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Soil pollution caused by high prevalence of cancer in the Guangdong village, repair task

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/23 8:58:50 Browse times: 292 Comment times: 0

Soil pollution caused by high prevalence of cancer in the Guangdong village, repair task(广东一村庄土壤污染致癌症高发,修复任务艰巨)

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Guangdong village soil pollution caused by high prevalence of cancer in repairing difficult task _ | | | in soil heavy metals news

Southern rural News (Xinhua Long Liu Fei trainee newspaper reporter Chen Jing received) after more than 30 years of rapid development, China's agriculture has made great achievements. Meanwhile, agriculture increases the risk. December 30, 2013, Vice Minister of the Ministry of land and resources Wang Shiyuan said at a news conference, about 50 million acres of land pollution in China cannot be cultivated. Wang Shiyuan said that at present, the State has determined to solve this problem, out of tens of billions of dollars each year, start a heavy metal remediation of contaminated land, ground water comprehensive treatment of severely overdrawn pilot. Just released in 2014, the first document stresses, to promote eco-friendly agricultural development, start a heavy metal contaminated land rehabilitation pilot, working out of a new agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics of eco-environment and sustainable development. Fix arable land, is essential not only for ensuring food security, on the construction of ecological civilization and sustainable agricultural development is also very important.

On January 15, New River town of Wengyuan County of Guangdong Province village of lushuihe sugar cane is cut up, fields traveled by a few. In an old house in the village, a group of old people are playing cards for a time.

According to media reports, the 18 years since 1987, more than 3,000 people lushuihe village, 250 people died of various forms of cancer, cancer incidence and mortality rates are well above the national average. Authority of the Department's investigation found that lushuihe high prevalence of cancer in the village and the village there is a relationship of water and soil pollution.

In February or March 2012, Renhua County town 51 Tung village, adjacent to red star village 4 village, 160 children were identified for lead exceedance. Subsequently, involved a number of enterprises were reorganized, around the mountain in fankou lead-zinc mine areas were defined as heavy metal contaminated area into "heavy metal classic, Northern Guangdong region pilot project of ecological rehabilitation." In 2013, fugang County San-mining area around 3,000 acres of contaminated land is designated by the Ministry of agriculture as only one heavy metal pollution in farmland soil of Guangdong province to repair the pilot. Prior to this, Sun Yat-sen University 2010 sampling survey shows that San-mining area near 21 cadmium and lead exceeded the rate of rice varieties and 100%, respectively. Figures released by the Guangdong provincial Department of land and resources in 2013, 22.8% soil for three levels of the Pearl River Delta or a bad grade. Land pollution is urgently needed.

  "Blood lead not coming down"

Despite the lapse of two years, Renhua County town of 51 villagers Bu Xianhua Tung for 2012, the sudden "lead" event, still in their hearts.

"At that time, many people are taking children to check. "January 16, Bu Xianhua told southern rural reporter, his son and nephew, is liable to bleed lead exceedance at that time. Subsequently, the Government sent every month to the eggs, milk and other nutritional supplements, medication, "a year later, blood lead levels have not come down. Three months ago, I took the kids to review, blood lead was more than 110 μg/l. "With Mr Tung town compared to 51 villages, lushuihe village worse. Media statistics, over the past 20 years, lushuihe 6% per cent incidence of cancer in the village, about 90 times times for national.

Lushuihe village, most villagers believe in dabaoshan mining area water upstream of the village, is the cause of high incidence of cancer in an important cause: mining of ore continuously discharged into the water flowing through the village of cross-stones in the River, polluted rivers, once used by villagers to irrigate, and contamination of locally grown food and fruits and vegetables. Introduction He Shouming, the mining area from 1969 to the present, has been mined for more than 40 years.

He Shouming told reporters that the late 1970, villagers found cross stone often floating dead fish in the River, suspected contamination of rivers; since then, the villagers dug wells to get water for daily consumption; in 2006, consolidated installed running water in the village, the villagers abandoned wells.

  Production of cereals, did not dare to eat

Pollution has not only changed the lives of villagers, the consequences for local agricultural production.

"A dozen years ago, can still catch fish in the River, even leeches are now gone. "On January 17, the copper village in fugang County San Chuk Yuen Tsuen Panel next to a river, watching the red-brown waters of the River, the villager Wen Guoli (not his real name), said.

According to Wen Guoli introduction, since when is located in the upper reaches of the San-mining, many villagers to plant rice and peanuts, "if we use the river irrigated land, vegetables and grain seedling will die. "The copper village Party Secretary introduced Zou Jingquan, there are more than 1700 hectares of arable land in the village, a dozen years ago, most rice is grown, but because of the lack of water, there are only a dozen acres of rice paddies and switch to less water sand sugar oranges. Also built a canal in the village, diversion from a nearby Hill, "for the villagers for drinking and irrigation. "On January 17, the southern rural reporter arrived at Shuitou town mining area of the copper village, discovered several mines under construction in a depth of 20 metres, an area of dozens of acres of waste pits are especially conspicuous. From the patches of sand sugar oranges grown in the lower reaches area of mining area and village community located less than 300 metres.

"We can't plant rice and peanuts, oil production, rice can't eat that can only be bought. "Wen Guoli told reporters that his house 6 people, 3 people to work on the outside and 3 year round at home, buy rice spending hundreds of dollars per month.

Renhua County also felt the same about Mr Tung town high 51 village, village and other villagers in several villages. Dong town last year more than 3,000 acres the serious crop failures in late rice, villagers believe smelter near those responsible. Bu Xianhua, told reporters in October 2013, some villagers found rice appeared in brown spots on the leaves, and some are even dead.

