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The National Energy Board: VI standards of refined oil products is expected to be implemented in 2019

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The National Energy Board: VI standards of refined oil products is expected to be implemented in 2019(国家能源局:成品油国VI标准有望2019年实施)

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The National Energy Board: VI standards of refined oil products is expected to be implemented in 2019 | | VI standards of refined oil products _ news

Original title: National Energy Board: VI standards of refined oil products is expected to be implemented in 2019

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 8 (reporters Xiong Zhengyan and and An Bei)-national energy Bureau Deputy Director Wang Xiaolin said 8th oil VI standard is expected to be implemented in 2019.

Wang Xiaolin attended 12 meetings of the CPPCC nonpartisan meeting of the constituency group, said that to combat air pollution, the National Energy Board in advancing the five aspects of work. First of all, upgrade initiative is to promote the quality of refined oil products. Eastern province 11 v standard had been implemented by the end of last year, other parts of the country to introduce by the end of this year. VI standard is now studying country, in pursuit of the launched in 2019. If product quality upgrading in the country, will be good for the control of air pollution.

Said Wang Xiaolin, reformation of coal electric energy saving and emission reduction is fully implemented. The aim of this work is the future emission standards for coal-fired thermal power plant below or meet natural gas standards, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region of particular interest. Now reform 200 million-kilowatt of installed capacity, installed capacity by 2020 to transform total 600 million-kilowatt.

He said, for the improvement of air quality in the eastern region, has planned 12 key transmission channel from West to East. Currently 9 UHV and 5, 500,000-volt lines have been approved. The particularly rich in wind power, photovoltaics and water and electricity in the West, if it can be transmitted to the East, East to use less coal, Beijing can be done in the future without coal. At present, Beijing has all natural gas transformation in heat power plant.

In the promotion of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, said Wang Xiaolin, promoting electric cars, difficulty lies in charging lack is currently pushing forward construction of electric vehicle charging, in densely populated areas according to a certain proportion was built post.

Said Wang Xiaolin, the clean use of coal in advance, mainly bulk coal in rural governance, especially in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei area. At present, to make rural people burn more high quality coal, the ultimate goal is to get them electricity and gas. (End)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Product VI standard

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Xinhua News Agency


  新华社北京3月8日电 (记者熊争艳、安蓓) 国家能源局副局长王晓林8日表示,成品油国VI标准有望2019年实施。

  王晓林当天参加全国政协十二届四次会议无党派界别联组会议时说,为防治大气污染,国家能源局在推进五方面工作。首先,成品油质量升级专项行动 正全面推进。东部11省去年底已经实行国V标准,今年底全国其他地区也要实行。现在正在研究国VI标准,力争在2019年开始实施。如果成品油质量升级在 全国推行,将对大气污染防治有好处。


  他说,为实现东部地区大气质量的改善,已规划12条重点输电通道来西电东输。目前9条特高压和5条500千伏线路都已核准。西部的风电、光电 和水电特别丰富,如果能输送到东部,东部可以少用煤,将来北京地区可以基本做到不用煤。目前,北京的供热电厂已经全部实现天然气改造。



责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

成品油 国VI标准


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