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Beijing China has reportedly used scrap loyal companies do dentures

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/15 16:39:14 Browse times: 170 Comment times: 0

Beijing China has reportedly used scrap loyal companies do dentures(北京瓷都忠诚公司被曝用废钢做假牙)

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Beijing porcelain dentures |315| reportedly used scrap loyal companies do dentures | CCTV match-fixing _ news

Original title: scrap dentures, porcelain loyalty only "fault"?

CCTV 315 evening exposure Kita-guchi dentures, porcelain manufacturers such as loyalty, used in the production and processing of denture process scrap steel, scrap, and even add scrap metal, these shoddy dentures market price of just regular dentures one-seventh, but also easy to cause harm to the human body.

On March 15, Squad, 37th (app ID:zhonganzu37) officers with the Beijing food and drug Bureau, district staff of the food and drug administration, investigated exposure of Beijing porcelain loyalty medical supplies company, in addition to investigate a large number of unsolicited scrap steel used for making dentures, a recent and disinfection of the enterprise records was in 2013.

Located in Daxing District, Beijing "Beijing medical supplies co porcelain loyalty" by "the end."

Squad, 37th (app ID:zhonganzu37) officers on the scene, the company's shop has been empty, Beijing Municipal food and drug administration, district staff of the food and Drug Administration is counting check dentures illegal medical devices.

"122 boxes of material, 5 kg of Mason's cobalt chromium stent HD alloy, more than more than 30 boxes of dental NI-base steel dental casting alloys and the bulk of cast alloy and support registration-free products such as steel. ”

"The small amount of field inspection, backlog of dentures are not normally survive, are made, the company's sales volume in Beijing belongs to the top in the industry. "According to one insider, which has been established for more than 10 years the company has been into the denture production, sold in places such as Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

Found broken steel. Beijing News reporter Peng Ziyang/photo

  Recent and disinfection record was three years

Check the site, a diameter of about 30 cm plastic bucket caught the attention of the staff of the food and drug, the bucket is filled with a sparkling silver, of varying shapes of scrap steel.

"No matter what device is inside, but it must be clearly labeled. "A food drug administration staff member said. In addition to buckets of scrap steel, inventory that the 122 boxes of material, 5 kg of Mason's cobalt chromium stent HD alloy, more than more than 30 boxes of nickel base cast alloy steel teeth dental packages have no Chinese identity.

This afternoon, the food and drug staff, these illegal products will be seized and to seize the illegal production workshop, warehouse, require enterprises to suspend production, rectification, Chaoyang and Daxing FDA investigation, and various medical organizations have issued in this city, suspend the use of the 2 production companies products.

Except not registered products, the production records did not have recent and disinfection of dentures, according to food and drug staff, recent and disinfection of the enterprise records was in 2013.

Loyal porcelain workshop. Beijing News reporter Peng Ziyang/photo

  Raw materials without identity "error"?

Face a number of non-Chinese identity of medical device materials, porcelain loyal Executive Squad, Wang Tao, head of the medical company, 37th (app ID:zhonganzu37) officers, said: "this is the result of staff error. ”

Wang explained that trial ground steel material related qualification has not been sent to the purchase probably twenty or thirty pounds, used in experiment more than a pound. Lot size cannot all use the material, otherwise the quality problems are difficult to solve, and this batch of scrap steel is not scrap.

Wang Tao introduced which dentures are mainly sold in the part regions of Hebei and Beijing, but trial materials. Trial price is about the same. Materials vendors to try and meet the requirements, then the bulk. If it failed to stop. The material at a two-day trial.

Disinfection facilities, Wang said, there have been disinfected, but lack of internal management, the staff did not keep records.

However, after CCTV reporter had to make unannounced visits to the porcelain company, discovered the broken steel "great universe".

  Broken steel denture without registration

Regular denture metal raw materials should be printed on the packaging of the medical device registration license key rules of each metal is shaped, uniform in size and printed logo. According to the State food and Drug Administration issued the customized registration guidelines for the technical review of denture products: "the making of dentures, have the registration certificate of medical devices should be used in dental PFM alloy, dental casting alloys and other materials".

CCTV reporters make unannounced visits to the porcelain, however, loyal and medical supplies company found that workers on the factory floor are made of irregularly shaped metal raw materials to casting denture.

Porcelain loyalty medical supplies limited the head of QC said: "different, large and small, industry is broken steel, most times. "This irregular shaped metal raw materials, called the scrap steel in the industry, quality is relatively poor, and generally use it to produce relatively inexpensive ordinary stents.

CCTV reporters found in investigations, the broken steel box, neither in the above text, description and tags, and without a registration certificate for medical device license number. According to the State food and Drug Administration issued the notice on strengthening the custom dentures production supervision, as well as the description and labeling of medical devices regulations: "do not use an unregistered custom dentures denture material processing"; in the People's Republic of China territory sales and use of medical devices, should be accompanied by a description and tags. Description and tags text shall be in Chinese

CCTV investigations screenshots

  Some scrap steel may originate from recycled materials

Overview of medical device is a large wholesale market. Reporter also saw the scrap steel for sale here. In the store's introduction, reporter of a rented house in Foshan, met Marquis specializes in scrap steel business owner. Here, reporters saw with porcelain loyalty medical supplies limited use of packaging the same pieces of steel materials.

