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Chinese dream · my dreams: a father and son have been 35 years of research of hybrid rape

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Chinese dream · my dreams: a father and son have been 35 years of research of hybrid rape(中国梦·我的梦:父子相继35年研究杂交油菜)

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Chinese dream · my dreams: father and son have been 35 years of research of hybrid rapeseed | | Shen Changjian | hybrid _ the dream of China News

National hundreds of Web sites looking for "dreamer" reports (Hunan's rednet)

Shen Changjian: father and son have been 35 years of research of hybrid rape dream as well as "a big step"

Red net reporter Zeng Xiaoying

And dream up is never easy. Heard himself referred to as is typical of the Chinese dream, yangqiao village, linlixian Cedar Township in Hunan province 47 year old farmer Shen Changjian embarrassed. Farmer and his son rape research, prior to this, many people "not to say we ' dream catcher ', but that ' dream '. ”

35 sons in succession, only to dream of a strain of rapeseed. Newspaper headlines, CCTV news ... ... Acclaim and fame followed. However, said Shen Changjian, distance themselves with dreams are "not far from a big step closer."

Despite media reports called the "Super rape", Shen Changjian cultivated varieties are still waiting for the new crop species validation. Shall not be put into operation, have no benefits. Over several years of the validation program, sample testing and refinement of the tasks require significant funding effort. Due to a lack of money, Shen Chang built rapeseed breeding can only "walk slowly" through validation of the length of time may be required.

It's been 35 years, the family studying rape, earned a reputation, make tired, is not to make money. Shen Changjian's wife Zhu Chungui couldn't help but interject here: maybe now his village is the largest in fame, it is estimated that people who are in debt up to.

Annoying, Shen Changjian persuaded his wife to convince yourself. Rape, rape in the end have to talk, "fame and don't have a child relationship. ”

35, "a study of rape"

In fact, fame, not right away. Road to hardship in farmers ' breeding, the "tree rape" brought pride, regardless of size, is 35 years, supported Shen Kequan father and son go power.

Go back in time to 35 years ago, said Shen Changjian, father Shen Kequan 1978 beekeeping in Guizhou province found several strains of wild rape grew particularly well, to cultivate new rapeseed species in their hometowns. "Beekeeping has come up with a new variety" folks were amazed, old Shen became famous in the village.

Shen Changjian was 22 years old, might be curious, always likes to touch his father was praised by several strains of rape. Unexpectedly, this touch is 35 years.

By the year 1982, just land to farmers are motivated by the new Shen Kequan because high-yield seeds, and very popular. County Farm Bureau to the countryside and transposition of agricultural cadres Tan Youbin heard, Maxivista Shen Kequan systematic breeding of new species, giving agricultural science books, teaching research methods, led into the cultivation of hybrid rape Shen Kequan gate.

Rape has both stamens and pistils, often self-pollination. In order to breed hybrid rapeseed flowers, must find a CMS only pistils and stamens abortion. Shen Kequan, from the mining of Guizhou rapeseed, sterile germplasm of rare material, Shen Kequan named "expensive wild a" sterile, began the path of hybrid rape research. This time, Pat Heung, Shi Li Shen Kequan really became famous.

Even the wife He Xiuying, an ordinary woman, Shen Kequan rape research. With any breeding, along with the data and study notes. Shen Changjian find father Shen Kequan second Cole notes, title page says, "a study of rape – Shen Kequan 1978, He Xiuying 1984". "My mother is not at all know began to learn", Shen Changjian between the emotion and pride.

Into the 90 's, Shen Kequan breeding hybrid rapeseed grew and grew. In 1990, Shen Wenxiang in Linli County Association Secretary-General, assisted by Shen Kequan, who created the linlixian rural applied technology Research Institute and the Association for the study of linlixian rape, mainly in the major oilseed rape growers in the County of new hybrid combinations in experiment and demonstration.

Driving profitable little son Shen Changjian, also often called home to help dig into rape. Then Shen Changjian opening CMB can earn 200 Yuan a day, "had never been so prosperous life".

By the year 1996, and for rape study carried debt down. His father Shen Kequan persuasion, Shen Changjian bite the bullet and sell CMB, car home with 30,000 yuan of specialized rape research and development. Rapeseed breeding does not make money. In addition to the five or six mu of rations and vegetable fields, Shen Changjian family livelihood depends on son and daughter-in-law Zhu Chungui rest period to go out doing small business supplement.

After being used to drive out to make more money easily, in fact, in their hometown of Shen Changjian are not willing to spend all day on a few acres of rape to be poor. But one little thing confirmed his father's determination to go ahead: perhaps because Shen Jiaxin seeds obtained rapeseed harvest, father Shen Kequan folks from "old Shen" became "old Shen".

Then called "Shen-old" more, even there are people all over the country to beg for Shen's seed. Before canceling, and rapeseed harvests are often farmers a vital source of cash to pay agricultural tax. An acre of land by using fewer workers, the extra dozens of pounds of vegetable seeds, shenjia around the parent-child has developed new types of farmers rushing to TT.

Could you please also come. Some say farmers could not come up with the new hybrid combinations, found to be selling fake seeds, to a fine of 8,000 yuan, also said he would go to jail. Beard, white with Shen Kequan was crying in public, "farmers cannot do science? ”

Cry and then went on with the work. No professional equipment, Shen Kequan and his son can only rely on more detailed field observations, records sum up regularly. In 2004, the breeding of Shen Kequan and his son, "your wild a" sterile material of Brassica napus new combinations of national invention patent certificate. In 2007, Shen Kequan cultivation take their massive rape "armed with" the 12th International rapeseed Conference in Wuhan, has caused quite a stir.

