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Zero tolerance of corruption in Jieyang city, Guangdong Province, last year to withdraw 17 Chief

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/20 9:18:36 Browse times: 318 Comment times: 0

Zero tolerance of corruption in Jieyang city, Guangdong Province, last year to withdraw 17 Chief(广东揭阳对腐败零容忍,去年撤17个派出所所长)

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Zero tolerance for corruption in Jieyang city of Guangdong last year to withdraw 17 Chief | | corrupt | Chief _ in Jieyang city of Guangdong news

Jieyang anti-corruption

Last year, investigating major cases such as leadership, cadres, "umbrella", was removed 17 Chief.

Combat received bonus money, "is unable to reject the bonus gifts in the independent Commission against corruption of account has already been over 40 dollars".

Find eating empty rates from the year before, jiexi a poverty-striken County cadres more than 3 people found eating empty rates, jiexi thereafter as a breakthrough, investigate treatment of eating empty rates in the city, also found that many leaders would eat empty rates.

South reporter Chen Zhu Qin "Jieyang cadres ' corruption is an indisputable fact that we must avenge. "Yesterday, review the Jieyang mission report on the work of both houses, former Party Secretary Chen hongping case into a hot topic in Jieyang city, Jieyang municipal party Committee Chen Lvping system in Jieyang city, set out on a two-year anti-corruption work," zero tolerance for corruption zero-yield ".

  Jieyang corruption cases affecting foreign investment

Since the end of last year, Jieyang, the former Party Secretary Chen hongping, former Deputy Mayor Zheng Songbiao, the former Deputy Mayor Liu Chengfa have been checked. On June 25 last year, Chen hongping crime was liable to arrest on suspicion of taking bribes. After 4.5 months, Jieyang Chong Hong Holdings Limited Chairman Huang Hongming on suspicion of bribing Chen hongping was legally seized under criminal detention.

Yesterday, attended by deputies to the national people's Congress, the provincial procuratorate Procurator-General Zheng Hong, Jieyang, participate in the consideration of reports of High Court, Chen hongping became hot topics. The opening exchanges, Chen Lvping to thank the provincial procuratorate investigated corruption cases in Jieyang.

Representatives of the provincial people's Congress, Chinese Chaozhou-Shantou Chamber of Commerce Chairman Lin Lewen said corruption case in Jieyang great implications for foreign investment. Representative of the provincial people's Congress, President of the Chamber of Commerce in Jieyang Lin Bang Chao Chong Hong group has criticized "through relationships, how much did it for years to come, if not punished in Jieyang city, who else is going to invest? ”

Zheng Hong, last year investigated Chen hongping, involved a number of business owners that "resolutely punishing crime severely punish corruption according to law of handling cases of law enforcement, while thinking of what to pay attention to ways of handling cases, and make every effort to reduce the impact on enterprises, socio-economic development, to reduce the impact to the minimum." He said that law enforcement case supervision to promote stability and promote development, and promoting harmonization, for the greater good of service, aims to promote the concentration of various factors of production, thus creating a more favourable business environment.

In judicial practice, the briber is often lighter, sometimes prosecutors had to abandon in order to obtain evidence of bribery to the briber traced. After the meeting, Zheng Hong told reporters that the provincial procuratorate will be based on two high on the handling of criminal cases of bribery of judicial interpretation to 10,000 yuan for the bribery sentence points, increase the penalties for bribery.

 "Last year dismissed 17 Chief"

At the meeting, the Green flat Chan also interrupted in the Middle, and improve tone: "in Jieyang city of cadres ' corruption is a serious problem, it is an indisputable fact that, we have to be clear. We have to avenge. ”

Subsequently, he system described took office two years anti-corruption work: last year investigated led, and village, egregious, light in "umbrella" aspects, on withdraw off has 17 a station Director; remedy employing ethos, brake live four unit unhealthy, create good of selected people employing environment, "cadres without gift has, dry good work has, according to ' both ability and political integrity, and all over the ' of principles promoted"; combat received bonus gifts, "currently cannot rejected of bonus gifts in independent Commission against corruption account has over 4 million Yuan". Chen Lvping said, "eat empty check rates from the year before, jiexi a poverty-striken County cadres more than 340 people found eating empty rates" jiexi thereafter as a breakthrough, investigate treatment of eating empty rates in the city, they found "many leading cadres just eating empty rates."

"Now investigating cadres of party and Government disciplines disposition, if not corruption, could slide into the abyss of corruption in just two years, go to jail or even shot. This is the key to saving cadre education. "Chen Lvping, said he was" fighting against corruption to the point of demanding ", in fact, in his words, is" zero tolerance for corruption, zero yield. " He said corruption caught early to catch small, "(cadre) old into cabaret singing you'll remind him not to go, don't wait for the prostitutes put there directly, you have to protect him. ”

Chen Lvping, honest and clean government cultural construction in the most fundamental starting point is from human society into a society ruled by law, favors into a Government ruled by law, Government Services Administration. He said, not in favour of too much examination, but very supportive of the rule of law that the Government assessment.

(Original title: zero tolerance for corruption in Jieyang city zero-compromise)

January 20, 2014 The Southern Metropolis daily(广东揭阳对腐败零容忍 去年撤17个派出所所长|广东揭阳|腐败|派出所所长_新闻资讯



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(原标题:揭阳对腐败现象 零容忍零迁就)


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