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Henan “woman to blackmail the Government“ case of second instance upheld

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/9 10:14:29 Browse times: 171 Comment times: 0

Henan “woman to blackmail the Government“ case of second instance upheld(河南“农妇敲诈政府”案二审维持原判)

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Henan "woman to blackmail the Government" case upheld the ne bis in idem | | woman _ the Government news and information

Criminal judgement

Criminal judgement

Criminal judgement

Original title: the woman to blackmail the Government second-instance ruling upheld

# Late depth # (reporter Li Mingde Zhu Shunzhong depth section and manpower Wang Shuo) this morning, by late journalist (app ID:fzwb_52165216) in Nanyang city, Henan province, was informed that a verdict on October 15 last year, determined that "in Nanyang, Henan women to blackmail the Government" case, criminal ruling issued in second instance: uphold the judgement of the lower court.

A verdict in the case showed that in 1980, Yun Yang Zhen Da Guan of Xinhua Bookstore, nanzhao requisition land construction of yunyang branch, and in 1989 regarding the land use certificate-level property. In 1981, accused Zhang and her ex-husband in a bookstore adjacent to a homestead. In 1983, a couple built three tile-roofed house on the Homestead, in 1993, Zhang House sheet-close to the Eastern wall of the Xinhua Bookstore, the bookstore several times to stop, coordinated by the village and group cadres after a stamped housing will be built. In November 2000, covers the South East side of housing to the Treasury of the Xinhua Bookstore, in November 2004, when Zhang Xinhua Bookstore built warehouses, causing their damage to housing requirements for damages on the grounds of the Xinhua Bookstore, to nanzhao County people's court proceedings. Yun Yang Zhen on August 4, 2005, the Tribunal's mediation: by a cash lump sum of the Xinhua Bookstore 2000; never compromised for the House again in the future to any request of the Xinhua Bookstore. Later Zhang Xinhua Bookstore to encroach on its three-foot wood several times on the petition.

By late journalist (app ID:fzwb_52165216) that on May 25, 2012, Yun Yang Zhen, nanzhao County Government reception staff not to let Zhang in their area during the peasant petitioners, based on a social assistance payment to Zhang 35000 Yuan. Subsequently, the nanzhao County people's Procuratorate with "extortion" Zhang to court. The trial court found that the defendant on the grounds of infringement of the Xinhua Bookstore, its town, to petition and lawsuit, obtained when its application to the law after a reasonable solution, make unreasonable demands, and wrapped visits, visits by means of threats, provide government officials and asked for money, directly or indirectly, a large amount of, their behavior had constituted the crime of extortion. On October 15, 2015, the nanzhao County people's Court for the verdict, sentenced to two years in prison and six months and fined 20000 Yuan, return of illegal gains 49500.

After the verdict, Zhang on the verdict, appeal to the Court in Nanyang city.

On March 2, the Nanyang intermediate people's Court issued the criminal orders in the case found that the "Zhang to visit regularly visit waiting way coerce, ask for other people's property, larger amounts, his behavior had constituted the crime of extortion. Therefore, dismissed the appeal and upheld, and the Court of final appeal ruling. ”

Responsible editor: Li Tianyi

Article keywords:
Government woman

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  #法晚深度即时#(稿件统筹 朱顺忠 深度记者 李明德 王硕)今天上午,法晚记者(微信ID:fzwb_52165216)从河南省南阳市中院获悉,去年10月15日下达一审判决,认定“河南南阳农妇敲诈政府”一案,二审刑事裁定下达:维持原审判决。


  法晚记者(微信ID:fzwb_52165216)获悉,2012年5月25日,南召县云阳镇政府接访人员为不让张某在其地区农运会期间上访,以社会救助款方式向张某支付35000元。 随后,南召县人民检察院以“敲诈勒索罪”将张某诉至法院。其原审法院认为,被告张某以其镇新华书店侵权为由,进行信访并提起诉讼,当其诉求得到依法合理解决后,仍提出无理要求,进行缠访、闹访等手段相威胁,向政府工作人员直接或间接索要钱财,数额较大,其行为已构成敲诈勒索罪。2015年10月15日,南召县人民法院对此做出判决,判处张某有期徒刑两年零六个月,并处罚金20000元,退赔违法所得49500。




政府 农妇


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