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Labor export province is returning to employment surges, or reproduce the labor shortage

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/23 8:56:25 Browse times: 276 Comment times: 0

Labor export province is returning to employment surges, or reproduce the labor shortage(劳动力输出大省现返乡就业潮,局地或再现用工荒)

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Labor export province is returning to employment surges or reproduce the labor shortage _ | | | labor employment news

Ministry of human resources and social security announced on 22nd 2013 4-quarter employment status. Statistics show that the slight decrease in the number of labour supply and demand, the employment situation is overall a relatively steady. But judging from the regional employment situation was clear, the number of job seekers in the East compared to a sharp drop. Along with the traditional Labor export province in Midwest working environment improves, floating outside the home jobs, entrepreneurship is becoming more and more new choice for migrant workers, enterprises in the eastern region after years of "labor shortage" more pressure.


 Home employment boom revealed

The last quarter of 2013, China human resources market monitoring centres to 104 cities across the country by the public employment service agencies conducted a statistical analysis of market supply and demand information. According to the numbers up and down the chain has been a reduction in labour supply and demand, but overall a relatively steady employment situation. Seasonal employers hired through the public employment service staff of about 512.50,000, about 4.638 million job seekers entering the market, job vacancies and job seekers ratios of about 1.1 per cent, than last quarter of 2012 and increase of 0.02 per cent.

But from the perspective of regional employment situation, noticeable disparities between regions. Compared to the same period in 2012, eastern city employer demand in the market and the number of job seekers fell by 157,000 people, respectively, and 224,000 people, down and 5.9%. Cities in the central region, while increases in the number of job seekers and employer demand in the market, respectively, an increase of 2.30,000 people and 3. of 60,000 people, the growth and 1.8%.

The economic information newspaper reporter found, as the traditional Labor export province in Midwest working environment improves, floating outside the home jobs, entrepreneurship is becoming more and more new choice for migrant workers. In the traditional Labor export province, "returning tide" is emerging.

Game fair in Wuhan, Kobayashi told reporters 20 years of job-seekers, he was from xiantao in 2013, he made a mold factory in Hangzhou, Zhejiang fitter, "company meals per month after deducting meals and utilities pay about $ 1000 worth of NT, living subsidies fully covered. "However, long working hours and lack of leisure time, Kobayashi decided to no longer back after years in Hangzhou" the boss told me to take another look at before we go, but he said a pay rise but nothing ever materialized. ”

And Kobayashi were similar, Hubei songzi before sister Liu worked in a furniture factory in Shandong province, got more than 3,000 yuan a month, but decided to advance in their hometowns. "Fewer and fewer furniture factory orders recently, 2014 salary it's hard to go up, say old industrial park development is getting better and better over the years, after years in Jingzhou city, looking for a job, save the home run. "She said.

A talent market of Wuhan City, according to November 2012 registered general workers of job seekers, over 40% are migrant workers back from the field. The reason, gradually improving their environment is an important aspect. In 2008, the Wuhan City food lodging an employee's average wage just 760 Yuan, 2011 has doubled, reaching over 1680 Yuan. In 2011, the average wage of manufacturing employees in Wuhan to 2,180 yuan. Head of a human resources Agency told reporters that although miss the General workers wage levels in the coastal area, Wuhan, are narrowing the gap with coastal areas. "2013 Wuhan general workers the average wage of 2,500 Yuan to 3,000 yuan, compared to last year, were among the main gainers in the 20% range. ”

Report on China's human resource services qianchengwuyou analysis, said China needs two or three tier talents for dynamic and gradually advanced to four-wire city. Virtually all regions outside of the enterprise in the first-tier cities have urgent personnel needs, gaps in a larger area including places such as Wuhan, Shenyang and Xian, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and other places have also become talents import in the new zone.

Human resources and Social Security Department Deputy Minister xinchangxing said, Midwest area rural transfer labour in the near transfer of labour number in fast increased, traditional labour output big province in the, Henan 2011 in province within transfer employment of number first over has to province outside transfer employment of number, 2012 Sichuan also appeared has this changes, Jiangxi, and Anhui while also is province outside transfer is greater than province within, but province within by accounted for of share in yearly upgrade, future of trend necessarily is province within transfer will over province outside.


  Eastern regions or reproduce the labor shortage

Compared to labour in the Middle back, labour shortages have emerged in the eastern region, after years of "labor shortage" to reproduce almost no suspense.

Human resources and Social Security Bureau, Suzhou, Suzhou city, recently released by the 2014 corporate employment needs survey report shows that manufacturing demand, business expansion increases power significantly, but because of the great mobility of migrant workers, accelerated business labor shortage is expected.

Report sample of 1000 companies, there are more than 70% enterprise expansion in early growth, job demand reached 21.60,000 people, on average, every business needs 288 people. However, recruitment remains inescapable challenge difficult, there were 80.8% companies see the recruitment difficulties in the investigation, while the demand for the first quarter of 2014 the number accounted for 35% of the total, after the labor market pressures significantly.

