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Zhejiang boss inter-provincial private purchase of thousands of high-grade cigarette been checked, 6 boxes of confiscated

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/23 9:00:39 Browse times: 267 Comment times: 0

Zhejiang boss inter-provincial private purchase of thousands of high-grade cigarette been checked, 6 boxes of confiscated(浙江老板跨省私购千条高档烟被查,6箱被没收)

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Bosses across the province, Zhejiang's private purchase of thousands of high-grade cigarette been checked 6 boxes of confiscated | | Zhejiang boss inter-provincial private purchase of high-grade cigarettes | confiscation _ news

CNS,, January 22 (reporters and Wu Jiawei and and Zhou Yuli)-Spring Festival is drawing near, the tobacco market meet the cyclical peak, in during the Festival in order to be able to make a fortune, Taizhou city, Zhejiang Province Tiantai a tobacco shop owner Chen played "little 99". In recent days, Chen carried 140 came from Henan monocoque and 220 soft shell when Chinese cigarettes reached the roof, were seized by civilian police to perform tasks on the road. According to the relevant provisions, Chen smuggling of 6 boxes of Chinese cigarette tobacco forfeited by Tiantai, Chen customer categories (number of cigarettes that can be purchased from the tobacco Board) has also been downgraded.

On January 15, rooftop gang public security police drove a police car stopped by the local mountain middle school, a small van and a police car passed. When police looked up and commercial vehicle drivers, only to find that the driver looked panicked, Dodge the eyes of civilian police. So, the police deliberately slow speeds trying to explore the interplay between, and commercial vehicles are more and more slowly, then lagging far behind police cars.

Of civilian police officers sitting in the back seat looks back at the van, car chaos stacking several large cardboard boxes, which raises awareness of civilian police.

Zhihou, civilian police immediately turn on lights, open microphone, requires commercial vehicles to pull over for inspection. Business truck driver was stopped for a time be thrown into a panic, a screeching halt climbed down from the steering wheel.

When police asked what car, cardboard boxes filled with goods, drivers shuffled answers do not talk. Police tore seals on boxes on the spot, found lying on cardboard strips packed Chinese cigarettes. After a preliminary count, a total of 140 hard shell China and 220 of the Chinese soft shell and a market value of more than 200,000.

Upon enquiry, the police learned that Chen was roof a cigarette store owner. Because the increase in the number of cigarettes during the Spring Festival, cigarette prices in particular such high-end Chinese cigarette market in demand, but because of the requirements, Chen could not get more Chinese cigarettes sell, to think of some of the private owner by contacting provincial, to get the lower price of larger numbers of Chinese cigarettes.

On January 14, a friend introduced, Chen got in touch with a man claiming to be "old" from Henan.

Old Xu told Chen, Chinese cigarette sales in Henan market badly, only a small percentage of people will buy Chinese cigarettes themselves can be a served to thousands of dollars, soft shell 405 of purchase price of sales to Chen.

Chen a brooding, as a result, itself only during the Spring Festival can earn tens of thousands of dollars.

15th, according to Chen's request, 6 boxes of cigarettes from Henan of China made to the roof of the rooftops of buses arrived on the territory of three high speed exit of ocean. When police met with Chen, Chen came out from the exit of the near, and thought making money during the Spring Festival this year, but smuggling of high-grade tobacco windfall dreams and eventually is the bath.

This reporter learned that, since the beginning of 2014, only moved to a rooftop about illegal cigarette case 8, cigarettes number 1376, involving more than 540,000 yuan.

Police said the checked or carry tobacco monopoly must have a Department of tobacco monopoly administration or the Department of tobacco monopoly administration transport permit issued by the authorized institution; no transport permits, the carrier shall not be operated. In addition, post or brings tobacco or tobacco products shall not exceed the quantity limits prescribed by the competent departments of the State Council, namely personal ride-on toy cars, ships, aircraft and other means of transport, cross-prefectural (City) carrying maximum levels for cigarettes per person-10,000 (10 Pack 50), over 50, you must apply for your card. Carry a quantity of cigarettes exceeds the limit amount shall constitute an offence. (End text)

(Original title: Zhejiang bosses before the holiday cheap private purchase of thousands of high-grade cigarettes hoarding probed in connection with more than 200,000)

(Edit: SN064)January 22, 2014 China News Network(浙江老板跨省私购千条高档烟被查 6箱被没收|浙江老板|跨省私购高档香烟|没收_新闻资讯

  中新网台州1月22日电 (见习记者 吴佳蔚 通讯员 周余丽)春节临近,烟草市场迎来周期性的旺季,为了能在节庆期间赚上一笔,浙江台州天台某香烟店的老板陈某打起了“小九九”。近日,陈某载着从河南运来的140条硬壳和220条软壳中华香烟抵达天台时,被正在该路上执行任务的民警一举查获。依据相关规定,陈某私运的6箱中华烟被天台县烟草局全部没收,陈某的客户类别(所能向烟草局购买到的香烟数量)也受到降级处理。












(原标题:浙江老板节前低价私购千条高档烟囤货被查 涉案超20万)


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