the highest is the Vice ministerial-level University.

Article said that in recent years, authorities have been vocal, to universities, hospitals and sports groups such bodies more freedom, and plans to get rid of their administrative level. But the slow pace of reform. Recent media reports indicate, even enjoy very high levels of Government treatment of top University leaders, require their own level to remove.

President Kevin Lin said recently during the two sessions, is the best level to remove, because the University should focus on the development of academic. Kevin Lin is the national people's Congress, and his rank is Vice-ministerial level. Shi, Vice President of Tsinghua University is the national people's Congress. He also said a few days ago, professors and colleges spend too much time, not scientific and academic.

Professor GE jianxiong of Fudan University in Shanghai is to dare speak of well-known members of the National Committee. He used to say, the key obstacle lies in the education sector the concentration of power.

Editor: Sue cure SN226

Article keywords:
College of education

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港媒:内地高校陷官僚泥潭 教授花太多时间开会|高校|教育_新闻资讯

  参考消息网3月15日报道 香港《南华早报》网站3月14日刊发题为《官大一级压死人 中国高校能否首先解脱?》的文章称,中国有些官员喜欢被称为“人民公仆”,但他们会毫不犹豫地在民众或下级官员面前摆官架子。因此俗话说“官大一级压死人”,说明内地官场文化中,有些官员眼里只有官位与上级。


  文 章认为,这样一个体系不仅创造了昏沉怠惰的政府官员,还渗透进了社会和文化体制的几乎方方面面。从小学到大学,从国企到医院,从体育团体到歌舞团,甚至在 本应清心寡欲的寺庙,都被根据规模、影响力和与政府的关系,赋予了与行政体系相对应的级别。行政级别决定了资金、薪酬、医疗和退休福利、住房和用车权限, 甚至会议和宴会上的座次。







责任编辑:苏未然 SN226

高校 教育


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