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Wang Yi on the Syria issue: tolerance to new Vista

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Wang Yi on the Syria issue: tolerance to new Vista(王毅谈叙利亚问题:互谅互让才能柳暗花明)

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Wang Yi on the Syria issue: tolerance to new Vista | Syria questions | Syria | Wang Yi _ news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, January 20 (reporter Xiong Zhengyan)-Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi, 20th in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told Xinhua News Agency and China Central television interview, a political solution to Syria made a five-point proposition.

Wang said that China welcomes and supports the upcoming January 22 in Switzerland, held in Syria's second meeting in Geneva. This is to promote political settlement of Syria issues an important opportunity, should carry out "five-stick": the first is through political means to resolve the Syria issue; the second is insisting that Syria people decide the country's future; third, insist on promoting inclusive political transition process; four stuck in Syria to achieve national reconciliation and unity; five were to insist on Syria and neighboring countries for humanitarian aid.

Wang stressed that the Geneva meeting marked the beginning of dialogue and negotiation, it should be an ongoing process. To this end, it is necessary to determine a clear follow-up mechanism was uninterrupted by dialogue and negotiation, political efforts without a pause. Not only to tell about, you should also go on until about the results. Geneva meetings should also be an open platform, doors to all efforts for a political solution of peace talks Syria factions open, active participation, play a role.

Wang said that Syria's political transition process by Syria led the people, Syria's future ended up by Syria people themselves. The international community should insist on defending the United Nations Charter and the basic norms of international relations, is committed to maintaining Syria's sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity, respect for Syria the wishes and choices of the people. Syria adopted a balanced, impartial attitude among all parties, constantly creating favourable conditions for a political transition programme, providing the necessary environment and should refrain from externally imposed political solutions. To maintain and play a positive role as main channel of the good offices of the United Nations mediation.

Wang said that Syria divergences and contradictions in the positions and aspirations. Holding the position, only the lowest ebb mutual understanding in order to spread. We hope Syria from the future fate of the country, and Syria the overall interests of the people, to muster the political will, proceeding from their respective positions, out of a reference to international and regional experience, in line with their own national conditions, taking into account Syria the interests of all parties, "middle way".

(Edit: SN054)January 20, 2014 The website(王毅谈叙利亚问题:互谅互让才能柳暗花明|叙利亚问题|叙利亚|王毅_新闻资讯







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