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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China will continue to strictly control the Security Council resolutions in question prohibited items

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/9 10:15:47 Browse times: 189 Comment times: 0

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China will continue to strictly control the Security Council resolutions in question prohibited items(外交部:中方将继续严控安理会涉朝决议禁止物项)

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China will continue to strictly control the Security Council resolutions in question prohibited items

Xinhua Beijing, March 9, reported that North Korea′s multiple launch rocket system produced by the company, the China National heavy duty truck group HOWO truck, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said China has always earnestly implement the relevant resolutions of the Security Council, effectively fulfil their international responsibilities.

Hong Lei said at a regular press conference, items prohibited by resolution of the Council, China will continue to strictly control.

  Conference full text:

  Q: United States plans in Australia deployed long-range bombers, to safeguard the freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea. What is your response to this? Does it think that this would exacerbate regional tensions?

A: we have expressed concern about the reports. At present, the pursuit of peace, seeking cooperation and promoting development are the trend of the times and the aspiration of the area. Cooperation among the countries concerned should be aimed at maintaining regional peace, stability and development. Any bilateral cooperation should not damage the interests of third parties.

  Q: United States in Australia′s secret poll showed that about 90% Australia hire Darwin expressed concern over people on the Chinese side, that may affect national security. What is your response to this?

A: I think Australia China enterprises of the public need not hire Darwin kept such doubts. Sino-Australian economic and trade cooperation fully demonstrated China′s development for Australia offer important opportunities. China is ready to work with Australia to enhance mutually beneficial cooperation and realize common development and common prosperity. Chinese companies in Australia carried out the operation are respecting market principles, rules and Australian domestic law on the basis of normal commercial operations, and bring great benefits to both countries, but also by the Australian Government and people welcome. Hope o all objective and rational view of China′s cooperation with Australia. I also noted that, according to polls, Mr Turnbull has said the Prime Minister, the Australian defence and security officials believe the cooperation poses no threat to Australian interests.

  Q: it is reported, is the implementation of Security Council resolution involved North Korea, China, beginning on March 10 ban on DPRK ships into port. Can you introduce the situation of China′s implementation of the relevant Security Council resolutions?

Answer: the United Nations Security Council has adopted resolution No. 2270 involved North Korea. China, as a permanent member of the Security Council and a responsible member of the international community, has always strictly implemented the relevant Security Council resolutions. This time we will be full and faithful implementation of the relevant resolutions.

Also, I would like to stress that involves not only the Security Council resolution No. 2270 sanctions against the North, also reiterates its call upon the parties concerned to resume the six-party talks and resolve the issue through dialogue and negotiations, maintain peace and stability on the peninsula. Hope relevant parties full and balanced implementation of this resolution.

  Q: recently published photographs showing North Korea, its multiple launch rocket system used a Chinese-made heavy trucks. What is your response to this?

A: China has always earnestly implement the relevant resolutions of the Council effectively fulfil their international responsibilities. Items prohibited by resolution of the Council, China will continue to strictly control.

  Q: Wang Yi met with Russia′s Foreign Minister was what topics will be discussed at the meeting?

A: the Foreign Ministers of the two countries on the current Sino-Russian relations and engage in in-depth and promote further development of bilateral relations at a high level. The current profound changes in the international situation, the two Foreign Ministers will also be of common interest international and exchange views on regional issues, promote bilateral strategic cooperation, maintaining regional and international peace, security and stability.

  Q: today, Foreign Ministers Wang Yi and United States Secretary of State John Kerry calls the situation on the Korean peninsula. Can you explain the situation? Also discusses other topics?

Answer: this morning, Wang met with United States Secretary of State John Kerry on the phone, the two sides exchanged views on Sino-US relations and the current situation on the Korean peninsula.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi pointed out that the current situation on the Korean peninsula is very tense. In such circumstances, all parties should keep calm and exercise restraint to avoid stimulation.

Wang Yi stressed that this background in response to the current situation on the Korean peninsula, China′s reasonable and legitimate security concerns and interests must not be compromised.

  Q: Korea 8th announced unilateral sanctions against North Korea, what is your response to this?

Answer: the United Nations Security Council resolution No. 2270 had been adopted a few days ago, China will be the full and strict implementation of that resolution. Meanwhile, the Chinese side believes that unilateral sanctions are not the way to solve the problem, concerning unilateral sanctions should not harm the legitimate interests of the Chinese side. Under the current complex and sensitive situation on the Korean peninsula, and hopes that all parties concerned with discretion, calmly, not to escalate tensions.

  Asked: it was reported that a North Korean cargo ship was forbidden to enter the port of Rizhao city, Shandong province, China. It is not China′s implementation of Security Council resolutions in question move? Does China for all carriers to do the same?

Answer: I don′t know about specific situations. But, as I have just pointed out, China will be the full and strict implementation of United Nations resolution No. 2270.

  Q: the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-UN, had successful nuclear warhead miniaturization, to carry ballistic missiles. How do you respond to the Chinese side?

A: China′s position on the Korean peninsula nuclear issue is very clear. We strive to promote and achieve the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, is committed to maintaining peace and stability on the peninsula, is committed to resolve the relevant issues through dialogue and negotiations. Hope in the current situation, the parties do more to contribute to peace and stability on the peninsula.

  Q: on March 8, Malaysia Airlines MH370 released its interim statement said an international investigation, the Panel has studied in the field of the cause of the crash. The same day, Malaysia′s Prime Minister Najib Razak said in a statement, the hunt will end later this year, as in the India Ocean search fails, MA, Macau, will be discussed and decided the next step. China′s comments on the interim statements and the progress of the investigation? How to evaluate progress in Malaysia Airlines search?

Answer: Malaysia Airlines passenger plane since the incident, China and Malaysia, and Australia, all concerned parties in close communication with, and actively participate in aircraft searches and investigations. China has noticed the second interim statement issued on March 8, the international investigation team, hopes that the international unit continue to conduct investigations to identify causes, to a responsible conclusion to the families of all personnel on board.

At present, Australia dominated in deep water search is still in progress. In January of this year, the Chinese Government sent a specialized vessels to South India ocean waters tasks involved in the search. China will work with the countries concerned on the search work will continue to maintain close communication and cooperation.

(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-03-09 18:02:50




























(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-03-09 18:02:50

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