December 10, 2009, 70, Shen Kequan died due to illness, leaving the charge was rape. Shen Changjian remembers his father died saying "rape don't leave, will succeed"; also hope after rape breeding success, has been helping his cast of veteran Shen Wenxiang, writing a book for himself and rapeseed.

Next thing is nothing more than insist on rape breeding. But slowly, Shen Changjian and rape story attracted more and more public attention. Front of the camera, under the spotlight, Shen Changjian faces some stiff, and tells stories of rape.

"Are actually Professional (rape) on the matter, said that didn't mean much. Not in the field ", October 30, sent to serve their own involves a county party Secretary, Shen Changjian replaced Patten, move on to the next field.

 Dreams on the road are "not far from a big step closer"

"Shen's out! "Now go out, Shen Changjian always hear folks behind us, it said. Expecting to find leadership requested support also seems easier.

Rape is not known but can be solved, Shen's pace of oilseed rape breeding business as usual and difficult business as usual. Shen Changjian explained that "research is the research and development", breeding, not confident or less general interest to try and a cut in several sets of data. Dream, Shen Changjian self-supporting, there are "not far from a big step closer"

Shen Changjian breed of hybrid rapeseed "oil mixed Shen", 202, new species, even ordinary cultivation, break the yield of 200 kg mark. And because of sparse planting, plant only 2,200 per acre, can save a lot of field management workforce. Cole, suited to work and want to grab some more income in the fields of farmers, should have enough to compete.

However, from 2000 onwards under the seeds Act, has been adopted both national and provincial level validation of new seeds are not allowed to promote, produce and enter the circulation. In other words, has not generated any revenue. For farmer breeders, this is a terrible ordeal.

Shen Changjian new samples to pass validation requires at least 3-5 years. Screening experiment of a year or two years testing, followed by the production testing. Validation procedure itself is free of charge, samples of each link requires a large amount of contrast, high standards of management and sample test, which implies continued strong financial and human investment.

Now Shen Changjian "Shen oils miscellaneous", 202 in region test link, five acres of 300 individual samples in the inspection of plots, 200 yuan each sample submitted for once; 300-acre demonstration movies still owes more than 20,000 in wages and fertilizer in the fertilization of another 20,000 of money right away ... ... Shen Changjian, already 35 years without earnings, "eating, research can only rely on borrowing". For more than 30 years, Shen Kequan, Shen Changjian father and son raise research funds of more than 1.5 million Yuan, Government also financed in these few years, Shen House owe a lot of debt, "almost all the relatives take over. ”

His wife Zhu Chungui said that in August or September of this year, are calling internship little daughters not living back at home but could not come up with the money that he put down the phone and cried. Zhu Chungui in order to save money, though six years ago to taking experimentation shed broke her waist, what up to now has been on work first, "How dry I am a worker, they spent less money. ”

Expert Lee Berry Academy of rapeseed in Hunan province researchers told reporters that the breeding is a rigorous scientific, but is fraught with uncertainty, "like art or even gambling." Even in scientific research institutes, with adequate resources are protected, not researchers, we also cultivate a new species. And rape is Monoecious, self pollination and cross-breeding has become much harder.

Farmer breeders, breeding barriers is higher. Research unit lab allows new rearing better equipment and higher investment, greater scale to avoid detours, Lee Berry said that even in the West, and some giant seed company, has spliced DNA directly in the laboratory, "custom" crop has some excellent character. Breeders and farmers can only rely on persistence and luck.

"You cannot crop the validation, is out the window," Lee Berry said, if the validation failed, seeds of the same DNA does not again participate in validation. Increasing input, very uncertain benefits, increasing the competition threshold, fewer and fewer farmers Shen Changjian breeders. "Like Li Denghai, King of hybrid corn, the breeder by the farmers to seed giant's story may be hard to copy. ”

"That is none of your business", Shen Changjian said their rape breeding may have to "walk", but it will go on forever.

"If the West, 9,981 difficult, I may have to the 80th. ”

The "tree rape" in dreams

Look, their being called "by dreamers," typical ", Shen Changjian total look sloppy. Breeding success, seed listing promotion, leisure time Shen Changjian and often for his portrayal of the dream at that moment.

35 road of rape has received too much and good people with the help of experts. Through validation, it is important to hold a press conference to pleasing everyone, get everyone to witness the best "daughters" Grand.

"I can't be a Li Denghai, don't seed company". Now the seeds through validation, Shen Changjian said it would sell the seed companies to develop, to hold their money rolling development of the next generation of new hybrid rapeseed combinations, "the next goal is to yield of 300 kg. ”

Before these, Shen Changjian most want to do is, take the seeds through validation and report to look at the graves of the fathers to the father.

In 2009, after the death of his father Shen Kequan, wills was buried in plots on the hillside opposite, "so my dad can watch us every day that rape. ”

"I cannot afford to fail", said Shen Changjian.

(Edit: SN094)January 22, 2014 People's daily online(中国梦·我的梦:父子相继35年研究杂交油菜|中国梦|沈昌健|杂交油菜_新闻资讯


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