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Beijing Municipal People’s Congress suggestions: social parking lot custom monthly open

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/23 8:54:06 Browse times: 213 Comment times: 0

Beijing Municipal People’s Congress suggestions: social parking lot custom monthly open(北京市人大代表建言:社会停车场自定月租开放)

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Beijing Municipal People's Congress suggestions: social parking lot will be monthly open social parking price differentiation | | | since rents are open _ news

Social parking lot will be monthly open to residents

City NPC representative, and community cadres Su Yu yesterday in accept reporter interview Shi said, this Shang will she specifically brings has a copies on full uses social parking, and effective settlement community residents parking hard bottlenecks problem of recommends under, recommends should further enliven the social open-air parking resources, implementation neighbourhood parking and social parking months rent, and years rent of price differences of management, to mitigation neighbourhood especially old community of parking hard problem.


Encourage openness but lacks interoperability

Su Yu found during the investigation, along with the significant increase in private car ownership, residents parking issues are becoming increasingly prominent, while road and the community not only cause traffic congestion, but also pose a great risk of fire safety, although the multiple revisions residential parking ratio in Beijing, but still struggle to keep up with the rapidly increasing number of private cars.

"In order to alleviate parking problems on January 1 this year, the city announced the implementation of the Beijing municipal parking management approaches, the fourth article clearly refers to ' encourage the participation of social diversity in the city parking lot construction, encouraging social unit open to the parking lot ', but which did not raise operability of specific measures and supporting measures. "Su Yu in the survey also found that monthly vehicle in city car parks are currently still under Beijing Municipal price Bureau in 2002 enacted fees that small cars 150, 1600 Yuan/month/year implementation.


According to gauge charge less than the maintenance cost

"The Chaoyang Park parking lot, for example, community spaces around many old tensions, many residents to Chaoyang Park can be put in open-air car park open through the night. But we found in our research, Chaoyang Park is not willing to open car park at night, the reason is simple, if you follow the price Bureau in 2002, small car charged 150 yuan per month, it is not sufficient to maintain their management and labor costs. "Su Yu told reporters that" the contradictions and bottlenecks are very obvious at this time, most residents believed that even to 200 per vehicle per month price charged a parking fee that they were willing to stop, as long as there is good security in place to Park, Chaoyang Park, but still can't agree, because according to the prices charged means they are illegal, will face fines of tens of thousands of dollars. ”

Su Yu think Chaoyang Park parking lot, and, currently, many car parks are in this awkward position, single monthly and annual price management has become a major obstacle to enliven the social parking resources.


Community yard reasonable monthly rent

For, Su Yu recommends according to Beijing reality, residents community parking and social parking months rent management should difference treats, on social parking of months rent, and years rent spaces management giving policy tilt, social parking operators in reasonable gradient range within themselves developed months rent, and years rent price, and parking people formed written management contract, guarantee price of transparent of, and contract of, and in district, and County NDRC record entered into force to guarantee legalized. Which can effectively alleviate the residents ' parking problems, revitalize the community parking resources are used efficiently. At present, can be qualified to pilot community between the parking lot and surrounding residents, after gaining experience, in a citywide promotion.

Reporter Zuo Ying J170

(Original title: social parking lot will be monthly open to inhabitants)

(Edit: SN094)January 22, 2014 Beijing evening news(北京市人大代表建言:社会停车场自定月租开放|社会停车场|价格差异化|自定租金开放_新闻资讯














  本报记者 左颖 J170



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