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Tobacco control Bill into legislation this year in Beijing, looking indoor public places non smoking rooms

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/20 9:18:07 Browse times: 248 Comment times: 0

Tobacco control Bill into legislation this year in Beijing, looking indoor public places non smoking rooms(北京控烟条例今年纳入立法,室内公共场所望禁烟)

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Tobacco control Bill into legislation this year in Beijing looking indoor public places smoking | | | tobacco control on smoking in public places _ news

CNS, Beijing, January 19 (reporters Yu Lixiao and Zeng Nai)-concern "tobacco control Ordinances in Beijing" has been included in the legislative plan, strive to submitted to the municipal people's Congress for deliberation in the second half of this year. Director of the Beijing Municipal People's Congress Legislative Affairs Office, said Li Xiaojuan, will expand the existing scope of the Ordinance, is expected to achieve a total ban on smoking in public places.

14 second meeting in Beijing today held three of the air pollution control Ordinance and regulations legislation considered by the press.

Director of the Beijing Municipal People's Congress Legislative Affairs Office Li Xiaojuan accept news service reporter's question, said that the current scope, especially staff highly populated public places, such as meeting rooms, but like coffee shops, public corridor without smoking "tobacco control legislative highlight should be ' with top places you can't smoke. ”

Tobacco control Bill was on local legislative schedule in Beijing for 3 years. In 2011, the municipal people's Congress the enactment of the Ordinance as a legislative research projects, and set up a project leader and legislative expert group, led by Professor Ying Songnian. Experts of the expert group on the regulation proposal. March 2012 when open for comments, 90% Internet users agree with the further expansion of the range of tobacco control.

According to the recommendations of the expert group, proposal to substantially increase the penalties against smoking and proposed "citizens ' smoking in the smoke-free places and do not listen, ordered by the city and County aiweihui or the relevant management departments immediately corrected, and a fine of 50 Yuan and 200 Yuan fines" maximum fine adjustment from 10 Yuan to 200 Yuan.

A proposed draft also proposed that a roof overhead fee for a total ban on smoking in public places, will be a total ban on smoking in indoor workplaces, public transport. At the same time, schools, hospitals, stadiums and other places extend smoking in outdoor areas.

A data display, at present, the smokers for more than 300 million people in China, accounting for the overall number of smokers in the world about one-fourth. Underage smokers of 5 million people. Even more worrisome is China about 1 million people die each year from smoking-related illnesses. Lung cancer mortality rate 30 triple.

Studies have shown that secondhand smoke exposure rates of up to more than 80% in a public place, with more than half of the residents live in second-hand tobacco smoke in a day.

This year, the Beijing Municipal People's Congress to be organized 7 draft laws under consideration: continued consideration of animal epidemic prevention regulations, population and family planning regulations amendments established tobacco control regulations, safety regulations for urban rail transit construction project quality management, soil and water conservation Ordinances; Bill to amend the protection of rights and interests of the elderly. (End text)

(Original title: tobacco control Bill into legislation this year Beijing Interior looked a total ban on smoking in public places)

(Edit: SN091)January 19, 2014 China News Network(北京控烟条例今年纳入立法 室内公共场所望禁烟|公共场所|禁烟|控烟_新闻资讯

  中新网北京1月19日电 (记者 于立霄 曾鼐) 备受关注的“北京市控制吸烟条例”已经纳入立法计划,力争今年下半年提交市人大常委会审议。北京市人大常委会法制办公室主任李小娟称,该条例将扩大现行的禁烟范围,有望实现室内公共场所全面禁烟。









(原标题:北京控烟条例今年纳入立法 室内公共场所望全面禁烟)


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