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China Super 60% “city of women“ leading family spending power

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/9 10:12:59 Browse times: 148 Comment times: 0

China Super 60% “city of women“ leading family spending power(中国超六成“城市妇女”主导家庭消费权)

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Media: China Super 60% "city of women" leading family spending power _ | | Park women′s day news

"Global times special correspondent Liu Haoran" this year on March 8, 2030, after the entry into force of the sustainable development agenda of the United Nations the first international women′s day, women′s rights received unprecedented attention, many media in the Festival also unveiled the global women′s career and finances. The United Nations Organization, the tenor of international women′s Day theme this year is "2030, co-q-a-day"-review of feminist progress and achievements of women in many countries throughout the world, and further called for gender equality.

The career girl, Russia up to

The Moscow Times reported on the 8th, Russia television station broadcast a video of Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke on the day. Putin wish woman happy holidays in the country, praising their "bring good to the world, beauty, light and hope", reflecting the "Russia".

8th, some foreign media to national women′s career was "counted". According to Reuters, from the global point of view, Russia and the Philippines has the largest number of "strong woman", Japan Women′s situation in the workplace are most unsatisfactory. Grant Thornton accounting firm, through the survey of more than 5,500 multiple enterprises in 36 countries worldwide, released 8th entitled the report on women in the workplace. Data shows, the proportion of women in senior management positions in the world is 25%, approximately 3% higher than last year. Among them, Russia 45% senior management positions held by women, ranked the Philippines and Lithuania broken down two or three. By contrast, Japan women only occupy 7% of senior positions in the country, at the bottom. Germany and India share of female executives, 15% and 16%, respectively.

From the geographical point of view, most of the Eastern European countries follow the principles of gender equality, more than 1/3 of enterprises by women in senior positions. By contrast, some developed countries in the promotion of gender equality in the workplace is "dragged its feet". For example, the report says, for example: in the "group of seven", no female executives of enterprises of up to 39%. Experts point out that this just shows persistence of some developed countries, so-called "social norms". Especially in the United States and United Kingdom, difficulties on the road to senior management positions, women will inevitably have been hampered, not really conducive to development.

Urban female workers in China over Japan

In section 38, this day, celebrations were held in many countries, and some media reports say the present women′s living conditions.

United Kingdom, 8th in the financial times, latest figures show, China′s urban female labour force participation rate is far higher than that of Japan, and Korea, and Singapore, ability to consume more "should not be taken lightly." It is understood that the overall spending power of the Chinese women in the last year than Japan overall level of private consumption; in the third-tier cities, female-dominated household consumption of more than 60%, the right of "top up consumption of the sky."

United States search giant "Google" 8th launched a project entitled "one day I want to _____" of public service activities. According to the United Kingdom, the Daily Telegraph reported on 8th, Google staff in countries around the world had visited 337 women of different ages, and their colorful, emotional dreams into "words" video. Respondents said that "one day I want to be with the Pope Francis to discuss environmental issues", others say "want to let the girl cannot speak to speak one day." The company designed to put this video on the Google search engine home page, Internet users can directly click the Google logo to watch.

India Christian newspaper reported on the 8th, in order to meet women′s day 2016, India airlines held a women′s day 6th routine: all female employees, completed a total of 14,500 km direct voyage. Reports said the flight is 6th from India Delhi took off after 17 hour arrived in United States in San Francisco. India airline said mission set a company history, from "all-female team" completed the longest voyage. During this mission, apart from the crew, and ground handling, control units, such as departments of all working women to take over, to show respect for women.

Park Geun-Hye, power, status of women falling

"Female President for 3 years, Korea women′s status". 7th, Korea reported the Beijing News on this topic, "said gender" concept is still with the Korea society "acclimatized", while Korea′s first female President in the history of constitutional Government in power for as long as 3 years have passed, but it has not promoted the advancement of women, instead of declining, it can know a thing or two from the various data indexes.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) ′s "global gender gap report 2015", in 145 countries of the world, Korea ranked 115th, notes Korea social gender inequalities is very serious. 2012 (Park before ruling), Korea ranked 108th, 3-year period dropped by 7. Among them, the women have political rights rankings, Korea from 2012 ranked 86th, dropped by 2015 to the 101th.

Reports of the past 3 years, Park Geun-Hye, number of female executive appointments (Minister) for 4 people only, "treatment of women" might as well be Lee Myung-bak administration. And in the last 3 years, instead of narrowing the pay gap between men and women, but further, extended to 2012 in 36.7%.

The Beijing News reported on the 8th, Korea women in all spheres of society′s role and weight still hovering near the lowest horizontal line.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Park Geun-Hye, woman′s day
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  【环球时报特约记者 刘皓然】今年的3月8日,是联合国《2030年可持续发展议程》生效后的第一个国际妇女节,女性权益得到了空前关注,多家媒体在节日当天也披露了全球女性的职场和财务状况。联合国组织将今年的国际妇女节主题基调定为“2030,男女共擎一片天”——在回顾世界多国女权进步以及女性成就的同时,进一步呼吁两性平等。















责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

朴槿惠 妇女节

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