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Foreign Media: high suicide rate of the elderly in rural China, lonely life stress

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/15 16:40:45 Browse times: 179 Comment times: 0

Foreign Media: high suicide rate of the elderly in rural China, lonely life stress(外媒:中国农村老人自杀率高,生活孤独压力大)

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Foreign Media: high suicide rate of the elderly living alone in rural China pressure | elderly suicide _ news
File photo: Hong Tianzhen walk old man

  Reference news, March 15 and media said, Chinese economic reform has brought painful social reforms, farmers into cities, growth restrictions seriously undermines the traditional family structure. Young people leave their ancestral villages to survive, leaving parents in rural areas – the elderly are now struggling with loneliness, deteriorating health, down and out.

According to Canada the globe and mail, March 13, suicide together, they faced problems become manifest. Today, in some rural areas, the elderly suicide rate exceeds the highest suicide rate in the developed world of Korea.

Reports, however, is different from other places, China's rural elderly suicide is not usually because of mental illness or drug abuse, but because of negative life events – arguing with children, the death of a spouse or long-term stress, for example, due to illness, long-term economic problems, or pressure caused by separation from their families.

Land (sound) old and committed suicide at the age of 70. She is introverted, had only a few days of schooling, spend their lives raising children and caring for her family. She and her husband built their house.

When she was diagnosed with local doctors said when they were incurable laryngeal cancer, she can't eat or even drink water. Her son, Qi Hongtong (voice) said, "she feels has the burden of disease to children and other relatives, and the duration is too long. ”

Reports that some elderly people who committed suicide because life is becoming increasingly difficult to bear.

Suicide was a possible serious problems in the elderly. Research institutions predict that by 2030, China's population will be over 60 years old population of about 25%.

Reports that in many countries, elderly people's suicide rate is higher than that of young men. However, China faces a particularly serious problem, because the increased risk of suicide age populations are extremely large. As a nation, China is trying to provide the services they need, particularly in rural areas.

Far away from the city centre where people are relatively poor and access to advanced medical care is less mental health measures are few and far between. Many people are living alone, away from the relatives to the city.

Reports of suicide in the elderly, part of the reason is cheap means of suicide can be seen everywhere. Although they were Administration also, but rural areas remain flooded with insecticides and pesticides.

Dalian Medical University psychology expert Jia Shuhua said that in some areas of China, "older people's thinking seems to be: your old, useless, and cannot live independently, so I chose to drink poison to end their life."

Reports in recent years, China has made significant progress in reducing suicide rates. Authorities had set up a suicide prevention agency and are committed to understanding, research and related institutions overcome suicidal tendencies. Promotion of basic medical services to rural areas of China, to provide assistance.

In rural areas, the Chinese authorities have also sought to limit the sale of toxic chemicals. In some places, are made of toxic chemicals are used more safely. Meanwhile, the stronger economy is also providing better social services, significantly improved levels of health care, many people have new hope.

Reported that to a large extent, these developments have helped. According to the University of Washington's Institute for health statistics evaluation statistics, from 1990 to 2013, China's overall suicide rate has dropped 67%. If you average all ages, now Canada's suicide rate for males is about twice the China times. However, the high suicide rate among elderly Chinese. China's elderly population, suicide rates decline in the rate of decline in suicide rate for total population is half the speed.

A disease accounts for the elderly in rural area: If a person faces a $ 30,000 worth of medical bills, farming income for 3000 Yuan a year, so if you can live more than ten years, treat worth the money.

The other hand, the insufficient number of China's overall shrink. Chinese psychological treatment of elderly people in rural areas have fewer opportunities, most psychologists want to to work outside of the city, worried that villagers had no money to pay their medical expenses, or that farmers had no interest in mental health services.

Reports said an aging population threatens to undermine the achievements we have made in reducing suicide rates in China.

Editor: Sue cure SN226

Article keywords:
Suicide among the elderly

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Reference news network
外媒:中国农村老人自杀率高 生活孤独压力大|老人自杀_新闻资讯

  参考消息网3月15日报道 加媒称,中国经济改革带来了痛苦的社会变革,农民涌入城市,生育限制严重破坏了传统家庭结构。年轻人离开祖祖辈辈生存的村庄,留下父母在农村——这些老人如今挣扎在孤独之中,健康恶化,穷困潦倒。













  报道称,在 很大程度上,这些发展都起到了帮助作用。根据华盛顿大学卫生统计评估研究所的统计,从1990年到2013年,中国人的整体自杀率下降了67%。如果以各 个年龄段平均计算,现在加拿大的男性自杀率约是中国的两倍。但是,中国老年人自杀率仍然较高。在中国最年老的人群中,自杀率下降的速度是总人口自杀率下降 速度的一半。




责任编辑:苏未然 SN226



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