The owner introduced domestic 90% broken steel is produced in Tianjin, "now has to work with for seven or eight years, not to see the boss. This is no card no card, mixed (mixed) too much, his capacity, he would fear an accident. ”

When the boss says, Denture processing plants in the country are using this broken steel casting denture. Its market price only regular factory of one-seventh. Why scrap steel raw material prices so cheap? National dental materials and equipment Standardization Committee member Professor Zhao Xinyi gives the answer.

National dental materials and devices Standardization Committee Zhao Xinyi said: "most of these irregular material, basically is either recycled, or it could be from the industries top circulation of this material, is not able to use as and when required. ”

North denture technology research company, CCTV reporters found that Foundry workers into a few pieces of steel into the Crucible, and then to add some scrap steel head. Will they melt together and pour into molds. Workers say this saves costs. But Beijing issued by the food and Drug Administration set out in the quality system inspection Guide for custom dentures: "casting denture made of metal waste shall not be used again."

CCTV investigations screenshots

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[Shady! Manufacturing scrap material, such as an old toothbrush for cleaning dentures do you dare to wear? ] Entrance of dentures are made of what? CCTV financial channel for 315 journalists some denture-making factory found that when they cast denture, use no flags, no registration certificate for medical device license number of broken steel. Experts, broken steel or recycling materials or raw materials. And they tend to be repeatedly recycled, harmful elements in increasingly high concentrations, endanger people! Moreover, these dentures are not disinfected, staff used an old toothbrush and brush the brush will be mailed to you ...

[Be careful: you may buy ginseng half white sugar! Taught you how to identify ↓] Red Ginseng is commonly used by consumers tonics, by national standards, sugar content should not exceed 20%, though some businesses should be boiled with sugar, weight 30%! Sugar straight drag racing 50%! If people with diabetes taking may aggravate the condition, it hurts even more! So how to identify? ① Select "ugly": Red full of added sugar; II selected the "dry" goods: soft waxy sticky sugar exceeding.

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[General Administration of quality supervision urgent reminder: buyer will look for the 3C sign! ], Director of the General Administration of quality supervision administration of quality supervision Division Mei Jianhua: 2016 first checks relating to 25 products, roller shoes, power adapter, explosion-proof electrical, electric oven and Baking utensils 7 failure rate is higher than 10%. Sanli embedded ovens, Teppanyaki, Yi Laite tsann love bread machines, kitchen, kettle, aotelong built-in electric oven and many other brands not qualified! Consumers: toasters and other appliances when you purchase select the CCC mark formal product!

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["Pro" praise or fake? Secrets of crazy "scalping Empire"] after payment of 88 contributions, reporters into a group called spirit of make money online business platform brush single chat room. Tens of thousands of brush hand grab. Subsequently, the reporter on scalping hosted voice guidance, in the absence of any real goods trading and logistics case, success for the store spawned five single sales and five home and get paid 4. Here, each with hundreds of thousands of brush, scrubbing can years into millions, peremptory and almost the same size in an industry ...

[This is 315 speed! Party exposure "hungry" shop has been sealed up], Tongzhou district, Beijing Bureau of food and drug inspection team captain Du Weili 315 evening exposure is located in Tongzhou district, Beijing, a "hungry" catering venue for on-site inspection, told CCTV financial channel Reporter: "this store without permission, are operating without a license. Business premises do not meet health standards, kitchen area is not enough, no sterilized equipment, heated food does not meet the standards, some practitioners have no health permits. Hungry website has lax auditing and monitoring problems. "Law enforcement agencies confiscated illegal equipment, closed down shop. Next to the shop will be serious accountability of law enforcement agencies, the law.

[Heavy! Administration for industry and Commerce scrutiny "three noes": history of the most strict regulations coming! ] Note! Administration rights! Recently, the State administration of industry and Commerce of the circulation of commodity quality supervision and management. This will clear all store sales, and online sales are brought into circulation a product quality supervision, quality online and offline "random" spot checks, check the results to the public in a timely manner, and special provisions operators shall not purchase or sell of unknown origin "three noes" goods.

(CCTV financial)

The Beijing News reporter Wu Zhenpeng

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
315 dentures CCTV match-fixing

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  央视记者暗访中发现,这些碎钢原料的包装盒,上面既没有中文字,说明书和标签,也没有医疗器械注册许可证号。根据国家食品药品监督管理总局 发布的《关于加强定制式义齿生产监管的通知》以及《医疗器械说明书和标签管理规定》:“不得使用未经注册的义齿材料加工定制式义齿”;凡在中华人民共和国 境内销售、使用的医疗器械,应当附有说明书和标签。说明书和标签文字内容应当使用中文










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  新京报记者 吴振鹏

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

315 假牙 央视打假


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