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Green Lake fishing for tourists under the old man mobile phone fenwenbuqu

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/8 8:29:53 Browse times: 171 Comment times: 0

Green Lake fishing for tourists under the old man mobile phone fenwenbuqu(绿化工老伯下西湖为游客捞手机分文不取)

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Green Lake fishing for tourists under the old phone fenwenbuqu (photo) | man | water _ news
Master GE water fishing green workers mobile phone photograph: Zhejiang online community
Tourists get has just been brought to mobile phones
Finished master Gregory salvaged after cell phone aside and put on my clothes

Original title: Green Lake for visitors to pick up cell phone users under the old man took this "in early spring with a warm" warm circle of friends

  Reporters stalking: the old man engaged in the greening of 11, had repeatedly helped the tourists salvaged items

"Hangzhou really warm my heart, cell phone fell to the West Lake, there are staff members helped salvage. "Yesterday, one warm released a post to a lot of people, using pictures of the net post, recorded the staff salvaged phone for visitors of the whole process.?Reporter friends care about "who is the uncle of the warm heart" followed up. -Cub reporter He Lin

 Old man Act was photographed by Netizen, netizens for their praise

Yesterday, the online "to the Lake for visitors to touch the old GE phone like" post, warm friends circle.

Reporters saw the Internet post described happened on the morning of March 6, the address in the West Lake scenic area Prince Bay. Friends say the man soaking naked in the water, for visitors to pick up cell phone fell into the water.

Publish the post man to pick up phone users also took the whole process, and in the form of photos posted on the Internet. Reporters saw the photos of old man immersed in water touched the phone, phones eventually be touched up. Shore visitors are looking old man, site visitors using a mobile phone shooting this scene.

Netizens said, the old man not own cell phones, nor helped family and friends pick up the phone, but the West Lake scenic area of the green. This post was moved by all the users.

Some Netizen, says the old man helping people act like. There are users that, now or in the spring, the Lake is still very cold, young people are afraid to go.

  So how are things? Yesterday, reporters were also tracked.

Help visitors find your mobile anything, launching green chemicals and old GE

Xinhua learned from the scenic area administration, because of the scenic spots of flowers at bloom season, and good weather coincides with the weekend, so very many people play, and indeed there are a lot of items similar to the Internet post says the drowning happened, online bid visitors a mobile phone fall into the West Lake occurred at Port-au-Prince's Bay area, and post information is true,

Prince's Bay area administrator, told reporters: "around 10 o'clock on the day, tourists ' tops booths ' pictures, accidentally dropped my cell phone into the water. "The tourists after the cell phone fell into the water, for the first time found a scenic area management office, due the same day administrators on duty for women in the region and launching fishing phone is not very convenient, so they will be found not far away, is responsible for the scenic green GE master for help. At that time, GE master is near the tree-planting work, receiving visitors for help, without saying anything, take off your clothes and jump into the cold water to help tourists salvaged phone.

Although it was spring, the temperature has warmed up, but the West Lake scenic area that the water temperature was very low. "Go on, without thinking too much, the water was a bit cold, but it's all right," said masters told reporters, according to mobile water referred to in tourist places, has fished up in five or six minutes. And there became friends photographed this "in early spring with a warm".

  In the area engaged in the greening of 11, has repeatedly helped tourists fishing articles

Phone was fishing has up, the visitors also show has smile, and explained road, was himself is wants to with phone took water of reflection, who know a missed on put phone off has down, brain in first a thought of is help staff help, because phone is spent has a months wage buy of, and phone inside has many important of information, this Xia phone can fishing up also really to good reward about GE master.

"After the phone up, the female tourists always say thank you, and also be sure to give me money, I seized, which are the things that help you. "Master Gregory told reporters with a smile.

"This year is 59 years old, came from Jiangsu, Hangzhou worked on seedling Green is good at, has been greening work in Port-au-Prince's Bay area, and has been for 11 years. "GE using Mandarin dialect accent told reporters that it was not launched to help visitors get what a couple times, tourists every year fall into the water and need to be pulled out, he had fished before cameras and watches. GE master repeatedly that these are a cinch, from which no benefit because the help received by visitors.

