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Director: Dalai clique infighting does not change the separatist essence

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Director: Dalai clique infighting does not change the separatist essence(民宗委主任:达赖集团内斗不会改变分裂主义本质)

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Director: infighting does not change the separatist nature of the Dalai group | | self-immolation _ the Dalai Lama news

Zhu weiqun, Director of the ethnic and religious Committee of the CPPCC told this reporter in an interview of China Tibet online Liu Li photo

China Tibet online March 7, is attending the "two sessions" of the National Committee of ethnic and religious Commission Director Zhu weiqun told Xinhua in an exclusive interview, said that recently, around the puppet government of the Dalai Lama group "Division Administration" "elections", repeated exposure within the group battles. Infighting is expressed as to how to achieve "independence of Tibet" approach differences, does not alter the Dalai clique is the essence of a betrayal of the country's separatist group. As long as Tibet and Tibetan areas of four provinces maintain the momentum of development, stability and good, we can firmly grasp the initiative of the Dalai Lama, the Dalai clique infighting will continue.

Dalai clique infighting about how to achieve the "independence of Tibet" controversy

Reporter: recently, a number of foreign media reports, with the "Tibetan Government in exile" the so-called "elections" is approaching, the Dalai clique infighting almost out of control, scolding, resignations, has committed suicide, and fighting with the Dalai Lama in public, it has messed up. What do you think about this battle?

Mr Zhu: the Dalai Lama the so-called "elections", is to elect a new Executive Director. For this "election" within the forces, various representatives of the Dalai Lama group "their fist", in-fighting for a long time. The infighting is no accident, nor is the result of this "election", but the Dalai clique within different political factions, religious groups and geographical representation, such as a variety of long-term, deep reflection of the inherent contradiction of, is also increasingly downhill on the Dalai Lama separatist road, in a desperate plight reflected. I suppose this kind of dispute to continue, to the official "election" when it reached the stage of one of the most lively in the "elections" soon after will continue around the other topic, not because of "election" results will subside.

On the current struggle within the Dalai group, we do not need very seriously, because the political programme of the battle essentially no difference.

One party advocated that the return to open the "independence of Tibet", that the "middle way" had failed, only playing the "independence of Tibet" banner is the future. If so, please? Dalai is not open "Tibet independence" decades anymore, only the "middle way": do? This power is actually doing the "tough show" to facilitate Dalai grab a bigger share in the distribution of power within the group.

The "middle way" and how? We already pointed out that the "middle way" is the core content of "Grand Tibet area a high degree of autonomy", its essence is "independence of Tibet" in two steps. The Dalai Lama "Division Chief" came to power at the beginning, publicly claimed that the "middle way" is a milestone, "Tibet independence" is the ultimate goal. This "Division Administration" are politically mature enough, but, after all, is the United States taught himself out of most occasions or "middle way", the Dalai Lama has repeatedly expressed its opinion of the piece of material, but his hand can help people, are afraid of offending the Americans, so the "Division Chief" prevail in a present in the group.

The Dalai group now, Ah, Ah, Ah, eventually no matter who is elected, is going to change, "Tibet independence" separatist political agenda, will not stop destroying activities in Tibet, will not stop the Dalai to visit Western countries. This group will be the Dalai Lama in public or behind the scenes manipulating global, act as a theocratic leader role. Without any illusions.

However, the above phenomena show Dalai Lama's ability to control the situation rapidly declined, the Dalai Lama's "theocratic" has not guaranteed him among Tibetans abroad is not subject to any conflict. Someone had dared to the Dalai Lama in person from the "middle way" accusations that were unthinkable in the past. In particular, many Tibetans have a viewpoint on that set of things the Dalai Lama has begun, and centrifugal tendencies. We need to be concerned about this.

Dalai clique to engage in violence, may not have any success, and equivalent to committing political suicide

Reporter: outside reported that "TYC" represented the possibility of extreme power, violence of terrorism. Do you think it is possible?

Mr Zhu: the Dalai clique has always been connected with the violence of his political career, has never been out of violence, so there is no problem of violence may. The Dalai clique in 1951 to resist by force the peaceful liberation of Tibet, the 1959 armed separatist insurgency, then the last century 60 's and 70 's protracted armed harassing me border, 80 's last century make Lhasa riots several times until 2008, making the "3·14" event. After the Central Government take strong measures, the Dalai group naked violence anymore, started doing some "soft Tibetan independence" events, but are also not out of the violence, such as inciting some people to know the truth "set himself on fire", which is not violence? Violence, of course!

However, the violence which they worked? History records are failing miserably. Today, even some craziness coming up, a competition with us, can he succeed? No comparison at all. Now the world, who would be open to Dalai Lama engaged in violent terrorist equipment, money and staff support? Borrowed ten guts or not!

The other hand, once the public use of violence, the Dalai Lama "Nonviolence" hat as soon as shaky, there will be more people in the world recognize that the Dalai group as we have already pointed out, is a violent terrorist group, he himself provides us the conclusion of a good commentary. The vast majority of overseas Tibetans disagree, to participate in such suicides. By means of violence and terrorism will only make the Group accelerated toward collapse.

Of course, we also need to guard against outlaws, and backed their man to take the risk and make trouble for us. The Dalai group is not repeatedly and publicly urged violent terrorist activities of the East Turkestan forces do flirt? We protect our national security, maintaining social stability, work ready to relax, never relaxed.

Stability in Tibet on the basis of our own strength

Reporter: some foreign media that the Chinese Government attaches great importance to Tibet, because the presence of the Dalai Lama, what do you think of this argument?

Mr Zhu: Tibet is part of China, all part of China, are important, no important not important points, not because of hostile forces in trouble was more important. One-sixth Tibetan area of China's land area, is an important national security barriers, ecological safe shelter zone, strategic resource reserves base, Highland agricultural production base, spiritual culture protection and tourism destination in the world. There is no existence of the Dalai clique and disruptive, we should pay attention to Tibet, Tibet do well.

At present, should focus on the central measures for the layout of the sixth Tibet work Forum, do a good job "Thirteen-Five plan" implemented in Tibet, lay the battle for poverty alleviation, strengthening education and management of the temple. As long as Tibet's development and stability, we will firmly grasp the initiative in the fight against the Dalai group. As for the Dalai clique infighting if they find interesting, let them enjoy themselves go! (China Tibet online text/Liu Li)

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
The Dalai Lama set himself on fire

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△ 全国政协民族和宗教委员会主任朱维群接受本网记者专访 中国西藏网 刘莉 摄

  中国西藏网讯 3月7日,正在参加全国“两会”的全国政协民族和宗教委员会主任朱维群在接受记者专访时指出,近期,围绕达赖集团伪政府“司政”的“选举”,集团内部屡曝争斗。内斗突出表现为对如何实现“西藏独立”办法的分歧,并未改变达赖集团是一个背叛国家的分裂主义集团的本质。只要西藏和四省藏区保持发展、稳定与好势头,我们就能牢牢掌握对达赖集团的主动权,达赖集团内斗也势必持续下去。


















  当前,要突出抓好中央第六次西藏工作座谈会各项布置的措施,抓好国家“十三五”规划在西藏的实施,打好扶贫攻坚战,加强寺庙的教育和管理工作。只要西藏保持发展和稳定,我们就牢牢掌握了对达赖集团斗争的主动权。至于达赖集团的各种内斗,如果他们觉得有趣,就让他们自娱自乐去吧!(中国西藏网 文/刘莉)

责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

达赖 自焚


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