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Wu Xieen to talk about transformation and upgrading of huaxi: someone digs seabed oil

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/23 9:00:00 Browse times: 383 Comment times: 0

Wu Xieen to talk about transformation and upgrading of huaxi: someone digs seabed oil(吴协恩谈华西村转型升级:有人挖海底石油)

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Wu Xieen to talk about transformation and upgrading of huaxi: digging the seabed | Wu Xieen | | huaxi transformation and upgrading of oil _ news

"Last year, huaxi was the most eventful year, the State macro-control in difficult times, old Secretary last year, but everyone is very disappointing. Target was done in various enterprises and overall Super-4.03%, with a total turnover of nearly 50 billion yuan.??"Father Wu left after the first year, new head of huaxi Wu Xieen with some sadness, but counting one-year bills, gratifying emotional and let him stretch. In Jiangsu Province, the two sessions in the Government work report, "innovation", "transformation" as keywords. Recently, the Jiangsu provincial people's Congress representative, huaxi village Communist Party Secretary Wu Xieen modern Express Reporter, said, transformation and upgrading of the huaxi village, is craving for talents. He was thinking, how to make Pocket huaxi people after the rich and his head getting richer.

  Transformation and upgrading of most immediate need is talent

"Don't look now very cold, but West was also build oil platform in Bohai Bay, offshore seabed mining. "Wu Xieen huaxi's new marine engineering, described the understanding of transformation and upgrading.

Wu Xieen said that according to local conditions, keeps the huaxi village development in recent years, the transformation has become a litmus test of his new. "For example, chemical fiber industry, we did not expand the scale of production, but to raise the quality, grade, variety, differentiation of enterprise products, avoiding the disadvantages of overcapacity. ”

Wu Xieen said the tourism services, financial investment, logistics, Ocean industries such as offshore, wholesale markets for agricultural products and mineral resources remains the main battlefield of huaxi village transformation and upgrading.

"Now most need is talent. "Wu Xieen said that in June or July 2014, the huaxi group to carry from the Mozambican mining granite to domestic, now most needs to prospecting, exploration of talent, but in his view, the mining article I not to make money, to protect the environment, cannot just walk away, so you need a sense of responsibility, enterprising people.

 Expect people to head to get rich

"Economic development and pursuit of people are changing. I now consider is, how to improve one's overall quality. "In addition to revitalizing the economy, Wu Xieen is also looking into how to make Pocket huaxi people have become rich in spirit rich.

This year, he was ready we bring together three generations in the village started. "Let them go on tour for the elderly, broaden their horizons and better places than West got a lot too! Come back and tell everyone to listen, remind everyone that cannot be satisfied with the status quo. Middle-aged, all kinds of training, they started development of the beam. "He is also prepared to send young men to their counterparts in poor villages in batches, huaxi to ordinary people got over there," let everyone's perceptions collide. Young people in West China, and is now the new farmers, but also not forget their roots. "Modern Express Reporter Kim FUNG

(Edit: SN091)January 23, 2014 Modern express(吴协恩谈华西村转型升级:有人挖海底石油|吴协恩|华西村|转型升级_新闻资讯

  “去年对华西是最不平凡的一年,国家宏观调控处在困难时期,老书记也是去年走的,但是大家都很争气。各个企业都完成了预定指标,还总体超了4.03%,总的营业额接近500亿元。”父亲吴仁宝离去后的第一个新年,华西村新掌门人吴协恩有些伤感,但盘点一年的账单,欣慰的情绪又让他有所舒展。 在江苏省两会政府工作报告中,“改革创新”“转型升级”成为关键词。近日,江苏省人大代表、华西村党委书记吴协恩接受现代快报记者采访时表示,转型升级中的华西村,对人才非常渴求。他还在思考,如何让华西人口袋富起来之后,脑袋也富起来。








  今年,他准备把村里的老中青三代都发动起来。“老人让他们出去旅游,开拓视野,比华西好的地方还有好多呢!回来讲给大家听,提醒大家不能满足现状。中年人,搞各种培训,让他们挑起发展大梁。”他还准备分批送一些年轻人去对口的扶贫村,再把那边的老百姓也接到华西来,“让大家的观念相互碰撞。华西的年轻人,现在虽然是新农民,但是也不能忘本。”现代快报记者 金凤


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