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Chinese workers in Spain 1 billion yuan in lottery tickets, said poor only money

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Chinese workers in Spain 1 billion yuan in lottery tickets, said poor only money(中国打工仔在西班牙中10亿元彩票,称穷得只剩钱)

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Chinese workers in Spain as poor with only 1 billion yuan of lottery in money | Spain | Lottery _ news

Reference news, March 15 West media said, lived just outside Madrid, won the European lottery 137.3 million euros (about 990 million yuan), award-winning Chinese people are the luckiest people in the world.

Spain the world newspaper reported on March 13, everybody called him "Harvey". He's like an urban legend, but flesh and blood. When the first, clothes fit foot sneakers, wearing a gold ring and watch. The about 1.65 metres tall Chinese man walked down a luxury cars worth more than 100,000 euros, with around two Chinese companions.

Harvey's tired eyes, see accepted his visit had been a hard fight. Mouth, teeth exposed have bad eating habits. He said: "I am still poor, so poor that only money. "And most of Spain like living in China, he came from Zhejiang Province, China. He worked in the kitchen of a restaurant in Barcelona. He scrimped and saved, but believes that hard work can bring wealth. Then Harvey moved to Madrid in Europe, the largest Chinese commercial work. He used to live in working-class neighborhoods, now he's a soccer superstar Ronaldo's neighbor.

Harvey of the lucky lottery winners more than once, before the European lottery has won Spain's National Lottery 1.86 million euros in prize money. However, his Spain not very fluent in, most of the time can only be popping some monosyllabic words. But luck seems to be needless. Reporters asked him: "did you mean Spain or even the luckiest person in the world? "He was silent for a long time, eventually replied:" Yes, I have won two awards. ”

Harvey was a shy smile. His words are full of gratitude for life, he still did not believe it was true so far. Reporters asked him: "what do you feel when you won the first prize? Do you feel like in a dream? "He said:" I did not sleep for 3 consecutive days, with their eyes open until dawn. Winning for the first time brought happiness and even greater prize is greater than the second. ”

Harvey was asked: "what do you spend money on it? "He said:" I spend very little. First buy a House, because the past is renting. When my wife came to Spain. So I think she brings good luck. She came on September 13, 2013, my family brings me luck. ”

Wife and son came to Spain and join him in 48 days, Harvey won Spain's National Lottery 1.86 million euros. He said: "I was only 7 euros, but won 1.86 million euros. Then I cast more and more. ”

Reporters asked a sensitive question: "do you work? "Frank Harvey replied:" Yes, the money is not enough for me to retire. 18 years ago I came to Spain, any work he did--in a restaurant kitchen, in the business district and the hundred shops worked ... ... Of course, I don't do them anymore after winning. ”

Reports that Harvey € 137.3 million in June 2014 won the European Lottery Awards, he has invested € 42. Harvey now put their money in banks, often choose the safer way. But as Spain market declines, he lost. Now the Harvey family living expenses from bank interest. But in the last few months investment situation is not good, he has lost 1 million euros.

Asked why he would choose when buying a house in the wealthy area, Harvey said: "there are many bad people, we want more security. Here is more peaceful. "He also said, their children and Ronaldo had kids. This area is home to more than 10 Chinese families. Harvey did not reveal how much it cost to buy this big house building area of more than 1000 square meters. But alleged that Harvey lived Uptown House the highest price up to 20 million euros.

Harvey Award and reflex-Spain Ministry of finance handed in taxes of 28 million euros. Reporters laughed and asked: "meat hurt, right? "He replied:" not really. I'm willing to Spain and make contributions. I love this country, and will stay here. ”

Reports that although the body with rich trace, but Harvey never shows off. He only spent the money spent. Harvey can have such a good financial Outlook, which years ago lottery ticket seller anheer·gangsaleisi has something to give him advice. Reporter specifically visited the Gonzalez.

Gangsalesi was asked: "do you know who € 137.3 million in the lottery? "The professional salesman says:" I don't know. Even know, won't tell you. "The reporter then asked:" your Lottery sales point has opened 1.86 million Euro prize. Did you know the same people? "Gangsalesi did not know these details, but he also remembered Harvey first in Spain when the National Lottery Lottery yourself pass it to him, and gave him some advice on how to use this money. Can experience the comfort of gangsalesi from the words, as if he himself is the winner.

Reporter is interested in when those recommendations, so I asked what Gonzalez said. He replied: "he is a typical Chinese workers who have their own small business. I told him to get the money don't be nervous. Parties should consider how to invest in investment nor desperate. I have also introduced him to an investment banking Adviser, but he chose to another bank. ”

Gonzalez said that after the European lottery lottery that he had to telephone Harvey, but the latter denied that prize. When the facts are known, he said: "this is simply incredible. "But for a Chinese person to win, Gonzalez said was not surprising, since in Spain there are many Chinese people buy lottery tickets. Among them are workers, there are business owners.