"Not only is rice, vegetables also grew, sideng, dried. "Deng Meilan 51 villagers (a pseudonym) describes, her home is less cultivated land, planted only a few vegetables. She believed that vegetable anomalies "related to the contamination of soil, water, air".

 Soil remediation embarrassed

In addition to mining or smelting factory sewage, local "background pollution" is also an important cause of soil pollution.

"High levels of heavy metals in farmland in the area mainly in the background with higher levels of lead. "Renhua County authorities provided reporters with a copy of the Dong town of heavy metals in soils of the progress and improvement of the project mentioned in the Dong town in a giant lead-zinc metallogenic belt, with higher levels of soil heavy metal background. Farmland in the area to be a few bare surface of pyrite or yellow iron, lead and zinc mine, under the long-term rain erosion and oxidation, heavy metals arsenic, cadmium, lead, zinc, mercury easier exhalation, leading to high levels of heavy metals in farmland.

"Soil remediation is a long-term and arduous work. "The Guangdong Institute of eco-environment and soil researcher Chen Neng believes that remediation of contaminated soils is difficult to immediate calls for adequate technical, financial support, as well as experimenting and exploring for a long time.

The first step to eliminate sources of pollution is governed. In recent years, the dabaoshan mine has 7 stop mud dam and built a sewage treatment plant, trying to mine discharges from the source control.

Guangdong Province soil pollution caused the attention of the relevant bodies. As of 2005, South China Agricultural University, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong Institute of eco-environmental and soil and other researchers, began its research on access to some villages in the area of pollution, seeking soil remediation, ways to reduce heavy metal content of crops.

Team of South China Agricultural University Professor Lu Weicheng lushuihe village soil samples back to the lab in Guangzhou, trying to locate the cause of heavy metals exceeded rice factor.

"Lushuihe mineral water contamination of arable land in the village of long term, not only in the soil contains heavy metals such as cadmium, iron, copper, sulfur-rich. "Lu Weicheng told reporters that they were detected, lushuihe village of cadmium rice appear excessive, mainly because of the activity of cadmium in soil is too strong. He suggested that through flooded rice fields, soil formation of sulfur and cadmium in cadmium sulfide precipitation, which means that the cadmium content of rice at or near the level, "as a result, we do not suggest that farmers grow rice when drainage lying in the fields. "Chen Neng team is exploring" fix on one side and on the soil for agricultural production "technology. At present, they are bioremediation technology, one is through a combination of soil conditioner, low absorption of heavy metals, land remediation; restored land capable of producing safe rice rice, intended for household consumption. Second, the long Valley of fragrant rice, with the fertilizer, heavy metal extraction from the soil; rice grown for human and animal consumption.

Bioremediation was also applied to fugang County San-mining area around 3,000 acres of contaminated land. In 2013, the Sedum alfredii Hance and corn intercropping patterns governance of pollution. Media reports in 2008 and successfully tested, this method is called by the South China Agricultural University. However, the embarrassing was that Sedum alfredii Hance has a strong heavy metal absorption capacity, but because of its high economic value, farmers are rarely planted.

(Original title: China pollution some 50 million mu of land to cultivate production of cereals, did not dare to eat)

January 23, 2014 Southern rural news(广东一村庄土壤污染致癌症高发 修复任务艰巨|土壤|污染|重金属_新闻资讯

  南方农村报讯(记者 刘龙飞 见习记者 陈景收)经过30多年的快速发展,我国农业取得了巨大的成就。与此同时,农业面临的风险也逐渐增大。2013年12月30日,国土资源部副部长王世元在新闻发布会上透露,中国约有5000万亩土地因污染严重无法耕种。王世元表示,目前,国家已下决心解决这一问题,每年将拿出数百亿元,启动重金属污染耕地修复、地下水严重超采综合治理的试点。刚刚发布的2014年中央一号文件强调,要促进生态友好型农业发展,启动重金属污染耕地修复试点,努力走出一条生态环境可持续发展的中国特色新型农业现代化道路。修复耕地,不仅对保障粮食安全至关重要,对生态文明建设和农业可持续发展也十分重要。



  2012年二三月,仁化县董塘镇五一村、红星村等相邻的4个村,160名儿童陆续被查出血铅超标。随后,涉事的多家企业被整顿,凡口山铅锌矿周边地区被界定为重金属污染区,纳入"粤北重金属典型区域生态修复试点工程". 2013年,佛冈县水头镇矿区周边3000亩遭污染耕地,被农业部指定为广东省唯一一个农地土壤重金属污染修复试点。此前,中山大学2010年的取样调查显示,水头镇矿区附近21个水稻品种镉和铅超标率分别达100%和71%。广东省国土资源厅2013年公布的数据显示,珠江三角洲22.8%的土壤为三级或劣三级。治理土地污染已刻不容缓。









  据温国立介绍,自位于上游的水头镇矿区采矿后,很多村民就没有种水稻和花生了,"要是用河里的水浇地,禾苗和蔬菜都会枯死。"铜溪村支书邹经全介绍,村里有1700多亩耕地,十几年前大多种水稻,但因为缺水,现在只有十几亩种稻,其余的改种用水量较少的沙糖桔。村里还修了一条引水渠,从附近的山上引水,"供村民饮用和灌溉。" 1月17日,南方农村报记者来到位于铜溪村的水头镇矿区,发现几处采矿点正在开工,一个深20米、面积数十亩的废矿坑尤为显眼。矿区距下游成片的沙糖桔种植区和村民聚居区不足300米。













(原标题:中国约有5000万亩土地污染无法耕种 生产的粮油不敢吃)


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