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Mr Li on China’s economy: energy approach highlights

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Mr Li on China’s economy: energy approach highlights(李稻葵谈中国经济:有底气有办法有亮点)

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Mr Li on China's economy: energy approach highlights

As a Professor of Tsinghua University Li daokui

  Author: Tsinghua University Li daokui, Director of the Center for China and the world economy

Year of 2016 is the key to restructuring, judging from China's economic performance, does face some challenges, "Haze" from the international "bad-mouthing" the voice of China's economy, also from different risk of confusion in the financial markets. But on the whole, China's economy is currently operating, we are emboldened, and approaches, there are bright spots.

  CLOUT: China is still huge potential for growth of the economy

Despite more than 30 years of rapid development, China today is still a huge potential for growth of the economy, the three most basic factors of economic growth remains unchanged. First of all, we have a stable, support Governments in the development of the market economy, it is vital. Center for China and the world economy at Tsinghua University to host the 27th China and the World Economic Forum, for "bad-mouthing" the voice of China's economy, former Chief Economist of Soros Fund management kelisituofu·weigen (Christopher Wiegand): "China's economy has the ability to resist risks. Pressure on slower economic growth is shifting, but Chinese policymakers are aware of the situation and the potential losses. Do not underestimate China's capacity to respond. "

Second on the economic growth factors is, continued growth of human capital. Now, many people worry about the problem of an ageing population, but we need to see is that labor health and education levels are rising. In 2015 the gross enrollment rate of higher education in China reached 38%, even more than 50% individual provinces reached the level of developed countries. According to the calculation of the Center for China and the world economy at Tsinghua University, China's average labor health level 5 years younger than 20 years ago, labor health level of continuous improvement, itself equivalent to the labor supply was improved.

Third growth factor is the continued opening of China's economy. Today, there is no doubt that China's economy is the world's largest open, not only to attract substantial foreign direct investment, Chinese capital "going out" involved in foreign investment momentum is also very hard, through international trade and investment to push China's economy needs to upgrade. Past experience tells us that there is a stable Government of supporting the development of market economy and continued growth of human capital and the continued opening of China's economy, as long as these three things right, China's economy will continue to grow.

  China's economy has always been a challenge in the development of

Although China's economy met the challenges, but there is a way. The central economic work Conference 2016 five tasks: production capacity, inventory, leverage, reducing costs, fill the short Board. For example, "capacity", the State Council put forward within the next five years, reducing the backward production capacity of the steel and coal industries around 10%. We hope that "capacity" the pace and intensity can be increased. And in 1999, after the outbreak of the Asian financial crisis, China's textile industry, "capacity" than it was "capacity" much less challenging, whether employment or financial operations are much stronger than in 1999, if would be then determined capacity, will be able to make significant progress.

Such as "inventory", we believe that this year will also usher in the real estate boom. Real estate is diverse, one or two tier stock condition is not serious, instead of short-term investments must also be strengthened. Shanghai City, only three months of inventory, for example, Beijing had nine months of inventory for first-tier cities as well as some second-tier cities, until the middle of this year will also usher in a wave of real estate investment and development. Serious inventory and three or four cities, how the "inventory"? Accelerating new urbanization, rural populations to settle in the city that are not city, addressing the medical and the education of their children, this is more of a "supply side" reforms and "demand side" of reform.

Different from Western "deleveraging", "deleveraging" is the core of "adjusting lever", due to speed up restructuring of corporate debt. In other words, Central Government debts still need to improve a little, not a huge, highly liquid debt market, many financial aspects of the operation very difficult to run. Generally speaking, China's economy, macroeconomic leverage in the world's major economies is not generally considered 250% of the overall level of debt per cent of GDP, with the United States is consistent, and Japan is higher than 400%. China's national savings rate was as high as 50%, countries with high savings rates, leverage increased, not only is not a violation of the laws of Economics, it is a manifestation of increased efficiency.

  Highlights: huge internal power is taking shape

According to the analysis of the Center for China and the world economy at Tsinghua University, judging from data in December of this year, rising trend in the real economy gradually picked up. An important factor driving China's economic growth last year was financial, and its weight was about 9%, while the financial services industry added value up to 15.9% last year, which was a huge pulling power. This year because of stock market volatility, finance to drive compared to the economic slowdown in May last year, but real economic recovery is under way, including fixed-asset investment has also increased.

The second highlight is, real estate development and investment this year is expected to bottom out in June at a rate of recovery. Growth in real estate investment and development in December last year was zero, the "zero growth" is not sustainable, in June this year in any case real estate investment growth will return to positive growth, the year is probably about 5%. A third highlights, from "child policy" of reform, China will be the second half of this year increased by 2 million newborn babies, also disproportionately stimulating China's consumption, we forecast that the child policy can boost consumption growth in GDP of about 0.2%.

If five tasks, as well as the new towns of the country, State-owned enterprise reform and some major reform measures set in place this year, in our view, in late 2016, 2017 at the latest the first half of this round of China's economic growth downward cycle will bottom out in 2018 and not only China's economy stabilized and rebounded slightly. 2016 is one worth looking forward to the year and, in General, China's economic clout, and that there were ways, highlight cases going to health. (Original cut)

(Editors: Wei-June UN810)
2016-03-09 13:32:33
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  作者:清华大学中国与世界经济研究中心主任 李稻葵



  尽管经过了三十多年的高速发展,今天的中国仍是一个增长潜力巨大的经济体,最基本的三大经济增长因素仍然没有变。首先,我们有稳定的、支持市场经济发展的政府,这一点至关重要。在清华大学中国与世界经济研究中心主办的第27期中国与世界经济论坛上,针对一些“唱衰”中国经济的声音,索罗斯基金管理公司前首席经济学家克里斯托弗·韦根(Christopher Wiegand)就坦言:“中国经济有抵御风险的能力。经济增速换挡放缓确实带来了压力,但中国政策制定者现在已经意识到这一状况及潜在的可能损失。不要低估中国的应对能力”。











(责任编辑:隗俊 UN810)
2016-03-09 13:32:33

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