Asked Harvey is what time in the past, Gonzalez described it: "he always dressed very casual, jacket with a high collar shirt, is very simple. "As for Harvey's what Gonzalez says with imagination:" must be living in a nice house, with its own aircraft, to travel around the world. ”

Reported, Gonzalez said. Harvey recently planning a trip to Paris and Spain resorts in Ibiza to play. He rides, including Porsche, BMW and Ferrari, but I don't remember the specific model. However, when Harvey talked about her life is still quite cautious. He said he went to ordinary people often go to the clothing store to buy clothes. When his favorite sport to play golf, because this sport helps to think about and return to quiet.

Think really hushed Harvey, however, is family. All his fortune thanks to his wife and children. Included was born in Spain, including the youngest son, a family of 4 people still speak Chinese at home.

It was reported that when asked the secret of winning, Harvey said he used a computer analysis of past winning numbers, lottery numbers and often replaced. But now he is no longer buying lottery tickets every day, but only out of awards when they arise, and hand is large.

Harvey said he will continue to stay in Spain doing business, because I be grateful for in this country. He said that never in Spain suffered racial discrimination, but there are bad people everywhere, so before buying the new House and starting a new life in a new place.

Harvey was born in 1973, parents are ordinary Chinese workers. Now that he has gone from being a poor migrant workers became a billionaire. But he said was: "I'm still a poor man, a spirit of the poor. ”

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Spain tickets

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中国打工仔在西班牙中10亿元彩票 称穷得只剩钱|西班牙|彩票_新闻资讯

  参考消息网3月15日报道 西媒称,这个住马德里郊外、赢得欧洲乐透彩票1.373亿欧元(约合9.9亿元人民币)大奖的中国人是世界上最幸运的人。


  哈 维的眼神疲惫,看得出接受访问前曾作过艰苦的心理斗争。一开口,牙齿就暴露出曾经糟糕的饮食习惯。他说:“我依然是穷人,穷得只剩下钱。”和大多数来西班 牙讨生活中国人一样,他来自中国浙江省。他曾在巴塞罗那的一家餐馆里帮厨。他省吃俭用,但坚信辛勤劳动能给自己带来财富。后来哈维来到马德里,在欧洲最大 的华人商贸区工作。过去他住在劳动阶层居住的街区,现在他成了足球巨星C罗的邻居。

  幸运的哈维不止一次赢得彩票奖金,在欧洲乐透彩之前就曾 赢得过西班牙国家彩票186万欧元的奖金。然而,他的西班牙语依然不太流利,多数时候只能蹦出一些单音节的词汇。不过如此好运似乎无需赘言。记者问他: “您是不是西班牙乃至全世界最幸运的人?”他沉默了许久,最终回答道:“是的,我赢得了两个大奖。”





  报 道称,哈维2014年6月赢得了欧洲乐透彩的1.373亿欧元大奖,当时他投入了42欧元。现在哈维把钱放在银行,通常选择比较安全的理财方式。不过随着 西班牙股市下跌,他也有所损失。如今哈维全家的生活费都来自银行利息。不过最近几个月来,投资情况并不好,他已经损失了100万欧元。

  在被 问到为什么会选择在富人区买房时,哈维说:“有很多坏人,我们希望生活更加安全。这里更宁静。”他还说,自己的孩子曾和C罗孩子一起玩耍。在这个富人区居 住着超过10个华人家庭。哈维并没有透露自己花了多少钱买下这座建筑面积1000多平方米的大房子。不过据称,哈维所住富人区的房子最高价能达到2000 万欧元。



  记 者问冈萨勒斯:“你知道谁中了1.373亿欧元的大奖吗?”这位敬业的销售员表示:“不知道。就算知道,也不会告诉您。”记者接着问:“您的彩票销售点曾 开出186万欧元的大奖。您知道是同一人获得的吗?”冈萨勒斯对这些细节并不知情,但他还记着哈维第一次中西班牙国家彩票时就是自己将彩票递给他,并就如 何使用这笔钱给了他一些建议。从言语中能体会到冈萨勒斯的欣慰,仿佛他自己就是中奖者。




  报 道称,真的被冈萨雷斯说中了。哈维最近正计划前往巴黎和西班牙旅游胜地伊维萨岛游玩。他的座驾包括保时捷、宝马和法拉利,但却不记得具体型号。不过哈维谈 起自己的奢华生活时还是相当小心谨慎的。他说自己依然去普通人经常去服装店买衣服。他最喜欢的运动时打高尔夫球,因为这项运动有助于思考和回归宁静。





责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

西班牙 彩票


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