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Foreign Media: China’s success in breaking the “shorting China“ fallacy

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/9 10:13:57 Browse times: 166 Comment times: 0

Foreign Media: China’s success in breaking the “shorting China“ fallacy(外媒:中国成功打破“卖空中国”谬论)

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Foreign Media: China's success in breaking the "shorting China" fallacy

Reference news, March 9 United Kingdom published in the financial times website on March 7, the bears began to feel isolated in China article, author of zhennifu·xiusi.

Article said that bearish on China is not easy, at least for this month is. Data, market trends, events and even added together, so that a month ago looked fairly simple things complicated.

Today, the "shorted China" avoided the most difficult part of the reason-the ever-increasing capital outflow has slowed sharply, thereby increasing the difficulty of forecasting. Bearish on China might laugh, but they should be careful.

Last month, China's foreign exchange reserves fell by $ 28.6 billion, well below the nearly $ 100 billion per month in the past months of decline. Played a role in the Lunar New Year holiday in February, but market trends also show that China succeeded in diluting the strong January of "shorting China" view. In the past four weeks, offshore Yuan/dollar exchange rate-is considered to be an indicator of international sentiment--compared with the tightly controlled the onshore rate, than at any time since August last year accidents since the devaluation of the Yuan is strong.

Article said that reason for shorting the Yuan is China's liquidity reserves were drying up and liquidity reserves was China's response to the confirmed, growing capital outflows. These two points have been weakened during the weekend.

In order to quell the doubts, report of the people's Bank of China said its foreign exchange reserves are actually meet liquidity standards. This approach could work, might also fail.

But few observers have ignored the research report released this week by the Bank for international settlements, the report said, capital outflows in the third quarter last year mainly due to the company to repay dollar debts and offshore deposits, rather than because people panicked and rushed to get money to foreign countries.

Article said that selling empty renminbi is only one way of expressing negative views on China, but since the people's Bank of China since January, intervention, increase transaction costs, this is not the most popular way. If hedge funds selling the Australian dollar or won (as they always do), China is unlikely to make a difference. But if China's reserves as it had said strong liquidity and speed are not up to the level of brain drain, then put to think China will have to be more cautious about their rationale.

Shorting China would become one of the few major trends this year, but now requires careful observation.

According to the United States the New York Times, March 7, almost no economic data as well as China's foreign exchange reserves, at recent international financial markets rapidly from obscurity to become focus of attention.

Reported that China's foreign exchange reserves is widely regarded as the best barometer of embodies China on the road to avoid a devaluation of the national currency last.

Recently, monthly changes in China's foreign exchange reserves mainly reflected China's businesses and families because of fears of domestic economic growth slowdown and massive anti-corruption investigation to the scale of the transfer of capital abroad. In the past 5 weeks, the Chinese Government has taken action to curb capital outflows, officials pledged nearly every day the Renminbi will not be devalued, and related departments are also more strictly enforced system of remittances to overseas.

Later in the 7th, news that China's policy began to bear fruit: per month, compared with $ 100 billion foreign exchange reserves a few months before, narrowed sharply in February, China's foreign exchange reserves decreased by. China's foreign exchange reserves in February decreased $ 28.6 billion, to $ 3.202 trillion.

Reportedly, most economists predict that China's foreign exchange reserves will be even greater decline, such as Barclays Bank earlier expected China's foreign exchange reserves will be reduced by $ 70 billion.

Kay voted in zhulian·aiwensi of experts on China's economy at the international macro-economic consulting-Pritchard said 7th published by China's foreign exchange reserves fell "is an encouraging sign, as many pessimists worry that capital outflow will continue to accelerate, February an outflow of capital slowing fact gratifying."

Yi gang, a Vice Governor of the people's Bank of China earlier 7th CPPCC sessions outside the venue in an interview, dismissed concerns about Yuan. He said that cross-border capital flows in a normal range.

Yi also said that turmoil in global financial markets, the renminbi is actually one of the most stable currencies. He said that volatility in the exchange rate of RMB is very small, the fluctuation of the Yuan against the dollar and against a basket of currencies fluctuations, worldwide is the smallest.

(Editors: Liu Cheng UN649)
2016-03-09 14:36:26
Reference news

  参考消息网3月9日报道 英国《金融时报》网站3月7日刊登《看跌中国者开始感到孤立》一文,作者为珍妮弗·休斯。

















(责任编辑:刘盛钱 UN649)
2016-03-09 14:36:26

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