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Beijing is this year’s first case of the flu deaths, dead at 73 years old

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/23 8:54:03 Browse times: 283 Comment times: 0

Beijing is this year’s first case of the flu deaths, dead at 73 years old(北京现今年首例流感死亡病例,死者为73岁老人)

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Beijing is now deceased first flu death cases to 73 years old this year influenza | | H7N9| _ CDC news

Legal evening news (Xinhua) Beijing has entered the peak period of influenza, and at present, the city's first flu deaths occurred.

H7N9 avian flu infection appearing for other provinces and cities, city CDC said this morning, did not rule out appearing in the city of the future H7N9 avian influenza locally and imported cases of infection is possible.

This morning, the Beijing Center for disease control recently informed the outbreak in the city. According to reports, at present the city has entered the peak season for influenza, and appear first flu deaths this year. The death is a 73-year old, infected with the pandemic influenza virus, also have their own base.

Type of influenza virus in the city at this stage for the influenza a virus, influenza a H3N2 subtypes and influenza b viruses common pop, with the pandemic influenza virus activity increased dramatically in the early.

City CDC said Pang Xinghuo, Deputy Director, for some time to come, the city's flu epidemic will remain at a high level, does not rule out in nurseries, collective-owned units and personnel-intensive place concentrated fever outbreaks caused by influenza.

 Future does not exclude H7N9 avian influenza sporadic cases

City CDC disclosed that as of January 22, 2014, 5 provinces such as Zhejiang, Guangdong has reported a total of 63 people infected H7N9 avian flu cases, cases for dissemination, indicate that poultry outbreaks has not been blocked.

Currently is at a peak during the Spring Festival, increase mobility, and poultry transport and trade frequently, therefore, this city does not exclude infection appearing H7N9 avian influenza locally and imported cases.

According to the information currently available, H7N9 avian influenza viruses do not yet have effective person-to-person transmission capacity, H7N9 avian flu pandemic infection appearing in the city were less likely will be dominated by sporadic cases.

  Levels of flu in the city over the same period is not Super

City CDC said Pang Xinghuo, Deputy Director, in recent times, a marked increase in the early onset of influenza in the city, and at a high level.

Last week, the city's more than two Trojan monitoring in hospital outpatient attendance of more than 880,000 people, percentage of influenza 2.8%. However, flu levels have not been exceeded in the city over the same period last year, but the intensity of the flu in South China has already surpassed last year, flu activity is relatively large in parts of North America.

Therefore, CDC alert on my way to North America, the person traveling, visiting relatives in South China should pay attention to the prevention of influenza, preferably ahead of flu vaccinations.

  Digital link 10 fever outbreaks in this winter

Xinhua learned from CDC, 2013, during autumn and winter so far, CDC has received 10 fever outbreaks have been reported in 10 or more focused, concentrated fever outbreaks occur in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, hospitals and other crowded units. 10 outbreaks involving a total of 190 cases of fever in patients with fever, no severe cases and no deaths.

Up to now, the 10 outbreaks prevention and control measures have been implemented without the spread of the epidemic.

(Original title: the city is this year's first case of influenza H1N1 infection among deceased and H7N9 pandemic based disease less likely)

January 23, 2014 Legal evening news(北京现今年首例流感死亡病例 死者为73岁老人|流感|H7N9|疾控中心_新闻资讯

  法制晚报讯(记者 李洁)北京已进入流感的高峰期,目前本市已出现首例流感死亡病例。













  数字链接 今冬已出现10起发热疫情



(原标题:本市现今年首例流感死亡病例 感染H1N1且有基础病 H7N9大规模流行可能性较低)


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