Is also worth noting that, in recent years, the Suzhou company annual turnover remained high, has for three consecutive years is close to 40%. Suzhou local annual employee turnover rate of only 16%, annual employee turnover rate is as high as 40.5% in the field. "This reflects the relatively high mobility of migrant workers in the city, put companies in a truncated and hiring cycle, leading some enterprises to enlarge the ' labor shortage ' expectations, not conducive to business stability. "One official involved in the survey told the economic information daily news, surveys, companies" no skill "labor demand up to 60% per cent. "It doesn't mean business down to the skill requirements of employees, but rather a reflection of current enterprise labor mobility of the main force of the migrants as a larger, resulting in most of the enterprises to meet the requirements of production, had to hire before they are trained on the job. "He said.

But at the same time, small and medium enterprises in their management "shortsighted" behavior is still evident. The Director said that in recent years, small and medium enterprises "day labourer" more and more serious, born, $literal new generation migrant workers in particular, focused on the General workers and service jobs, short work cycle, frequent au pairs, "day labourer" are becoming routine. Enterprises lack effective incentive examination mechanism and a fair and reasonable system of training and promotion, and not enough emphasis on foreign talent, resulting in lower employee loyalty and a sense of belonging to the enterprise, the emergence of the "job" and "keeping" double bind.


 Initiatives to improve the quality of employment

Experts believe that in Central and Western China Development, release production capacity in developed regions migration and weakening earnings boost, leading to tighter sources of human resources, especially before and after the Spring Festival, will have a staged "recruitment" and "employment".

"The labor shortage is an old topic, especially before and after the Spring Festival in 2014, will still be difficult. "Human resource center in Hubei Province Party Secretary Li Shiling believes that employers want to attract and retain the General workers, allowing employees in the enterprise idea, to look forward and to look forward to, salary, and pay more attention to development and career planning. "Labor shortage is the norm," Deputy Director of the Hubei Provincial Bureau of Yeh Ching believes that now work in the coastal workforce have jobs in their hometowns, can no longer expect those people to ease the labor shortage.

It is understood that the demand for workers before and after the Spring Festival, some departments to strengthen human resources and social security in the eastern part of the enterprise recruitment services, through normal monitoring of the enterprises ' demand for workers, make the labor movements. Further excavations and the introduction of human resources to attract local surplus rural labor transfer of local employment, attracting returning labor to stay in local employment. At the same time, focusing on strengthening cooperation with Labor export counterpart, labor cooperation established in local bodies, timely introduction of foreign labour employment.

While enterprises themselves take the initiative to respond to the employment crisis. Experts believe that private enterprises should take the initiative to seek technological innovation and structural change. By increasing investment in technological reform, introduction and use of high technology and a high degree of automation production equipment, reducing dependence on labour-intensive. The other hand, should speed up the restructuring of the traditional labour-intensive industries, to technology-intensive, capital-intensive, knowledge-intensive industries, so as to reduce the demand for labor to ease the employment pressure.

Not only that, the Government should guide enterprises to adjust pay and benefits, implementation of the wage guide price release mechanism of the labour market, the implementation of collective wage negotiations mechanism. In addition, post, $literal new generation migrant workers, wages and employment environment has become a key factor in business they have chosen, but only as "salary man" is no longer enough.

National development and Reform Committee Social Development Institute Director Yang Yiyong on economic reference reported under reporter said, to smooth achieved decent employment of target, must accelerated shift economic development way, makes development main relies on technology progress, and workers quality improve, and management innovation shift, investing promoting employment way shift, effective strengthened human resources development, strongly strengthened career training and venture training, through full upgrade workers career quality and employment capacity expanded employment, improve employment quality.

(Edit: SN098)January 23, 2014 Economic information daily(劳动力输出大省现返乡就业潮 局地或再现用工荒|劳动力|局地|就业_新闻资讯




  2013年第四季度,中国人力资源市场信息监测中心对全国104个城市的公共就业服务机构市场供求信息进行了统计分析。数据显示,劳动力供求人数同比和环比均有所减少,但就业形势整体比较平稳。当季用人单位通过公共就业服务机构招聘各类人员约512 .5万人,进入市场的求职者约463.8万人,岗位空缺与求职人数的比率约为1.10,比上季度和2012年同期均上升了0.02。

  但从区域就业形势看,地区间差别十分明显。与2012年同期相比,东部地区城市市场用人需求和求职人数分别减少了15.7万人和22.4万人,各下降了5.9%和9%。而中部地区城市市场用人需求和求职人数则同时上升,分别增加了2 .3万人和3 .6万人,各增长了1.8%和2.9%。






  人力资源和社会保障部副部长信长星表示,中西部地区农村转移劳动力中就近转移的劳动力数量在快速增加,传统劳动力输出大省中,河南2011年在省内转移就业的人数首次超 过 了 到 省 外 转 移 就 业 的 人 数 ,2012年四川也出现了这种变化,江西、安徽虽然还是省外转移大于省内,但省内所占的份额在逐年提升,将来的趋势必然也是省内转移会超过省外。





  报告抽样的1000家企业中,有超过七成企业年初打算扩产增员,招工需求达到21 .6万人,平均每家企业需求288人。不过,招工难仍是不可回避的难题,调查中有80.8%的企业认为招工有困难,而2014年第一季度的需求人数占到了总数的35%,节后的用工市场压力明显。












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