  Hope tourists in the photo, don't sit too close to the Lake, safety first

Prince's Bay area officials told reporters that the people much of the time on the weekends, and almost drowning of tourist goods and salvage are generally mobile phones, watches, cameras and other valuables, most of the day have helped the visitors to salvage from the water of the three mobile phone and a wallet.

Meanwhile, scenic also make reminders, hope that visitors enjoy the view of the process, pay attention to the safety of hands and feet, in the property after the fall, the first time communicated to the staff member, do not personally into the water, because the water level of uncertainty, from a security perspective, the area will allow relevant staff to help salvage. Scenic also explained, because now the water is relatively clear and you can see the bottom, salvage more convenient, but the visitors to salvage may be sinking, after increasing the fishing difficult.

Interview last GE chef asking journalists to help make reminder: hope tourists in play, take pictures at the same time, don't get too close to the Lake, safety first.

Finding a cell phone in such cold water, caught nothing after, and this spirit worth our study, full of positive energy, GE master points, for the praise.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Old man into the water

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Modern gold
绿化工人葛师傅下水打捞手机 图片来源:浙江在线社区

  原标题:绿化工老伯下西湖为游客捡手机 网友拍下这“早春里的一抹暖”,温暖了朋友圈


  “杭州真暖心,手机不小心掉西湖,还有工作人员帮忙打捞。”昨天,有网友发布了这么一个帖子温暖到不少人,该网帖以图片为主,记录下了工作人员为游客打捞手机的全过程。记者就网友关心的“谁是这个暖心的大伯”进行了追踪采访。 □见习记者 何林










  太 子湾景区的管理员告诉记者:“当天中午10点左右,有外地游客在‘放怀亭’拍照,一不小心把手机掉入了水中。”游客在手机掉下水后,第一时间找到了景区管 理处,由于当天该区域都为女性管理员值班,下水捞手机不是很方便,所以管理员就找到了不远处,正在负责景区绿化的葛师傅寻求帮助。当时,葛师傅正在附近进 行植树作业,一接到游客的求助,二话不说,脱掉衣服直接跳进冰冷的水里,帮助游客打捞手机

  虽然已经是春天了,气温有所回暖,但是 西湖景区水域的水温还是很低的。“说下去就下去了,也没有想那么多,水里还是有点凉的,不过这没什么,”葛师傅告诉记者,根据游客所指手机落水的地方,捞 了五六分钟就捞上来了。于是就有了后来网友拍到的这个“早春里的一抹暖”了。


  手 机被捞了上来,这位游客也露出了笑容,并解释道,本来自己是想用手机拍水面的倒影,谁知道一个失手就把手机掉了下去,脑子里第一个想到的就是求助工作人员 帮忙,因为手机是花了一个月工资买的,而且手机里面有好多重要的信息,这下手机能捞上来还真要好好酬谢一下葛师傅。


  “今 年59岁了,从江苏过来杭州打工,对苗木绿化还算擅长,之后一直在太子湾景区做绿化工作,已经有11个年头了。”葛师傅用带着方言口音的普通话告诉记者, 下水帮游客捞东西也已经不是一次两次了,每年都有游客的物品落入水中并需要打捞出来情况,之前他还捞过相机和手表。葛师傅再三表示,这些都是小事一桩,也 从没有因为帮助了游客而收取好处。



  同 时,景区还作出提醒,希望游客在欣赏美景的过程中,注意手上和脚下安全,在财物落水之后,第一时间通知工作人员,切勿亲身下水,因为水位的不确定性,从安 全角度考虑,景区会让相关的工作人员来帮忙打捞。景区还解释道,由于现在的水面比较清澈可以看到水底,打捞较为方便,但是游客自己去打捞可能还会使物品下 沉,加大之后的打捞难度。



责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

老伯 下水


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